I'm a member of the "illuminati", or at least an organization that comes as close to possible

I'm a member of the "illuminati", or at least an organization that comes as close to possible.

Ask me anything.

do you telepathically communicate with your members?

Do you know who I am?
Also do you have the Star Trip episodes and the real version of MGSV?



No, and No.

I remember the original post of this two days ago. Op is a fag and stole the pic from there.

To pursue a goal.

I'm the same OP. It was Yesterday.

>or at least an organisation that...
Dude don't bring up the illuminati if you don't even know what group you belong to!
Question: why are you still an idiot even in this group?

It was 2 days ago, get the date right you filthy hag

The word "illuminati" is used to describe an institution of great power and influence, but there are many groups like this, and none of them refer to themselves as "illuminati".

Which is?

World peace and security.

Very good.

Aside from being a lemming, how can I help?

Anything significant happening on Sep 27 2016?

Shit, I guess I couldn't just ask anything.

in what whay are guise you illuminatical?

Why did you join the freemasons?

Freemasons are not illuminati

how hella broke. how do i join the organization and is well paid?

It was also a joke.

So... You're verging on illiterate and there is literally no way for you to join.

Dubs of truth

Ahah retard. You will die very soon ^^'

When did the organization begin?


How did you join said group?
Wealth? Personal ties? visited in the night?

i dont know what the first sentence was supposed to be but i bet i can literate.
is the job about literating?

>+can also do evil
and willing to give up morals

Who rules this planet?

Oh father why have you forsaken me?

Who runs the world?


Have you ever sacrificed a virgin?

Any agendas in the planning that the general populace will witness soon?

You fags behind some of these false flags in countries?

Is your "group" affiliated with the shadow government"?

How many sex orgies have you taken part of if any?

And is human trafficing your underground network main income?

What are your religous beliefs?