Japanese Acting

Why are Japanese actors so bad, Sup Forums?

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>he hasn`t seen Ai no mukidashi

I want turboplebs to leave.

i remember wathcing a night time detecdtive show and the quality of the production and acting was more lke a US day time soap

I don't know OP, i just watched Yi Yi and Ota the jap videogame developer guy was pretty fucking good


Because you can't understand them

There's so little room for actual actors to grow or even get any work at all because they keep filling up every production cast with pop idols, comedians and models chosen solely for popularity rather than any thought given to their acting abilities.

Off the top of my head I can't think of more than three honestly good actors; Tatsuya Fujiwara, Sakai Masato and Abe Hiroshi. Even with these guys present though, the rest of the roles will be performed by a clown cast so it doesn't help much. Like touched upon, overacting is the golden standard on TV regardless of genre, unless you're watching some tear-jerker "human drama". Look to WOWOW original productions for hopes of other genres treated with some degree of seriousness.

Hanzawa Naoki is high quality fucking TV though, watch that.

Why are there weebs who will literally defend every aspect of Japanese culture?

Sorry not everyone agrees with you OP

You really think the quality of acting in Japanese TV shows is equal to the quality in American or even British ones?

>B..But you can't understand them!

I couldn't understand the Spanish historical drama I watched a few months ago either, but the acting was very clearly of superior quality.

Sorry not everyone likes anime acting bro.

They are an emotionally repressed culture so they have to overact to show emotions.

Because they can only make one facial expression and can't understand emotions.

They're fucking robots user

I blame the script writers

You cant convey that much emotion with this kind of eyes (-_-)

Why are Japanese voice actors so much better? Like seriously, you'd think that the equivalent of normalfag entertainment over there would merit a higher standard of acting, but no, the otaku stuff attracts more actual talent. Why?

jap VAs are worse then jap actors,only a pleb would say otherwise

I think your post is about to give me diarrhea

The process in which they record dialogue is mainly the reason. Regardless of how overacted or high-pitched or whatever it may be, the actors are all in the same room together, reading their lines as an actual conversation. Meanwhile in the West you get JYB sitting in a booth for 3 hours recording heated dialogue by himself.

Please give me examples of superior Sup Forums (not film) Nippon acting.

being in a room for long hours together doesnt seem to help nips at all

i dont think its superior in the slightest but i think voice acting in anime is far more offensive.

>japanese are bad at acting
watch 'Perfect Education' and say that again

They're not. You just don't understand what they're saying so it all sounds cool to you.

So, nothing? Please at least tell me you've seen something other than shounen or harems.

Is she happy, sad, or bored in this?

I can't tell because japs only have one face


i'd rather not argue with weebs tbqh,you are pretty much apart of a fetish cult that i want no part of.


that would be an issue with the writing not the voice acting you colossal tool. He also wouldn't understand the live action actors any better so why would the end result be any different.

Dude, I think I know enough about glorious Nippon to not count. I'd truly love to see these Japanese TV dramas with solid acting you keep implying exist.

They are terrible. I hate those fake annoying voices.

>I don't think it's superior to X but X is worse
That by definition makes it superior man

Nice one my dude

people sound more exaggerated in animation compared to dramatic acting



>Japanese voice acting

i thought he meant american acting,which live action or not japan does not compare too.

nah he is saying japanese live action is worse than japanese voice acting

>ghettoposting normies are also absolute plebs
News at 11.
Remain on Facebook. That's where anti-anime bandwagonning is a meme, not here.

Anime is one of the plebiest shit made by humans.

Can confirm


Weebism is literally white self-hatred epitomized, even to the point of irrationality ("Japanese live action acting isn't bad, it's just different").

White self-hatred and the pretense all cultures are equal is literally as normie as it comes.

why are you so mean, white pig?

You can tell this is a real Japanese as they're incapable of admitting Japan is inferior at anything.

You see it on Sup Forums all the time.

Shoo back to your Johnny's staffed TV drama shit, netouyo.

What you fail to understand is that this is where the western acting is going too.

Japan and China have simply skipped the step where people made an actual effort into producing quality and went right into the "masses are pigs, they eat any slop, let's hyperproduce anything". This is the end goal of capitalism.

What the west has experienced after WW2 is completely unique to any culture thus far, and it's a historical anomaly that we're on the tail end of, one that will never happen again in our lifetimes.

You tried so hard to sound smart. I almost feel bad for you


No, it's because Japanese acting evolved out of stuff like Kabuki and Noh, whereas western acting - as far back as Greece - evolved out of stage dramas where an emphasis was placed on realistic acting.

What you see when comparing Japan to say, America as far as TV goes is simply an illustration of this difference in classical acting traditions.

For what it's worth, only turboweebs like stuff like Kabuki and Noh.

It's so cringey when they have romance in J-Dramas, especially when it's so Japanese dude copying something he saw in a Hollywood movie or some other piece of western romantic media.

Just comes across as really stiff and forced.

>evolved out of stage dramas where an emphasis was placed on realistic acting.
Yes, this is why theatre actors sound so .... theatrical, right? And usually look stupid as fuck in actual movies.

Face it, Greek acting was equally if not more stilted and stylized than Kabuki, it's not that.

If you want another comparison that leads to the same conclusion - compare European post-WW2 comic books with manga.

>Because you can't understand them

This argument doesn't work.
If it did, Opera wouldn't be a thing.
Emotion and acting transcend language.

Do you ever actually go to the theater?

Yes, it's more theatrical to live action - but it's nowhere near as stylized in its theatricality as East Asian acting traditions. Compare Laurence Olivier in some of his Shakespeare roles to Kabuki actors as an example.

This is hilariously bad.

They aren't. It's just another meme.

If they were really bad then people would have been talking about this for a lot longer, but it has started only recently.

People have been discussing it for years, not in as many words, but the relatively higher levels of theatricality as an acting standard for example feature in a lot of film studies books.

That and just the fact so many casting decisions are motivated by putting idols with zero acting experience or training into leading roles to please the superficial Japanese public.

>stage dramas where an emphasis was placed on realistic acting


Japanese voice actors usually study voice acting for years, they get a lot of experience because of how many shows are produced and how many roles they have, and they act a wide variety of roles because of the narrative diversity of anime (i.e. a lot more than just cartoons and sitcoms). You also have to be very motivated to make it as voice actor in Japan, because the competition is tough and the pay is not great.

Voice directors also have more experience.

I don't think you find the same kind of acting in, say, 40s cinema than in today's TV dramas. And they have been doing Western stage plays for a long time too.

Not every facet of Japan is deeply rooted in some ancient yet easily identifiable cultural tradition.

Read some Aristotle m8.

Actors could drive people to tears with the realism of their portrayals of tragic characters.

Again, it's a matter of degree. Yes, 1940s cinema is more indicative of a stage style but it's hardly as theatrical as Japanese acting, which is so OTT it almost appears to be some kind of elaborate self-parody sometimes.

Yeah 40s cinema was loads better than today's TV dramas.

That's a j-drama though, which isn't really representative of Japan's artistic level as filmmakers. Try some of their respected directors like Hirokazu Koreeda, Shunji Iwai, Yojiro Takata, etc. All perfectly fine acting.

because they don't have acting schools in Japan

the actors in mainstream Japan is mostly idols from boybands and idol agency


Why do we use terms like this?

Why not just call it a drama, or if you need to be doubly specific, a Japanese drama?

I don't call my Sony TV a "J-TV".

This. Imagine Justin Bieber had played Jesse Pinkman, or Harry Styles Jon Snow.

Because j-drama is a very specific thing and tradition. If I just say, "That's a drama," you have no idea that I'm specifically talking about their tradition for filming cheap, sentimental stories with famous, attractive, young actors in exactly the same few sets over and over again. (Not that j-dramas can't be very charming.)

Yes there are problems like casting idols who can't act, but it's only very recently that people have started bringing this up. It's a meme.

That is precisely why. Have you actually read any Greek tragedy or seen it performed? It's written in high verse, and not at all like ordinary speech. This isn't to say that the acting was deliberately over emotive or gaudy at all, but the plays were not written 'realistically', nor was tragedy made to induce sadness or other miserable emotions. Actually read Aristotle, drongo.

Also if I just said "Japanese drama", I could be talking about a Hirokazu Koreeda film, which are - technically - dramas made by Japanese people in Japan. But it's not a j-drama.

>their tradition for filming cheap, sentimental stories with famous, attractive, young actors in exactly the same few sets over and over again

That sounds like American dramas.

But Toshiro Mifune is one of the greatest actors of all time.

>written in high verse

That's immaterial.

>Actually read Aristotle

So you've read Poetics?

Are you a girl?

The real meme here is that if Japan does anything, it instantly becomes "unique".

Of course Americans make stuff like that too, but they also make The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, etc. If someone in Japan made something in that style, it wouldn't be labeled "j-drama". I know it's confusing to use a word to mean something else than it usually does, but it describes a *very specific* tradition here.

>guh huh *gulp* (whispery but alarmed voice) uh huhuuh guck *gulp* (finish with a sentence which slowly rises to a slight shout)

fuck off

>If someone in Japan made something in that style, it wouldn't be labeled "j-drama".
I've never heard of any such distinction before.

>That's immaterial.
How? You don't act out verse like 'realistic' dialog, its an inherently poetic form of drama with its own rhythm and mode of presentation. Clearly you've tried to read the Poetics, but don't necessarily understand Greek tragedy. Have you tried reading Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy?

Before Fu Manchu became Emperor (after the Prawn Cracker uprising of 1208), Japanese acting was actually quite similar to Western acting. This had a wide influence over the rest of East Asia, for example, if you look on Vietnamese banknotes you'll see the famed Edo period Kabuki actor, Mr. Miyagi, featured on there.

Different guy here, but perhaps because I've never heard of Japs making a live action TV drama to those standards in the first place.

Somewhere, somehow, an Asian American is being micro-aggressed to death.

you are thinking of soap operas

Japan used to have some of the best directors and actors all clumped together for a few decades in the world.

Someone should clarify why things largely died post 1960s-70s in japan for their movies

Why does Hollywood get so much shit when it has produced 75% of the best movies in the world?

And the rest largely come from Europe anyway.

they have been pushing animation forwards and backwards for several year now too.

after seeing animation at its "peak" i'm happy america stuck to film.

>seeing animation at its "peak"

Implying you have.

Oh I had quite a hearty kek at this post.

Their TV dramas aren't on the level of American ones, at least as far as production values and filmmaking are concerned. But there are some possibly higher quality ones like Wasteland and Saka no Ue no Kumo, which I haven't seen.

I understand that the old studio system collapsed then, and TV became popular at the same time. I think the studio system went away in the US around the same time.

Animation and live action aren't mutually exclusive, and the US never invested in animation in the first place.

>the US never invested in animation in the first place.

Inb4 the weeb tells you Disney is just childish cartoons far inferior to grolious nippon.

Japan doesn't have streaming services stuff because the TV industry are so oligarchical they forbid it, they want to keep eyes on TV stations.

Unsurprisingly, the Japanese eagerly accept this.

>Japan used to have some of the best directors and actors all clumped together for a few decades in the world.
Either bait or you are brainwashed.

They peaked in terms of technical quality at Pinocchio.

They didn't. They stuck to doing the same few limited things over and over again. Disney had virtually no evolution during its 2D era. Things haven't substantially changed in the 3D era.

TV animation hasn't been any better.

But that's exactly the case.

>live action aren't mutually exclusive

they are made differently and generally have different stories.

its like comparing novels and comics (manga)

>But that's exactly the case.

That's definitely true now, but they were a powerhouse in the '40s.

Here's a (You).


when japan switched focus from film to animation,their live action shit became garbage.

we atleast still have consistently good comedy animation,they have a good movie once every couple years

That's not true at all.

You don't have to choose one or the other, you can do both.

I mean they never really went anywhere with animation. They just kept doing the same things over and over again. TV has been even worse. Completely different from Japan.

In what way was I trolling?

It is true, they have foreign streaming services but domestically produced TV on stations like FujiTV do not allow streaming services to use their content.

I agree with you about animation, but America has vastly superior TV and Film.

asian faces are less expressive.

because jap VA recieve mad dosh for their work an all they have to is talk and be good at talking

>you can do both

animation isnt worth it when you can make good films,this is why people would rather have live action movies then cgi/animated ones.p