Found these. What do

Found these. What do.

stick em up your butt noob

what are they?

Timestamp first. Once that is accomplished, down them with alcohol.

Snort them, dude.

just take them tbh.
post results.

Look like Tylenol with Codeine

>source: I've been a pharmacy technician for 11 years. Don't even to look them up on a pill identifier


K pins

Nope I was wrong


Hydro cod 5's throw em away 3 just piss ya off

Is dat good

I have more. I know how to do them but I need some decent things to do on them

Yes, now down them.

You don't snort things with APAP

turn them into powder, then pull foreskin back and rub on glans.

What that means is this:

Oxycodone w/ Tylenol
5mg / 325mg

You're best off swallowing all 3 at once to obtain the 15mg oxycodone. Oxycodone has the best bioavailability when taken orally. If you want to make them stronger, take on an empty stomach and also take them with either 1 or 2 Tagamet 200mg tablets (an OTC antacid tablet) or 1 Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25mg tablet

Those will increase the euphoria

No good alcohol. Also oxy and alcohol is never a good mix unless your stupid

Shit take 4 at a time everything is better on them


Go sit on a window ledge at night, preferably 20+ stories up. Its pretty trippy.


Only diph I have on hand. I'm not sure of this will work and it's too late to run to cvs. Eastern time

Does a sky scraper work fam

You could also use 1 Chlorpheniramine 2mg tablet (an OTC medication used for common allergies) to increase the euphoria

Been doing this for a while, OP. Same guy who works as a pharmacy technician here again.

My recommendation is to take 2 Tagamet 200mg tablets (found in any pharmacy's antacid section) 45 mins before you swallow all 3 of the tablets you have there. I've achieved best results making opiates like oxyocodone stronger with Tagamet.

The 25mg Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) will make you tired. This is a typical side effect. Try breaking it in half and taking just 12.5mg. If that's all you've got and you don't wanna run to a pharmacy now, just break it in half and take it with all 3 tabs.

Totally, that's why I said 20+. Didn't know if you lived near any.

Been withdrawing since Sunday feel like I'm dying would kill for those

Oh shit... didn't even look at your picture.

That's a strange formulation of Diphenhydramine. It's obviously made that way to kick in faster for when you need to fall asleep. You should still be able to cut it in quarters and come out with 12.5mg per quarter tablet. Do that and dissolve it in your mouth after taking all 3 pills orally.

Can I just break this diph and then drink some coffee in like an hour

Yeah, that couldn't hurt. Drink a cup of coffee after they start kicking in if you feel like you might fall asleep instead of enjoying the euphoria.

Knock it while you can man. I

This amount of diph look good

Bro, smash them all up in a powder and snort a little
parachute the rest while you shotgun a coors light tall boy
take the caddy out with the uzi
shoot up the suburbs
go fuck that one hoe
crash car
pass out in a ditch

If it looks like one-quarter of the entire tablet, yeah. Also, those are effervescent tablets. You'll need to dissolve it in water and then drink the water. There's no reason you can't swallow your 3 Tylenol/Oxycodone tablets now, prepare the Diphenhydramine water, and swallow that directly after. The 2 drugs being in your stomach at the same time won't cause any issues or interact negatively.

Just make sure you follow the directions on the Diphenhydramine package regarding how to dissolve them. It should say how much water you'd use to prepare 1 full tablet; just cat that amount in half or down to 25% and put your quarter tablet in there and do it that way.

Don't snort them. If you had say 40mg of just oxycodone without Tylenol, it may be best to snort them, but you don't. With the amount you've got there and the fact that they're combined with Tylenol (which will also make the oxycodone stronger), your best bet is to swallow them because you'll get a bigger bioavailability.

Trying Sup Forumsro just feel so bad. Haven't slept in two days

I've had these same exact ones before, just pop all 3 and you'll have a pretty good buzz going. Smoking with it will make it 1000x better and gives a more relaxed high. Do NOT snort these because they are barley water saleable so it will just be a waste.

So should I swallow oxy with or without water

Then after immediately swall the diph and drink some coffee if I get tired.

Smoking weed or cigs

This is also my first time doIng oxy

Both will add the extra effect, but obviously weed would be better. Also, I would never recommend taking any pills with alcohol so don't think about that.

You can take the oxy/tylenol tablets with anything. Doesn't matter. If I were you, I'd swallow them with your Diphenhydramine water honestly. If you have *white grapefruit juice* or Tonic water on hand, swallow them with a big glass of that. Those 2 beverages will make the oxycodone stronger as well. Red grapefruit juice won't work, so don't bother with that. It has to be white grapefruit. It's also best to take this on an empty stomach if you want the strongest effect.

If you're getting excessively sleepy after roughly an hour when they've started to kick in, drink a cup of coffee.

Yea you'll be fine, you won't be retarded off that but might stumble just a tad. About a similar buzz to a beer or two.

If this is you OP and this is your first time ever doing Oxy, don't even bother with the diphenhydramine. You shouldn't need it. The 15mg of Oxy should have a total Oxy virgin feeling plenty good enough. Any Diphenhydramine will more than likely just make you fall asleep.

Bet so just take the 3 pills with water and wait for effects?

Pharmacy technician here still.

Yes. If you've never taken Oxy before, don't bother with all the Diphenhydramine mumbo jumbo we went over. Just take the 3 tablets all at once with 8oz. of water. After 30-45 minutes you should feel the effects.

Thanks so much for the info. Real blessing Sup Forumsro

Though I suppose if you wanted even more of an effect after that first 60-90 minutes, you could then do the Diphenhydramine process we discussed, but I don't think you should need it. What's your height/weight/age?

67 inches 195 18

I just did he 3 pills with 8 oz of water

This is exactly what I said but no credit given ;-; ok op, ok.

>67 inches 195 18
And I'm assuming you're a male. That dosage should be fine for you.

If you have a weak stomach, the Tylenol might make it hurt a little. In that case, eat a couple crackers and drink another glass of water. Don't eat much though.

I'm off to grocery shop. Best wishes.

Thanks. Yeah I'm a guy m. Prob just go take a walk or go into my treehouse have fun

Do em to the skull. Stop teasing us with this shit. Must be nice to just "stumble" upon this shit.