Lietuvių thread

Lietuvių thread.
Pasisakot kiek metų iš kokio miesto ir ką dabar veikiat.
Sup Forumsiacks and Russians not allowed

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>Sup Forumsiacks not allowed

Eik nachui leftistine išgama.

lenkas lietuvoj esi?

>Pasisakot kiek metų iš kokio miesto ir ką dabar veikiat.
NSA pls

NSA Lietuvoj nera tik KGB

Kazkaip nesimato lietuviu

noreciau nebut gimes lietuviu, sita kalba nieko verta, o pati lietuva degradu ir mociuciu salis

skrisk nx i anglija arba norvegija jei ten dar nesi

Lektuvas Vilnius - Maskva kieviena diena skrenda 14:00 sekmes

>ką dabar veikiat
tevai uzrakino rusy
nors gal ir nenoreciau is cia iseit



as ir noreciau kad mane uzrakintu rusy tevai...

Nesitikėjau, kad čia lietuvių yra

Kodel ne? Tai gi ne atskirti nuo pasaulio esam

puse Lietuvos yra degradai todel nenuostabu kad cia ju tiek nemazai

e nebestumk


tipinis lietuviu mentalitetas-jei pripazista kad gyvent cia sudinai liepia varyt. tik kazkodel po to stebisi kad tiek emigruoja

bet musu kalba yra sunkiausia europoj ir galbut net pasaulyje

Cia nera sudina gyvent, tiesiog kitose Vakaru salyse yra geriau. Normalu, kad zmones iesko kur geriau




Why is Lithuania full of faggots?

Sėdžiu Morgan Stanley ,
Žiūriu kredito reitingą Lietuvos ,
Ak kaip gaila ,kad Baa1 tas reitingas tokios šiknos,
Bet kaimai pragere pusę Lietuvos ;


Why are lietuva kids such racists?

White Power

I'm Lithuanian born, but now live in England for 15 years
>Inb4 I'm 18, originaly from Kaunas/Raudondvaris
Also after euro has been applied, Lithuania has gone to shit. Broke people everywhere.
My question OP, why didn't you move?
Now I'm playing XBOX one, The Division with friends.


Because we are not allowed to kill and best them anymore.

Do you even speak english you filthy immigrant?
and how do you know if it went to shit if you arent even here? My family is doing fine just as they were doing before euro and nobody ive heard has said that euro was a bad choice. Besides we didnt have a choice it was obligatory if we wanted to stay in european union

Gal kas Glasgow gyvenat ir noretumet meet up?

Tai nusižudyk, what's the prob

Иди на хуй!

Butthurt xaxa

ooo leišu brāļi!

Yes, I got A in my English GCSE
My grandparents lived in Lithuania and I come back there every Summer and sometimes at Christmas.
I know, but it fucked most of people over, when we would send money in Litas it was something like.
Now it's
Same because I was saving up money (before euro) to buy an apartment in Lithuania because I wanted to help out and work in my uncle's business. But when Euro came I littleraly said fuck it, gave most of my money to my uncle and grandparents, put the most of the left over to save up for a car, and sirens the rest for clothes and random shit.

Aciu uz didziausia juoka. Yra taip pat kaip Espaniskai kai nori kalbet ir su moteriskos ir vyriskos gimines naudot.
Linksniavimas is like the only tough part of Lithuanian man, I still don't get it after like 10 years of schooling, but admittedly I'm American so...

Are u retarded. 1.30 euro is 4.48 litas so there isnt much of a drop

What I meant is is that if you exchange it, you get less, but prices in shops stay the same.

clearly you've never lived in Lithuania.

Pydaraste as cia gyvenu lietuvoj visa gyvenima. 1.30 eur x 3.4528 = 4.48 lit

Literally most people in England don't know where Lithuania is. LT is made out of rich people which make money out of old people, said old people, and university students which are pressured to the max, and even after they graduate they know they are not gonna achieve anything in life and move outside LT where their degree doesint mean shit and end up an hero.

Nesikarščiuok, dar kraujas į smegenis išsilies.

Jau seniai išsiliejo, kaip manai kodel aš čia esu

It depends on your approach.


You are retarded
1€=4Lt isn't much of a drop
An hero yourself
Lol, he doesint understand that before it was
4lt for let's say a nice piece of pork
Now it's
4€ for the same piece of pork

латыши - толбоёбы. Литовцы ешё хуже. Съёбывайтесь с нашего чана.

sVEIKI man 18 iš Rokiškio raj.



> Lithuania
> not belonging to Russia

Gosh, no one likes you. Literally. No one.

since when does your country have any value on the face of the earth? You're just a bunch of weirdos.

Kažkaip niekas iš pažystamų jau nesistebi dėl emigracijos;
O tai pažiurėkit į gerąją pusę- čia "pabėgeliai" (Turk-tarakonai) , kurie jau kitose šalyse prišiko, ateit nenori
No idea, just remember most of Lithuanians do NOT support them

Eik uostyk putino pimpala su okupantu kalba. Vatnike tu nedapistas

your mom was a weirdo last night

Beyond the fact "we were once big and important" (even without Poland) we are small, closed from the world, heavily influenced by the last "few" RUS "visits"
and TBH i wouldn't had ever associated the pic with LTU, GJ

Pydarai pydaru nekencia. Nebejuokinkit daunai

Why is lelthuania so butthurt about russia?

Gays are everywhere in similar numbers doing what gays do. But only failed states don't acknowledge their existence and educate them and let AIDS epidemics grow out of control.

Hows life in Russia? Everywhere outside of moscow is like a 3rd world country.

Well who isn't?

And how important your country is? You filfy polack.

Looks like everyone is butthurt.


Grow your "military" bigger because is not enough for proper surrender ceremony.

At least someone isn't retarded in this thread
>inb4 everyone is gay who doesn't hate them

Пошёл нахуй говна кусок, хуесос конченный

Come and get me!


How does it feel knowing that Lithuania is more superior than yours filthy vatnik hole?

Latvians suck cuck. They are just whining here in europe, just wanting our money. Just think about why Britain is now leaving EU, it's because such countries as Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia Have too many gypsies who are taking all the money from the wealthy countries.

Hey Lithuanians, just stop drinking vodka all the time and get to work on your own country for a change, that would be nice. And pay your debts!

They are killing themselves and their own economies with homophobia. They can't afford expensive treatment for all those millions who get it because of lack of education and prevention so it just grows without control.

Amazing life in russia. Goodnight sweet prince


Are you 140% right?

As po 5 VPN, 17 proxy ir 50 firewalls. Come and get me

tu niekam neidomus

why didn't you get your own SS division like the Estonians?

Because they are subhuman scum who don`t know how to run their own country, that's why.

Tai ka cia gasdini supistas krime?

Vatnik detected

AND Latvians, seems you were the only worthless shit that could not put up a fight to defend your country


Motiejus Valančius
Ieškau panelės, geriausia, kad negertų

Tas momemtas kai lietuviai Sup Forums'e normalesni nei visur kitur

Išvis keista pamatyti lietuvių Sup Forums'e

Mes gi visi lieruviai degradai todel cia ir sedim daugelis

oldfag reporting in. esu cia beveik 10 metu.

Kiek metu? Ka veiki gyvenime? Kiek smarkiai degradaves esi?

28m. Buvau kompiuteriu technikas 5+ metu. Db busiu furistas, nes uzpiso su debilais bendraut. pastarousius kelis metus ateinu tik i YLYL ir non-porn webm threadus pasposksoti tai nespejau belenkaip nusivaziuot.

Viskas ok su Lietuva tik nereikia issidirbinet. Aisku bent siek tiek mastantis zmogus supras kad del objektyviu priezasciu niekad nepasivysim vakaru valstybiu, bet gyvenam zymiai geriau nei rytines, tik to nevertinam

Tu cia kazkaip prota pisi atrodo. Nx mest gera darba kad furistu but.

nera ko zvalgytis i atsiikelius. O pas mus gali buti zymiai geriau, jei zmones nerinktu korumpuotu daunu kurie viska susika. Kai zmones sukils ir vagim subines degs tada gausim sansa tikrai gerai gyvent. Bet mes visi tik i save ziurim ir tik del saves gyvenam del to ir esam nusipelne sudino gyvenimo. Protestai pries VP market ir kitus parode kokie mes 'vieningi'.

that's your typical lithuanian btw. They are trash.

Kill yourself right now

uzdirbavau po 600e i menesi su kompais.
su fura uzdirbsiu 1700e i menesi.
mokinuos vokieciu kalba nes vokiecois po 3000e moka.