I think my cat is dying Sup Forums

I think my cat is dying Sup Forums

At the vet getting blood work done now

I cried like a baby before

I could use some cheering up

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Pls Sup Forums

user, it'll be fine. Cause it's a cat I care, any updates?

Kill yourself ashton

No, still waiting for the tests

I have to leave her overnight because she's too dehydrated


>Nice people
>Sup Forums
Pick one

Alright, again, don't fucking worry, it'll hurt more if it does die.

Cats don't live as long as humans.
You knew what you were getting into when you got the cat.
Either it will get better or it won't.
Dogs are objectively better pets than cats.

Hang in there Sup Forumsuckaroo. I came home to a cat who died from kidney failure. It really sucked for a while but the pain goes away.

tits or gtfo.

It may not live long user, but the cat obviously means a lot to OP so it doesn't really matter.

KYS faggot.

Sup Forums loves cats, always has always will.

KYS faggot.

I don't know if I can cheer you up but guess your cat all the love you can. If things take a turn for the worse, it'll be those moments that you remember, so make them great for both of you. I have a cat too. A cat is a terrible thing to waste.

dog- average 10-13 year lifespan
cat-average 15 year lifespan
>hurr durr dogs r grate

OP should be more like his cat and not care about anything.

Is your cat crying? :'(

*give your cat all the love you can

The cat isn't even 3 years old
Just got an update...her kidneys arent functioning well, might be dehydration, might be lymphoma which the vet said was untreatable

What, and be a total fucking edgelord like you? Dude cool your jets and accept that OP loves his fucking cat.

She's always had a weird eye thing. They've been wet since she was a kitten, ver back then thought it was some harmless chronic respiratory thing

Those were separate statements I don't blame you for being confused but I just wanted to point it out.
Dogs actually care about their owners.

At least kitty has you so it doesn't have to suffer without someone to take it to a doctor. I hope kitty gets better. I thought mine was sick the other night and I cried.

His cat doesn't love him.

So do cats.


Your cat is going to die and there isn't anything you can do

>scenario 1
You cry like a bitch during your cat's last moments
>scenario 2
Your cat is fine and you cry like a bitch for no reason

Pull yourself together user. You're better than this.

OP does your cat love you?

Well fuck

So many edgy summerfags in here.

Youre probably only saying that because you had a family cat that never loved you despite your attempts to gain it's affection

No cats are incapable of love my cat tolerates humans because they have food.

Everyone pray for op's cat

Heavenly Father,
Please help us in our time of need,
You have made us stewards of op's cat.
If it is Your will, please restore her
to health and strength.
I pray too for other animals in need.
May they be treated with the care and respect
deserving of all Your creation.
Blessed are You Lord God,
and holy is Your name for ever and ever
Basilica and Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation.

poor little sweetie
i hope she does not suffer much more and gets well soon

>Le b is mean people xddddd !!1!!!1111!1!11!

gtfo summerfag

I love how you're trying to be edgy and desensitised to this man.
We're not a board exclusively full of shady people wanting to fuck each other. Take a step back.

OP stay strong. These things always turn out better than you expect

Give him to me, might still be time

It's just me in here being an asshole also I am an oldfag.
Coming to Sup Forums to feel better only works if you want to feel like less of an asshole I am helping out.

I know how you feel OP. My dog past away at 14 years old last year from cancer which dtarted on her breast tissue. My other dog is still lost without her it sucks. She was full of life during her progression and didn't accept that she was ready to move on either..

I hope your cat pulls through, the best you can do right now is make your cat feel comfortable and hope the vets can do all they can to help it oull through.

I feel for you OP but I still kekked at this

i'am a cat dude but he is right you know cats are objectively useless as fuck. A dog can help you hunt and can protect you

amen brother

That wont work because we aren't trying to cure his cat being gay.

Sorry this is happening. At least you've got a shot at care and potentially fixing it.

I rescued a tiny malnourished kitten from the streets, and he became attached to me like you wouldn't believe. One day my wife thought she'd be nice and do the laundry (I normally do). He apparently toddled after her and she didn't notice. He somehow made his way into the dryer and she started it.

I looked for him everywhere when Ibgot home. For hours. I finally gave uo and was worried he'd made it out the door or something when I went to fold the laundry and found his tiny broken self. It must have been a fucking horrible way to die. He would have been terrified and disoriented as he tumbled and the heat rose.

That was unpleasant to even type, but I hope it makes you feel better about your situation. At least there's hope, and no pain.

Ok I lol'd

They're referring me to an emergency clinic to get her on IV and run x-rays

I know it sucks, but you have to put her down today. My dog died of kidney failure a little over a year ago, and the worst part wasn't her dying; it was not being able to do anything to ease her pain and watch her wither away. Do it now, don't let your cat suffer because you want her around, she'll only look worse and you'll really get bent out of shape about it. You can be strong, I was the only one in the room with the vet when they put her down, don't let regret be more painful than the passing. If your cat could, they would thank you for your decision.

god damn that is fucked up dude.I hope OP's cat will turn out alright

I'm sorry user, that must've been sad. Hopefully the heat and shock set in quickly, and it died without suffering too much. I hope you guys didn't blame yourselves; small animals always have a way of getting into some kind of trouble, it's not like she could've known.

I had a hamster as a kid that somehow snuck into our boiler room while the boiler was on; it died of heatstroke because the room can get hot and stuffy when the boiler is running, we never even saw him go in.

Things just happen, next time don't get a small pet, or be extra cautious.

She heard a couple of thumps as she left the laundry room, but thought it was just an unbalanced load or something. She was torn up with guilt for quite a while for not checking.

That happened some time ago, and we've since rescued another cat. It's become SOP to shut the dryer but not start it until one of us has eyes on the cat. It's saved him once so far. He had jumped in there.

I googled it and apparently it's not uncommon for cats to get killed in dryers. I guess it's a warm dark place for them to hide.

Check before you run them boys and girls.

Hang in there dude: I lost 3 cats and I know how it feels, she will get better, if she doesn't at least you can sleep well knowing that you gave her the best life she could've gotten. If not, then why would you be sad about it if you never loved your cat. Be there in her last / hard moments, and make them the best they can be.

Yeah i figured as much, that guilt is the worst part of these things happening. I'm glad you guys check before you run, I didn't even know cats liked dryers, I thought the noise was enough to scare them off.

Dumping my folder here. To make you happy :D Good luck Sup Forumsro, hope your cat heals up






They like to hang out in there when it isn't running. Much like drawers and such that are dark nooks. Especially if you've ever grabbed one thing out of the dryer in a hurry and left the door open. Then it's full of warm clothes like a little nest. Or you just get one if those cats who follows you everywhere, and it might jump in as you're throwing clothes in just because it's where you're at.


Tamely put. "Shady people wanting to fk each other". I'd have put it more bluntly. Adept observation nonetheless.

So? Look on Craigslist and get a new cat for free. Problem solved.


My cat died a few month ago. Was the worst day in my life since my mother died.

Can confirm. Had two cats who had the same problem due to their genetics (they were orange tabby's). Brother and sister. Lovely, ferocious animals. male went first, put him down due to his kidneys, then sister shortly after. Dehydration due to organ failures. Most humane way to go, but also painful to watch.

Just be there with it and maybe kiss it on the head. It will understand what you are doing

I hope your cat comes through this Sup Forumsro

Aw man. She looks like a lovely cat. Take heart knowing that you can be with her. I never had the chance to be with my cat in his last hours.

What a golden reply, I applaud this user

This is truly a rare occasion to be honest. People from Sup Forums to actually be nice to someone in need of it. Congrats Sup Forums

Some of the nicest and considerate people I've ever seen on the Internet have been from here. The best advice, imo, you can find is on Sup Forums

Kinda looks like my cat OP. 2yo, rescued from the streets as a kitten. Really hope your cat will be well and it's not that bad, please be here tomorrow at this time and keep us posted? Sup Forums loves both of you man.

The same thing happened for me last week I thought he is gonna die.
I have got a two week old kitten.
After the blood sample he received 4 injections and infusion now he is better than ever

Amen, bro

Thanks for making my day. Cats are fucking pests, it's always nice to hear a story of one dying a painful death.

you are literally retarded if you actually belive that. what you're literally saying is that a cat that have ben raised and cared for since she was a little kitten does not care about it's caretaker but only the food. it sounds retarded cause it is you retard. cats are not wild animals and even if they were, wild animals can love humans to even without giving them food if you deny that you have never seen animal planet. cats can love their owners

user you and the cat are one. If the cat dies, you too must die and join the cat in heaven. It is the only way. It is your only option.

Kill self.

cat threads are the best way to sieve Sup Forums from the cancer

They really don't. They love the fact that they get fed. Stop feeding the fucker and I guarantee it will stop "loving" you after 12 hours lol

Fuck cats

no. u

They have to be the world's shittiest pet. They are awful.

no u

I'm sorry OP, Im sure you'very given your cat wonderful memories that they will take with them when they pass. It will be ok


Fucking summerfags coming here trying to fit in by saying the most offensive thing that comes to mind.

you don't have any perspective on pets to know how shitty some of those assholes can be
cats are up there in least amount of money, maintenance and worry. there's a reason people like them

no. u

Cats are like women. They're fucking stupid idiot assholes who can ruin your day but they're so cute you can't help but like them. They know they can get away with anything, too.

Low maintenance, but extra shitty and mean.

I feel for you OP. Just went through something similar with my 15 year old cat. A shot of antibiotics and she's her old self again. But we know they won't be around forever. Whatever happens, you gave kitty a great life.

I'm sorry to hear that your meower is not doing well, it's a damn shame to lose a companion.

same happened to my cat. He got dehydrated cause of kidneyfailure. Had to put him to sleep. Im sorry user, hope this works out for you

Dogs & cats seem to get a lot of diseases, I wonder why? Probably the shit food we feed them, have you smelt that stuff?
My dog died of cancer but he was 14.

hope your cat gets well

2 dogs 3 cats 1 rat 3 fish.

Cats are literally the worst pet ever. Fuck cats.

>tfw allergic to cats

The same thing happened to my cat 2 years back i cried like a little bitch I'm no vet so don't think its the same thing but she had small kidneys and just couldn't keep going i men she was a tough little girl lasted 14 years

Your cat looks just like mine, OP. I really feel for you. Hope it gets better, or at least won't have to suffer.

To the guys saying cats are the worst: I don't know what's wrong with you. My cat is the loveliest pet I've ever met (and we also had dogs when I was a kid). It's always happy when I come home and greets me, purring like crazy. It always wants to be pet and has slept next to every night me since I got it 5 years ago. It's actually more affectionate than any dog I've known.

That's not enough perspective. I don't think you understand how many animals can be pets.
