Depressed anons, what medication do you use to treat your issues? Medical and street alike

Depressed anons, what medication do you use to treat your issues? Medical and street alike.
>inb4 an hero. I want to not die a wizard

Die a wizard?

10mg Citalopram. It's alright. I'm not sure it even does anything at the low dosage I take. I got it together with Vitamin-D supplements for severe deficiancy coupled with depression.

I would not like to die before having intercourse at least a few times

Whatup newfag,
A wizard is someone who is over 30 and has still not lost their virginity

How long have you been taking that and how does it feel/help?

Xanax is the best but if you get addicted to it you will suffer!

I've been around for at least 3 years and I've honestly never seen wizard in the context. Thanks though.

I've had my run with bars and while it's nice it's overkill for my anxiety. Truth tho about the addiction factor

I've taken them both since mid january. The first week was hell. Dry mouth, can't get hard, my head felt like it was imprisoned and my thoughts were all foggy-like. This cleared after the first week and now I feel like before just a tad happier I suppose.

Anti androgens and estrogen supplements.

what do you see?
>two bears high-fiving

Is it worth it? Right now I'm going through the worst fit of depression I've ever had

Best mod for that game. I don't know why it was shipped with that dialogue option

two gnomes high fiving


Opiates and alcohol to treat my anxiety and depression

Works wonders honestly. However, over the years i find myself needing more and more days where i use to excess. Used to be if i got blastrd even once a week ibwas fine. Now 2 or 3 times is just enough to keep me going.

I actually did coke and it made my anxiety worse but it felt fucking awesome somehow

Major Depressive Disorder with borderline personality disorder. Possibility of Bi-polar type 2. Per day: 1g Lithium, 20mg Zoloft, 600mg Depakote, 10mg Abilify. Still take DXM when reality becomes just too much. I went from being institutionalized twice after a three month streak if stress induced schizophrenic psychosis to actually feeling okay. Lithium and Zoloft are the big hitters even though I risk blindness and renal failure. Waaay better for you than gasoline and matches.

If you ever quit don't go cold turkey, you could get a shock to your system and have a seizure and die, or worse be a vegetable

Dam 1 gram of lithium? I heard that stuff works but I've never personally been on it


Only the dankest

Oh yeah. It prevents the existential suicidal depression from creeping in at all and cuts off the homicidal anger right at "Back off asshole." You HAVE to drink at least a half gallon water a day and you'll either gain 40lbs or lose it, almost invariably.

Don't know much about that shit, but wow, that sounds pretty fucked.

Professionally diagnosed OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder.

Current meds:
20 mg Prozac x 20 mg Latuda x 2.5 mg Clonezepam daily

Pros: I feel less empty inside and slightly less depressed. Less mood swings. Clonezepam takes away physical symptoms of anxiety but mental anguish still exists.

Cons: Cocktail still isn't potent enough. Still sufficiently depressed

Hated alcohol despite being a college kid. Loved weed tho. Did wonders for my mood swings and anxiety. Highs became nightmares however, after being a daily, heavy user for apprx. 6 months. Don't smoke at all now, hope to let my brain adjust to the new medications I'm on and "reset", then hopefully be able to smoke again.

Medication isn't everything user. I learned this the hard way. 3 hospitalizations and some suicide attempts later I learned to make managing my symptoms a priority, and not just with medication. Therapy comes in many forms, not just from a professional. Find what you need, user, bc your cure won't just come from the chems.

Well, after losing 40lbs and becoming acceptably stable and self-confident, I get twice as many dates and random smiles. Especially from black girls. Not sure why. . .

I don't use medications. I meditate.

I know know the existential thing too well but I can't afford 40 pounds, I'm already way underweight at 115 lbs

I'm sorry but I have to mention that the Rorschach is from fallout NV and looks like two bears hi fiveing
> sorry to derail thread

Do you use any music, sounds, etc?

I wish I could.

Zoloft and self harm.

Yes. I mostly use mantras which you can find a bunch of on youtube, or if you're a beginner you can use guided meditation tracks

a bearded man

You'll be alright if your eating habits/metabolism isn't affected by your moods. Lithium slows your metabolism, but raises your body temperature at moderate to high doses. The problem lies with the lifestyle change that accompanies an altered mind. Some people start eating poorly. I started eating regularly and healthier due to increased self esteem and actually giving a shit about my health. Plus it's cheap. 26$ a month at full retail for me.

WEEEEEEDDDD , only one con.... I NEED MOAR

Marijauna and Cocaine

Two gnomes stomping a butterfly and high fiving

Ever listen to binaural beats while meditating, universe frequency?

I took effexor for a year. felt like a new person and wasn't afraid of talking to people anymore. also went on a 2 month acid binge after the first time i tried it. I discovered that I love Lady Gaga because her music has double meanings that only people that did psychedelics would understand.did me wonders.

Never been so easy to spot a newfag

I have used binaural beats but mostly for sleeping, not so much for meditation

Weed ruined me, it was way too habitual and since I sold I had plenty available, won't be going back
any time soon.
Sounds alright then. After a pretty bad breakdown and existential panic people gave me abilify, never took even a single pill. Haven't fucked with any meds. Always keeping an eye out for good choices though.


Here since February

I have to paliperidone shots or I go away to the nut house. my mum put me on a CTO before i turned 18 now im 18 she has no legal right to take me off it. She basically lied until they thought I was unstable enough to be put away then organised a CTO. She did the same thing with my dad my mum has serious authority problems and is very controlling and would consider anybody who takes part in Sup Forums a psycho. Apart from my mummy problems the side effects make your arms stiff, makes you drool and as soon as I get the shot all my problems seem to get much worse.

I should be getting some killer muscle relaxants soon though

i did alot of coke meth and heroin, weed and alcohol. mostly coke heroin and alchy. it helped me get over my social anxiety. but it took a couple years and then another too successfully quit.
still drink and smoke weed

the same thing in the sense as got him put away in greylands (Aus) for alcohol problems and diagnosed him herself with schizophrenia

who does meth coke and herion to deal with anxiety

Yeah I fucking knew it


Medical wise, I use bupoprion, sertraline, and risperidone. Not really working for me though. Things that help the most seem to be reading about meditation and leadership development stuff (the good stuff, like John Maxwell). What works for one person may not work for the next though. You need to find what works for you.

>Not using prayer for help with depression

i did uppers too force myself into social situations and downers too mellow me out

fuck time to an hero


Try some shrooms or drop some sid

this is fallout.

Two bears high-fiving

God, whatever mod that is really made is stare intense!

only a faggot picks that answer.

Zoloft and Valium are prescribed.
Marijuana used whenever. Not legal
Despite all of this I still hate myself and sometimes wish I was in a car accident or something. Maybe not die, but get hurt enough so maybe I'd feel like living again and maybe people would careally about me. Idk.

Was on 225mg of Effexor and 300mg of Welbutrin for a while. It just made my mouth dry and that's about it. And I used to cut myself. Now I'm on 100mg of Zoloft and 36mg of Ritalin or Adderal or something. I've kind of given up on meds tbh. I think I placebo myself into making them not work

It looks like two elephants rearing up and touching trunks to me

Abilify is good, great even, but only when combined with something to boost it. Doesn't help you cope, just keeps you from falling off the deep end. Damn expensive though.

I got it pretty damn cheap, I feel weird committing to taking it though so I left it unopened on the other side of the room.