R u as bored as i am?

r u as bored as i am?

Well i'm not bored enough to post pics of some bird i don't know, so probably not

nobody ever wants oc here anymore?

Actual OC content. I am now interested.

Someone you know, OP?

I am


ppl get so defensive when i try to make a thread

What're you doing

Actual OC Content \(*-*)/
Requesting for more.


Prove it mate then we will bite

Do you not know what a fucking timestamp is?

Yes. I still see it as OC content, so please elaborate how I could not ask for more on a different picture?

Timestamp and tits

demand dictates. nobody wants more obviously

You what, dude? I give zero fucks about if you ask for more content or not. I was calling you out for samefagging.

I know it is not you on the picture OP, but you still made me make this reply. Show more of her

Because we can go look at literally millions of girls on the internet who get naked without it being a whole song and dance.

Are you retarded? XD.
I legit replied to a different picture, which was the second OC, and therefor requested more. 2 comments on 2 different pictures is not fucking samefagging.

Panties as bra or tits/timestamp

Timestamp then

>if I use a bunch of emoticons, people will think I'm a girl XD

that aint me - OP

Don't really care if it's OP or not. So far it's cute and will accept more pictures. You have my attention OP.

I am the one who used an emote, and I am not OP, nor am I pretending to be a girl. You must really be retarded.

You want my dick girl? ( yes I know it's a little deformed from other guys, but it makes for a better ride! )

Oh so you're just a faggot using emoticons then. Understood.