What does Sup Forums think of Canada as a country?

what does Sup Forums think of Canada as a country?

I love it here, interested to hear your thoughts and where you are from/live.

Hate it here. Wish I could leave it, but it's really difficult to emigrate.

At least we got that bastard Harper out though.

I'm considering moving there from Europe. Heard lots of positive things about Canada.

Cuntmaster Mousepad believes that Canada is too friendly and cooperative, and will eventually turn on the USA and have an army capable of fucking decimating the world, and no one will see it coming. because it's fucking canada

where from Europe are you?

Biggest shithole there is. Poland.

who is this "Cuntmaster Mousepad" you speak of?

those maple leaf hosers i know what they are all aboot

Who's fucking canada?

from virginia. canada is nice but not particularly exciting. id probably move up there if i had a good job opportunity or something


Cuntmaster Mousepad

'Murican here. In all honesty, I have met great and also not-so-great Canadians. The differences between you and us are imperceptible, and you make fine friends, and fine enemies. *shrug*

I'm from the UK user Canada is a great country to visit & the BC bud is very nice.Thise Canadian girls love a Brit accent it's just a shame I'm from the N/E of England & they can't understand a fucking word I say with my accent.Dont know if I could live there though.


I live 45 minutes from Niagara Falls. Canada is fun, I went to Quebec when I was 18 and got completely destroyed.

The one and only true believer, the great scientist behind ever invention, the great artist behind every masterpiece, the one true prophet; Cuntmaster Mousepad.

its cold and boring and empty

im from the southern US


Typical Polish asshole.

It's the civilized half of North-America.

Please brother, spread the love of Mousepad through the other threads, all must know him, for he knows all.

Jesus, you really ripped him apart. Nice.

its also almost totally politically irrelevant

is that sun breaker cove?


>Nothern Ireland

Terrorism is life

no, it is a lake off of HWY 6 in Ontario. Amazing Pike and Muskie fishing

Even though the rest of the world likes canadians and hates the yankfags

>cant move to britain anymore
>move to their colony.
fucking kek.

even if we assume thats true, it doesnt really make a difference i'm afraid

"political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

damn, it looks like the north end of sylvan lake alberta

im norwegian, and i think canada is like norway in a way.
i have nothing against canada, and they seem more like a european country to be honest.

Not estimating their self-worth by the number of people their military has killed is part of why I consider the Canadians the more civilized part of North-America.

canada is almost exactly like the US in terms of culture, so if you see canada as european you should see the US as european

which of course is a retarded thing to do

Canada IMO:
Politically liberal Federally, and conservative in rural areas.

Ethnically varied.

Culturally dead. Very little interaction outside of family. Although if you open a conversation with a stranger they will most likely be cordial.

As a Canadian, I have traveled all over the world and have had nothing but the best of people bring me under there wing/let me sleep in there house/feed me. I backpacked across South America and only stayed in hostels a handfull of times. It was one person calling there friend a town over to vouch for me, and a place to sleep would be there. I was given a motorcycle to ride across Brazil with, to deliver it to someone who bought it. It was a duel sport BMW bike. They said the only reason they trusted me with it was because I am Canadian. Great trip.

i didnt estimate my self worth, i estimated the political power of the US

"civilization" is nice, but without power it means absolutely nothing

I fucking love Canada. Visited from Norn Iron for a cousin's wedding. I need to find a nice Canadian girl to marry so I can move there. Most chill people I have ever met.

Have you been to Quebec? Or anywhere East of Ontario?

go to juarez in mexico, im sure they'll love you because you're canadian there

or how about mogadishu in somalia, i bet they just love rich white western canadians

P.S. Would recommend Latin countries instead of Canada, if you can get a decent job, as you will probably be swept up into a more social society.

Love the sluts that are there, cucked nation as a whole. Ontario racially and b.c economically. Alberta is cool

t. An American.

Canada is not a country, it's a british colony gone retard. Quebec is, although, a french colony gone retard.

I'm from Newfoundland, and Canada is the shit, even if we are hardly a part of it. The mainlanders have a very different culture to ours, but they're generally great folks.

i haven't even been to canada, but its not hard to judge the cultural qualities of a country, they are usually propounded by the country itself

if you think that because they speak french in quebec and that makes them more european well, i disagree, culture is not just language, and the US and canada share many many cultural ties, far more than europe and canada

live in cali, south
>good sun
>good breeze

thanks. I will visit those places....

>I am an idiot and don't research anything ever, especially when I am traveling to foreign cunt-trees


I had a great time in Portugal Cove last summer

my point is that no one gives a shit what country your from when they have no food to eat

an american is just as good as a canadian to someone from rural yemen

the idea that canadians are just "well liked" is akin to the idea that "america always wins wars", its the same (stupid) pattern

Went to Canada for a few months when i was a teenager and it was the best shit ever. Planning to move there in a few years when i've saved enough.

I respect your opinion. however, I think visiting Quevec and Atlantic provinces is a unique experience. Different from anywhere else.

oh boy, now you've done it

why is it that Americans seem to be assholes when traveling? Like, everywhere I have been. Canadians seem to be polite and respectful?

Just curious myself. I dislike neither country.

It's a great place to lay low if you're about to be brought up on felony charges.

Hah! Even a bigger shithole - your frienslu northern neighbour Lithuania.
Hell i'd kove to move out there. As much as i've researched it's worth moving there

Thats because Americans rich enough to travel are often entitled and generally clueless honkys, especially crackers from the midwest and inner cities.

because you have a pre conception about americans that is negative, and a pre ceonception about canadians that is positive

all the while you don't know if either conception is true or false, because to do so would require a universal principle which describes both canadians and americans via pure reason

in a nutshell you are doing faulty empiricism, because you attempt to make a universal law out of mere subjective experience a, and not a universal 9deductive) principle

Californiafag here. My grandfather was from Toronto, so I am a 1/4 Canuck. I think of Tim Hortons, poutine, hockey (I'm an LA Kings fan), maple syrup, Crown Royal, Trailer Park Boys, Epic Meal Time, Rush, Mike Meyers, Michael J Fox, GM Acadian and Beumont cars of the 60's, the metric system, snow, Libtard French Quebequois, and free healthcare.

>Beaumont cars

Fuck. You know what your talking about. Also,

>Bricklin cars

Toronto here

People hate the English accent, it's Annoying as fuck
Irish accent is top tier

It's a G8 country

I concur
T. Nova Scotian who hates Ontario

I like the english accent.

i think my statement stands

china isn't in the g8, after all, and neither is india, but no one would doubt their political influence

the g8 is just for show, a little game western leaders like to play

I think Canada is a pretty cool guy. Eh drinks beer and doesn’t afraid of anything.

Canadian here. To be honest it's alright but not great, I live in Ontario but have been from east to west coast. In my opinion Canada's going downhill 'economies fucked, politics is going to shit and political correctness is at a all time high'. Ideally I'd like to move to the states

the nice people in Canada.
It goes the best people are on the far East. as you travel across going west, they get worse.

>Get shot

Why so mad? Sjw's are ruining the country, the fucking anthem is being changed for Christ's sake


I have some Chevy Chevelles and a shoebox Nova, which are the US market parallels of those cars.

Pretty sexy looking to me.

Same here in the US.

actually if america really did want to free ireland (ie destabilize the UK) then attacking and taking canada would be a really good plan, especially since its right next door and the british would have their hands full with the irish