This transgender woman has been sent to a male prison because she was arrested for taking photos in a female Target...

This transgender woman has been sent to a male prison because she was arrested for taking photos in a female Target changing room

I honestly think the fact she's been sent to a male jail is disgusting if she identifies as a female. When will the world open their fucking eyes and understand some people were just born in the wrong body?

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Male or female you were born with it.
Accept it

They should have special tranny wings in prisons. That way everyone's happy.

Weren't we told by the LGTWTFBBQ community this would never happen?

source or it didn't happen

Sorry I should have "inb4 bigoted replies"

Nope, that singles them out as different. If somebody identifies as a womyn then in my eyes they are a womyn. It's called living in a free society

It hasn't. Quit being so gullible, faggot.

Which LBGT leader said that? Oh we don't have a "leader", we're all individuals


It doesn't single them out. It places them amongst their own kind. Men go to a male prison, women go to a female prison, trannies should go to a tranny prison.

trans prison would be bomb af

bruh this isn't even a trans issue. if you're being a creepy ass person you're being a creepy ass person. period.

Because reality doesn't give a shit what you "identify" as. I can identify as the Queen of England, doesn't mean I am. Grow up, you fucking faggot.

Well said, Your Majesty.

except that's literally wrong if you have your identity changed on record. what are you 12

>identifies as male
>taking pictures of women i nwomen changing room
>I identify as woman now so its okay
you fuckin jokes. Cut your dick off make a fake dick you're just as sick a someone with depression anxiety and blah blah blah. Thisi IS VERY MUCH a trans issue.

what the hell are you even on about?
you can't take pictures of people in changing rooms. that's the bottom line.
the gender is completely irrelevant to the crime

Yeah a I'm guessing this person still has a dick what if they put him in a female prison and he rapes another inmate and it's seems like it would happen considering he was taking pics in a female toilet

Andre the giant always said he'd come back as a woman.


Criminals dont have rights, get over it.

>everything i disagree with is bait

most trans chicks have dicks. accept it

Stick with Stick, Hole with Hole. I don't see the issue here.

So if I wrote I'm the Queen of England in a god damn paper, that makes the Queen of bloody fucking England?

But if this fuck is taking pictures of females in toilets then he shouldn't be put in a prison with female inmates simple as

>most trans chicks have dicks. accept it
Then they're not transgender. They're transvestites.

Exept that's literally just tricking you into believing bullshit even more.
Your opinions aren't facts.

"identifying as..." is too easy.
I will also "identify as" a woman so that I can see them pissing, changing clothes and have a shower with them while my dick is rock hard?
Fuck that. Get your surgery first and then get your official new gender. Before that, deal with it. In silence, please.

>being trans
>supporting crimes like this because if you didn't, your community wouldnt be glorified.
>arguing that being trans is not a mental disorder

This is why no one gives a fuck about you or takes you seriously. Just like BLM

I identify as transdressingroomkin and you are LITERALLY TRIGGERING ME YOU BIGOT SEXIST PIG

And since when do records dictate reality? Writing 1+1=3 or that triangles have 7 sides on a piece of paper doesn't make it so. Are you literally this retarded?

looks like a dude, walks like a dude, quacks like a duck....guess what, it's still a dude

god damnit ugly fuck had to ruin it for everybody. This is why prostitution and CP should be legal.

Yes they are. They are literally taught now that if their opinions about something make them feel more comfortable than the reality of something, then they should ignore reality and live in imagination land.



Are you serious? It would be constant triggering and tumblerinas bitching about their feelings and rights. Sounds like a nightmare to me.

There is a difference between de facto and de jure, you fucking moron. Long ago, it was law that the Earth is flat, didn't make it any less untrue.

Most Trans people are still straight but just have a mental illness. If you say it's legally ok for a man who claims to be a woman to roam freely around the woman's dressing room, you're going to have more issues than if you didn't let them in.

I think prisons should be entirely solitary confinement. They should have access to educational resources, mental health services and work release but no tv, no playing cards with other criminals, no having sex, no working out and becoming a bigger threat to guards, no talking with other inmates and learning about crime and gangs. Why not?

>No having sex
Masturbation should be allowed

>No working out
Why the fuck not

>No talking with other inmates
No contact with other people can and will drive you insane. Meeting with family/friends should be allowed tho and if no family/friends then a counsellor

yeah, and it should be funded by taxpayers. the logical truth, no matter how you feel, if you have a dick you're a man, if you have a cunt, you're a woman. there are already perfectly good prisons for the two genders.

>No working out
>Why the fuck not
So they won't get stronger and more dangerous. Can't you read?

I'm a dog. Why won't people just send me to the pound hur durr

the saddest thing about that statement is its true.

Trips of truth.



The original penitentiaries were. Inmates were locked in a room wih a bed, desk, shitter, and bible so they could start their pennance(originof word penetentiary) for their sins

However, turns out people tend to go a bit crazy with no human interaction over long periods of time.

Exercise is a good and healthy coping skill and a way to release energy and testosterone that may otherwise be used for more negative purposes

>Masturbation should be allowed
never said it wasn't

>Why the fuck not
like I said it in my post it allows the inmate to be more of a threat to guards and society when they are released thanks
No contact with other people can and will drive you insane. Meeting with family/friends should be allowed tho and if no family/friends then a counsellor
I specifically said mental health services meaning a counselor/therapist/psychologist. I also said educational resource which would some of the time mean a teacher/instructor. I never said no contact with family although I would restrict it, no physical contact and maybe even not allow in person conversation.
All I said was no sitting around talking about how to better commit crime and furthering their gang.

Keep in mind prison is a punishment. I think the only thing that you should be able to do is rehabilitate yourself.

and attack helicopters should go to an attack helicopter prison.

>Exercise is a good and healthy coping skill
yeah and so is producing art but they lost that privilege when they were convicted of their crime.

wrong reply

Check'd n Respect.


Pew pew pew!!!

I think they went crazy because of the bible lol also I outlined in more detail the human contact here

When I read this in the news this morning the first thought that came to mind was:

$10 says that faggot is a Sup Forumstard.

They are different and definitely should be singled out. No one is born in the wrong body, but some people believe this anyway.

What is the purpose of imprisonment/justice in your opinion?

What it is? that is a complicated answer involving a lot of corruption.
What is should be?
Rehabilitation mostly. A bit of a deterrent for not committing crime as well, so a punishment on some levels.
What do you think it should be?

Soo if I'm ever caught doing anything I shouldnt I could just identify as a lesbian transgender woman , and go to a nice prison

I'm in line with Aristotilean views on this. Read Nicomacean Ethics.

If you argue for rehab, exercise, art, etc should all be allowed. Rehabilitation is shown to reduce reoffending much more than a purely penal sentence.


>If you argue for rehab, exercise, art, etc should all be allowed

How do you propose to rehabilitate prisoners?

Just fyi, I've been working in psychiatric and drug rehab facilities for the past 3 years after studying criminal justice.

Not that that makes me an authority on the topic, but I've done my research

You are a huge faggot.

Because arguing in favor of prison being for rehabilitation but taking away all those outlets is like arguing in favor of NASCAR but you have to push the cars around the track, you dumb faggot.

What I was getting at.
If rehabilitation is the goal, usef and successful techniques should be used

It's a fact that 100% of criminals who are killed never re-offend, anyone convicted of murder, rape or violent assault (with significant evidence and beyond doubt) should be taken behind the court building and shot.

honestly you shouldnt even get the chance to cry gender rights. just right in the fuckin oven

Yeah people just want to go to prison so they can get ripped and learn some nice skills.

They don't care about being imprisoned.

provide them with educational resources and nothing to do then when they get out provide them with job placement and halfway house in a different city than they are from/ committed the crime in. Also like I said in the previous posts provide them with psychiatric help. This includes help once released. I think a counselor would do a much better job than a PO.

>NASCAR but you have to push the cars around the track
I'd watch that

I agree, he should have just been euthanized.

And people wrongly convicted? Women aho accuse men of rape after poor decisions made when intoxicated? People who commit murder in a fit of rage when catching a spouse cheat etc? People who commit crimes because they are mentally unstable?

Check out the "bikepath rapist" from Buffalo, NY. Dude spent like 20 years in jail for a rash of rapes he didn't commit.

>If rehabilitation is the goal, usef and successful techniques should be used
how is art and exercise and "etc" useful and successful?
honestly asking. I don't know.

Point being evidence is circunstantial sometimes and "beyond a reasonable doubt" doesn't always happen. Even true criminals walk because of that stipulation

Exercise is great. It releases endorphines, allows people to set goals to achieve, uses energy that may otherwise be redirected negatively, and can be good for anger management.

Art is a form of self expression. It allows some that don't like talking about their issues to get them out. It can also be used in employment/careers. Woodwork, painting, writing, etc.

I work at a teen drug rehab facility, before that an adolescent psych. ward.

Both places working out, team activities/sports, art, anger management, and communication improving were huge

They don't want to go to prison but once they are there they do not learn nice skills they learn how to commit crime better, they learn how to fight, they learn how to make improvised weapons, they learn how to live in an environment controlled by gangs and they get ripped. Then we release them early because of overcrowding and they go back to their hood ripped and with a higher standing in their gang and start using those things they did learn.

If we don't allow them to fraternize with fellow criminals but instead allow them to study for a degree or trade and provide them with psychiatric help and then support once out in a new region they will use those skills instead.

Pls stop.


Right to silence

Right to attoreney

This MAN makes sense

>It releases endorphines
prison should not be fun it should be productive
>uses energy that may otherwise be redirected negatively, and can be good for anger management.
could anger management be taught by them having to control that energy and manage it. especially when they are in an environment where they will only be hurting themselves by exploding. Allowing them to get that energy out in a physical form in just reinforcing violent/ aggressive behavior and not teaching them coping skills.
>Woodwork, painting, writing
sounds good like I said before education for a degree or trade should be encouraged.
>I work at a teen drug rehab facility, before that an adolescent psych. ward.

>Both places working out, team activities/sports, art, anger management, and communication improving were huge

Not prisons, those kids weren't sent there because they were violent adult convicted criminals.

Yea, a lot of times that is the case. Doesn't mean we can't improve on it first, decriminalization of drugs. Makr possession legal but refer them to treatment for addiction/substance abuse. Keep dealing/manufacture a crime.

This frees up money and space to keep violent criminals for their full term. We should seriously look into preventative measures at reducing gangs to operate within prisons.

everyone has rights hints the "inalienable" part.

Obviously a threat to females. Send it
a male prison.

That's what I meant with nice skills, hahaha

I understand your point, but prison is not the only place where you can find all this "knowledge". If they want, they will learn it elsewhere.

How much did they pay him to do this?

Basically describing a dungeon.

Prisoners in chains rot and wither away in darkness


Fuck off you literal retard.

>Doesn't mean we can't improve on it first, decriminalization of drugs. Makr possession legal but refer them to treatment for addiction/substance abuse. Keep dealing/manufacture a crime.
sure I actually would want dealing and manufacturing to be legal too so that way major corporations are doling out the drugs at gas stations instead of filthy frank in a crack den
>This frees up money and space to keep violent criminals for their full term
that's great and all but having them sere their full term doesn't really improve anything, just slows the turn around time.
>preventative measures at reducing gangs to operate within prisons.
you mean like keeping the prisons separate from each other so they can't operate as gangs?

Most of the "kids" (ages 4-18, all culpable for crimes) at the psych ward were brought in because of police intervention. Many were violent as well.

Pretty much all the kids at the rehab center have criminal records. We have 16-17 year olds that've been tried as adults and have felony records, some violent.

>could anger management be taught by them having to control that energy and manage it. especially when they are in an environment where they will only be hurting themselves by exploding. Allowing them to get that energy out in a physical form in just reinforcing violent/ aggressive behavior and not teaching them coping skills.

Working out IS a coping skill and a way to deal with that anger/energy. Better to go work the heavy bag than attack a person. Better to go for a run when you're pissed at your gf instead of punching her.

There are other methods as well, like creative outlets... making music/art, etc, but exercise is a really good one.

Just think about it. When you get really angry it's hard to think straight and to consciously choose to use coping skills takes restraint. We have "crimes of passion " for a reason

obvious troll is obvious.

>If they want, they will learn it elsewhere.
But if we change prisons so they don't have contact with other inmates they won't learn it in prison and will instead learn useful skills to get a honest job when they get out.
A lot of times a petty thief goes into prison because they had no chance in life and had to steal to feed themselves but while in prison they are forced to join a gang and get taught all kinds of violent behaviors. They leave a hardened criminal just waiting to commit a worse crime and get sent back to teach some young thief the way they learned.

not enough

Serving full terms does keep them off the streets longer. It also gives them more time to access rehab services.

As far as manufacturing/dealing, I meant ilicit forms. Joe Blow can't still sling pot even though smoking is legal in Colorado. It has to go through approved/legal channels.

Prisonera are allowed a lot of free time ti congregate with their peers. They facilitate communication and network building in prison communities. I'm still not down with full time solitary confinement, but reducing free time roaming might help. Who knows

If it were white, it'd be a different story.


Jokes on you op can't inb4
People die in prison and a mtf is still physically stronger then a female

But you understand that we are talking about criminals right?
You might not have met many of them yourself in your life, but they tend to be violent and since nature is a chauvinist pig and made man a lot stronger than woman, a 240pound transsexual could cause a lot of damage to 120pound hookers. Also since he is obviously bisexual(taking photos in female dressing room) you cant guarantee any protection for the other woman, which he could happily rape all day, since they are naturally weaker than him.
If you dont understand or choose to ignore that i feel sorry for you.