Hey boys, I'm baaaack! Alright, you are the leader of a new civilization. Dubs calls the shots...

Hey boys, I'm baaaack! Alright, you are the leader of a new civilization. Dubs calls the shots, but here's the curveball: be realistic. Dubs (and if about to 404 some singles) will call shots. Trips can get away with bizarre shit (like a bear fisting a guy while riding a unicycle) and Quads can do whatever.
You and two men are about to explore the cave further, and the craftsman is discussing something he calls a "gun 2.0" with the women. There's a snake named Pableo that's your pet (trips get), a nigger named steve who you just befriended who's guarding.
You have just made bronze, and have the body of a pig in the cave. There's ore in the cave. Food will last, but water is low. Wat do?

Shameless self bump.

Better drink my own piss.


Way too many rules

Drink the black guys blood

Find the dampest area in the cave a dig a hole to find water.

group gangbang get obvs

You found a damp area of the cave while exploring.

set guy with spear on fire for the shits and gigs

is that ore? mine that shit!

You forgot to dig a well

Make a bucket from the bronze that we made earlier and attempt to carry the water in the bucket back to the base.


Nice Dubs. Were you from the last thread I made?

Afraid not.

stuff snake fangs into my urethra

Luckily, the bronze was still liquid(ey) in the furnace and you made a small bowl.

Shit forgot image!


Me I try to love everyone to rise an army and kill everyone that doesn't want the progress

Certify a designated bucket carrier. Preferably someone named Jerry.

Rolling this shit. I get this then i'm replying to my reply.

Kek. This is too good for dubs. Jerry the bucket carrier. Alright, he digs the wall as per request, and gets about 1 Liter of cave water. Mining is going good. Wat do?

ASS! Not again. Image here.

Man digging the ore proclaims that he is an avid Trump supporter. Jerry swings the bucket striking the man in the head and instantly killing him. Jerry then pisses on the corpse.

Check'd and kek'd

OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! First Death. Jerry has now become the miner.


Dubs or trips decides wat do with body.

If dubs, construct the "gun 2.0" out of bronze. If trips, Pableo is brought out to play.

Make fire and burn the body.

Use shovel to bury body. First, decapitate the body and keep the head, so you have proof to show his wife that he actually died.

Use magic spell to bring body back to life. Use zombie Trump supporter to do manual labor and continue digging more ore.

No bronze. Construction of the "gun" has already begun. Wat do?

Tribe size =* 3

Shit. I was the damp floor fella. I leave for a few and I come back and have no idea what's happening. Collect more water and bring it back and maybe mine more ore because we need dat shit.

Tribe size =* 3

Not me. I'm not a nigger like him. Also tribe size is 9.

Earthquake rattles the walls of the cave, causing cracks to appear. The walls eventually give way and crumble. The way back has been blocked off. Must venture forward.

Pick pockets of corpse. Find lighter, condom, and loose pocket change.


Discover the MacGuffin in the ore

Kill the nigger.

That should be self explanatory

Alright. Leave the two guys mining the ore and get back to the village with the new water.

Well since them's dubs, I might as well explain.

> In fiction, a MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin or maguffin) is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist pursues, often with little or no narrative explanation. The specific nature of a MacGuffin is typically unimportant to the overall plot. The most common type of MacGuffin is an object, place, or person; other, more abstract types include money, victory, glory, survival, power, love, or some unexplained driving force.

>The MacGuffin technique is common in films, especially thrillers. Usually the MacGuffin is the central focus of the film in the first act, and thereafter declines in importance. It may re-appear at the climax of the story, but sometimes is actually forgotten by the end of the story. Multiple MacGuffins are sometimes derisively identified as plot coupons.

Oh shit. One out of x plot points have been found. You find Gold and Iron within the cave's ore. No need to draw a pic for this one.

Rerolling for kill the nigger.

Kill the nigger

Kill the nigger

Make nigger assistant leader

The nigger leaves to go find more resources and will be gone for the next few actions.

Kill the nigger

FUCK YOU kill the nigger

Theres a massive cave-in and everybody gets crushed to death


His name is Obama

Eat snake

Make that nigger some bling. Niggers love bling

Fuck having a dindu in any office.

> rolling for kill the nigger

Who ever said he was a dindu? Niggers can be leaders, too. Rolling for Deputy Nigger

Kill the nigger roll

Kill the nigger

Steve now leaves his scouting position to find shit. Water is poured into this larger container (not drawn to scale) and is nearly full (6 liters of water full.)


>deputy nigger roll

Shut up you nigger cock loving kike.

All niggers are dindus ready to chimp out over fried chicken.

> roll for kill the nigger

Hang the nigger for being a nigger

Okay OP here. Steve will not be vice-pres, and will not be killed. Unless you can roll quads or higher.

Not so. I happen to be close friends with a halfbreed nigger and he's a wonderful guy.

When Steve returns make him deputy

Nice. Alright. I guess bucket guy goes back to see what the ore fellas are up to.

Whenever he gets back, kill the nigger.

Well, he is the scout of the group, so he kinda is deputy.

OP, you're a colossal fucking faggot. All niggers should be killed on sight. You're probably a nigger, aren't you?

> Roll for OP to be hung on a tree like every nigger should be

Roof collapses, separating Steve

Roll for OP to an hero

Send somebody to explore outside the cave

Deputy Nigger here. I have to actually do work for the next hour. I expect VP Steve to be in power by the time I get back

Steve is outside.

Dig a pitfall trap for steve

You've spotted something. Check it out?


Yes please. Gotta check out this shit.


Steve is the black guy.

Make women gather fruit, men go looking for animals for breeding, depending on which animals we find we discuss if we use them for eating or labor

Throw a rock at that other dude, drag him for interrogation

It's a shitty looking bear! It's asleep, wat do? Try to kill now, or come back later?

Dayum. Gotta prove my manly hunter skills. I gotta try to kill it.

Stabbed in the leg! What next?


some plot twist shit

Well I wonder how id bring it back... Okay. I let it follow me till its closer to the village camp and I try to finish it off there. If it even makes it that far.

You try to lead it back to the base, but Steve comes in from behind it and stabs it with a makeshift spear! Turns out, there was another, smaller entrance to the cave that steve found.

Oh shit. Well Steve can definitely help me bring it back. We both bring it back to the village.

Man manages to kill bear, but is bleeding profusely from genitals after bear bit them

It dies from blood loss when it gets there. Wat now?

the bear manages to slam both to the ground and decides to rape steve, while the other ones knocked out

Skin the bear and make a kickass outfit out of it. Then proceed to fuck every woman in sight.

We skin it and make pelts to wear and we cut its meat up and... Cook most of it? Then store the rest somewhere?

You being the leader, decides that you take a liking to a woman in the tribe. Out of wood to make something to gut it. We use a axe instead.