Are feminists real? Or is just a meme?

Are feminists real? Or is just a meme?
I've never met any in my life.
How does they look like? Do they attack males instantly, when they see them?

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Ask pussy riot

I lived with one when I was at university for 3 years. She was a lesbian Austrian, daughter of a millionaire CEO and voted for the Green Party.

mostly memes

They're mostly on the internet, no one really interacts with them in real life and you're highly unlikely to meet one. (If you do you'll be able to tell from a mile away and avoid them)

The Internet really gives a skewed view of feminists from the low hanging fruits of tumblr if you think they attack males in public
(The average "feminist" anyways. Haven't been in a Hugh Mungus situation myself yet and probably won't be any time soon. That woman must have been on drugs.)
As for how they look like be on the watch for dyed hair. That's not a stereotype, they do that to "shock" and rebel even though it's just color lol

It's kind of like a power level. Feminists are out there, and obviously it's more socially acceptable than being ultraconservative, but the really extreme ends of it tend to come out on the internet rather than in public.

the youtuber/tumblrina sort is real but there's also some more academic inclined ones which are ok I guess.

Unfortunately, they do exist. Feminism is why Western women are so fat. Feminism is why Western men are skinny beta faggots than love their fat women.

Luckily for me, I enjoy my half-Slav privileges of hot skinny slavettes who are immune to that kind of cancer.
Current gf said she would never even consider going with a nigger or arab because it's her father would go batshit.
Feels good knowing I'm going to raise non-Western anti-degenerate kids

As someone who attends a Jewish Social Justice University, they do exist in great quantities. hits it right on the head, most identify as feminists but with varying power levels. Outside of my degenerate university, I only knew a couple and they weren't popular or had personal issues.
t. Massachusetts

>because it's her father would go batshit
So... She will do it hidden. Just saying.

Regards to Juliet.

Very much so.
In my country, if you oppose feminism you are going to be shut down hard, harder than anti-semitism, harder than racism, harder than homophobia.
It's not as acting, but passive feminism is the strongest social belief in the country. And they are heavily funded by american jews.

>harder than anti-semitism, harder than racism
What? I don't believe you. You must be exaggerating.

Nah, she's not even that type of girl desu. I baited her into hating niggers anyway. She said she hates gypsies, and after I made her tell me why, I literally said "everything you said is applicable to blacks" (live on welfare; do fuck all; commit crime)

Are you a chav?

>pussy riot

>you will never get whipped by a semi-legal parapolice force while performing with your friends


Nah, my dad is a Nazi and I was mainly raised by my mother. Pretty much nod ifferent from you average slav

I had one at my work, blue hair, lesbian, fat, angry the whole deal
I stayed well away from her all the time and only dealt with her when I had to so I have no idea how crazy she was but she did move to Canada when the last conservative party got elected so its safe to say she was insane


like Sup Forums, "tumblrinas" are a product of autism, social isolation and internet access. The extreme ends of the political spectrum are for such people

Just remember, if you are attracted to "niggers and arabs" your girlfriend is too.

Hugh Mungus

Its kinda right though, here you can say negro or jew and joke about hitler whatever you want but women are always untouchable using the logic "your mom is a woman" so most men always tolerate whatever shit that comes from them including feminism

I go to a public university in California, not only do I know plenty of feminists, I'd consider myself friends with a few of them. There are some that are full on tumblr but not even the other liberal kids like them. I can spout Sup Forums memes to the ones I'm friends with and they'll laugh it off because at the end of the day they're mature people and know how to take a joke. It's a shame that all the extreme ones are what people think of when they think of feminists, but that's true of most groups.

And yet there actually is a rape culture in Mexico as well as a legit need to use terms like femicide, we are the one non Islamic country that does actually need feminism

chin up leaf friend, under Trump there's a good chance shit like ths will soon be available to you south of the border

My sister is one. She calls her orientation "queer/questioning", rants about white males on twitter, goes to Trump protests, and thinks "you guys" is unacceptable. She's been through a lot but IMO that doesn't give her permission to be a total dick to everyone that doesn't agree with her.

They won't 'attack' you unless you argue an opinion they deem offensive.

This. Nothing wrong with feminism, as long as you're not some man hating freak of nature.

yup they are real, but the only ones i've met are p chill and have never strive for nothing any than pure equality.
I've even went to a rally against women's violence and actively participated in a school program that promoted rape consciousness and student/professor relationships.
I feel like mexico needs more feminist, don't really care if they are extremists or not, that's preferable than hearing in the news about mass rape in indigenous communities, mass graves of women found in juarez or finding out that a friend of yours was beaten up by her boyfriend.

Feminism in the western world is inherently redundant nowdays because women are treated equal to men in every measurable institutional sense. They won. They got what they wanted.

Any woman in 2017 that calls themself a "feminist" isn't a feminist. They are SJW white men hating trash

Is truly sad, in 2016 there was 2 sounded cases in Monterrey of guys of 19-20 years murdering their ex gfs of 16-14 y/o, sadly the only feminist i ever met was full meme, lesbian short hair, uggo that got triggered by the word "Macho" (she asked me to not use it or their varies in front of her)

>I've never met any in my life.

Of course you didn't, you live in Russia. Only europe and especially america has these creatures.

I only know (of) two youngish women who feel strongly about feminism. One is an autistic ugly weeaboo girl who has drinking problems and is incompetent, and the other is a bald swinger who wears Docs all the time.

Here's a tip, ladies: the problem is not "the patriarchy", it's YOU.

>implying feminism was ever about equality
>implying it wasn't always about destroying White civilisation and trying to destroy men
They haven't won. they haven't got what they wanted. Feminism is not "redundant" - it's just as active, dangerous and destructive as ever.

Any "feminist" who isn't on board with this agenda is a useful idiot for the ones who are. Good luck getting any but the most insane to admit it, though.

This was at my school, in front of where I use to live in residency.

Feminists and SJWs are white people things, and yes they are real fucking confrontational. Tookover and ruined my student union and drove it into debt. Most brown and asian people focus on money/good jobs/etc. and have no time for typical white people nonsense.

>let's strive for equality man
>peace and love man
Egalitarianism is just a vanguard for even more subversive revolutionary ideologies.

Of course egalitarianism itself is also wrong and "striving for equality" is essentially evil.

As for solving these social problems, feminism is exactly what you DON'T need. You need Catholic traditionalism - that is the way to keep women safe and keep men decent.

you have no idea how bad things are in here concerning genre violence

most asian brown people are going to fucking die in the holocaust m8

We used to had one, SIS, here in malaysia, but all of them have been jailed for disrespecting the crown for the lel. The group was labeled as mental. I wish we had a firing squad.

>explain that there's problem with the proposed solution
(to elaborate, feminism just exacerbates any tensions or issues between the sexes, it DOES NOT ameliorate social divisions)
>suggest a real solution

>"no man you just don't understand maaan"

Oh well. Not my problem.

well even in your most meme like scenario; the one "feminazi XDDD" that calls rape when people see her with the wrong eyes, well I prefer that than having my sister raped by some rich teenager because there's not a culture involving consent in our society.
Half of the girls I know have suffered some kind of genere violence like; constant beat ups, rape intent, boyfriends blackmailing them, manipulation, degrading; but most of them don't even know they have suffered any kind of violence because people in here have no idea what that is. Upon my concern if a dyed blue haired 100kg white midget shouts at my face that I'm a rapist while at the same time they give information to my friends, sisters and cousins of the realities of genere violence, I'm more than capable of putting the other cheek and have some peace in mind that for the first time in my life concerning women's safety

I am telling you that Catholic traditionalism solves your problem, whereas feminism doesn't.

You don't need "consent" if lifelong exclusive monogamy is the enforced norm and fornication, adultery and rape are harshly punished.

I actually go to University of Toronto where the OP pic lady showed up, but I don't really notice any crazy feminists. Definitely spotted a couple liberal looking folks being rustled after Trump was elected though.

They really do exist. Blame western.

Are people seriously mad about feminism here?

I mean most hardcore feminists are 40 year old unmarried women without children who think all men are evil. It's sad and funny, but nothing to be mad about.

What's wrong with saying "you guys?"

>I've never met any in my life.
I know that feel. It took me until I was about 25 before I met one.
I was amazed and happy like a little child finding a 4 leafed clover

kek i actually saw pussy riot documentary on our state television, i think it was during 2014 or 15 when they had to show a lot of antirussian propaganda. but i couldnt watch it all the way as i cringed too much, they are like a bunch of wild animals someone released in civilization, those whores act like they never had any parents. good to see they dont tolerate that shit in russia.

old bitter virgins or abusive sluts,thats the female equivalent of Sup Forums

> Catholic traditionalism
> Good

Just say you want to fuck kids man.

They are pretty common in the Western world.

Wait, so all they did was smack them around a little? No arrests or anything?

What does that do?