Just saw this little guy at my job the other day, anybody knows what kind of snake is it? And is it poisonous...

Just saw this little guy at my job the other day, anybody knows what kind of snake is it? And is it poisonous? There were 2 of them but the other one ran off as soon as it saw me.

rat snek

That right there one them Dingo Wopper Heads they ones from Alabama but theyse a little poisonous. OP don't mind much bout that snake down there yonder he wouldn't bite you if a hootch took a hike on a mayberry bush.


There's 2 sneks in that picture...

>mrw snakes can run

I see, thanks anons

English is not my first language, sorry for hitting your grammar Nazi side

Are those also known as "Alabama Black Snakes"? My wife is really interested in those for some reason.

You sure? I'm pretty sure that's only one, I'm not an expert but I was only able to see one head before taking the picture

Snakes can be venomous, but not poisonous.

>Alabama Black Snakes

ye them the type. They be called around here the pesky Dingo Wopper Heads cause they be woppin' a dingo so much as it sees one.

Looks like a Black Racer, not sure where it is you live, but here in Florida I see em all the time by my house. Not venomous and usually are more scared of you than you are of it, but sucker can still bite if you put it in a situtation that warrents it.

Thanks for the info user

I also live in Florida (Palm Beach county) but I don't really see snakes that much around here

It's a monstergirl, aske her, you'll see.

I live in Palm Beach too. I have woods next to my house, so its not uncommon for me to see one in my pool or on the side when I take out trash. They usually run off pretty quick, still scare the shit out of me if im not expecting to see it.

>Alabama black snake
I got some bad news for you user

I'd like to see these snakes run.

That must be quite a majestic scene

mexican black kingsnake maybe



The look on the cat's face!

...gonna Nig...

>Later that day

Venomous not poisonous.

Ackchually faggot, venom is a poison.

Good rule of thumb my zoology teacher in high school taught me. If you're in the US, and you see a snake with this type of eye, it's a viper, and it's venomous. I believe there is only one exception to that rule, but it's a brightly colored snake and prominently displays how dangerous it is.


Yeah that works well enough for North America. Doesn't work elsewhere though.

Correct. Doesn't work well for Mexico either.

You can tell if a snake is venomous by the shape of it's head as well. If it looks triangular then it is venomous.

This is a picture of me playing with one they kill rattle snakes

Just a regular black snake, non venomous. You can tell if a snake is venomous because it has sharp pupils, not round. and you can see pits under their noses. Some have arrow shaped heads too. If you actually handle them, you can see differences in the anus plates.