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Who is the most powerful character of Star Wars ?

Obivously Dark Vador or Anakin in human full human version.

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A single tribe of Ewoks can annihilate the troops that annihilated the jedis thanks to their slingshots of power.

>Dark Vador

not memeing, but yoda is the most powerful of all the characters in the films. vader was subservient to palpatine because he could probably not beat the emperor one-on-one (and needed the emperor to be distracted in order to kill him). yoda could best the emperor, so yoda is the best

>lel pic

What did he means by this ?


It's DARTH VADER ya big dummy

small side fact, but order 66 was successful because palpatine used his epic force powers to temporarily distract/confuse nearly every jedi for a few crucial seconds, enough for the clone troopers to gun the jedi down. yoda was one of the few who was strong enough to resist palpatine

Stupid kraut, go to sleep ffs.

>Darth Vader
In english version maybe but it's disgusting, in French version it's Dark Vador and it's more badass, the sound "or" at the end. Just try to prononce

Vador is the character who has the most midi-chlorians.

Luke throwing down his weapon and refusing to kill Vader is the most powerful act in the films. Also one of my favorite scenes in flick history.

>Dark Veydeur

sounds gay as fuck

He's a Darth though. It's a title.

Yes, but I think in french version "darth" is "Seigneur" (lord)
"Seigneur Vador", we often hear this in the movies.

Makes sense

Why Palpatine didn't even resist when Vader took him just like that to throw him in that pit conduit?

Also, why is there a fucking pit conduit with a bunch of explosive light at the bottom in the control room? That looks dangerous as fuck, people could die if they fall in it, there's not even something to cover it.

Why did Yoda just go away while the fight has not even finished at the end of episode 3 if he's better?

Darth Vader :

Dark Vador :

you sound like a limp wristed cuck
like a cuck that would prefer dark vador over darth vader

it sounds silly because the source material is silly
darth vader sounded silly and childish in the first place
get a french translation of shakespeares' works and it won't sound silly at all

Wow calm your butthurt m8 you


Son Gotenks

Vador : "Gare à ne pas finir étouffer par vos ambitions"


Honestly you might have me beat, I'm a Star Wars fan but not that hardcore.

I think it's because Palpatine was so caught off-guard by the betrayal. "Overconfidence is your weakness" as Luke told Palpatine. He assumed Vader was on his side, and Vader was just defeated by Luke, so Palpatine thought nothing of him. Palpatine also had to channel a lot of his anger and energy into making Luke suffer, further distracting him. I also read somewhere that Palpatine was using his force powers to micro-manage the space battle outside. Some fans speculate that is why he moves so little- because he is so focused on controlling the commanders outside.

I would imagine people would die from the fall, even without the explosion at the bottom. Idk why but the empire just loves building massive structures with very little safety. Remember back to a New Hope when Obi-wan turns off the Death Star's tractor beam to allow the Falcon to escape? That was a control panel over a huge drop with absolutely no railing whatsoever. I think the Death Star is so massive they just don't care and expect everyone to be careful.

I think Palpatine got really lucky in that battle. Yoda did not have the upper arm strength to hold on and the fall really hurt him. I'd say gravity bested yoda in that, but you could be right

it's Dart Fener you idiot

Señor Vader of course

the sith apprentice is supposed to kill the master eventually, it's what palpatine did
for palpatine to not expect vader to betray him is ridiculous, the sith are all about emotion as well so for palpatine to torture luke in front of vader was another bad decision
star wars is great as a kid, but if you are old enough to look at the writing critically you can see its garbage

I would counter that Palpatine saw himself as an exception, and after seeing Luke beat Vader, wanted an even stronger apprentice to control. I think Palp wanted to wield supreme control and viewed Vader as just another tool to achieve that. In the greater lore universe, Palpatine was trying to learn how to create super-massive force storms where he could wipe out entire planets without the death star. I don't think he had any intentions on giving up his power, and expected Vader to be executed to turn Luke to the dark side, not himself

I think Palp was also unaware of the inner conflict within Vader. The sith are driven by emotion, but it is a controlled angry passion, rather than an impulsive rage. Palp figured Vader would have more control over his emotions, returning to Palp's overconfidence in his assets

There are no railings in Star Wars.

It wasn't invented yet.

Did you saw Rogue One ?

It's space opera, the genre is basically a sci fi version of pulp fiction.

Having said it's easy to retcon most of that, eg the emperor's throne room was originally an access area not meant as living quarters, bad ass Sith lord wanted to see the power of the laser course through the conduit so he had it expanded and had the large windows added to create an intimidating and awe inspiring atmosphere. Technicians doing maintenance work I assune would work on those areas with height protection equipment when necessary.

As for Palpatine not resisting leaving aside he was an old man with limited mobility, episode VI is chronologically quite a few years after episode III in which Palpatine was in tip top shape, and he could not easily turn off the surge of his own power after being enraged by Vader's betrayal.

Dart Veider