1. you're a cunt

1. you're a cunt
2. your honest opinion on Chiuruntinians

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How do you eat that?

con ketchup y aji de gallina

niggerspics savages less valuable than cattle


]""""""mmmm yes mr give me your cock""" """i am yours senior"""" "soy trolo""""" """PLEASE SPIT ON ME"""" jkajkakjajkajkajkjakjka

kek, I'm starting to like Saint martin

You went too far this time. Good thing is the last one

callate chicano mogolico

Most powerful race in the world

ke wea perro ijo 'la bastarda

no one understands them

Who? chilehaitians, argies or urushitians?


I think he means mestizo rape babies

>I think he means mestizo rape babies
That's why i'm asking lol

Fuck, this photo is too funny

all of the above except argies.

uh, have you ever speak to a poor class argie don't you? If you think that chileans talk bad..

no. post a clip so I can cry inside. Ive spoken to poor niggers. So I am guessing it is the same.

brown reggaeton shithole


>race car sounds outta nowhere
never go full retard. Even ghetto slags here are not this retarded.


I told you, and there are even worse youtube.com/watch?v=VImS3zy7kto

Why I have a feeling they are called Barayan

You mean Bryans/Jonathans/Kevins? with surnames like gutierrez, rodriguez, ore some italian surname? Yes they are lol

yes. pls tell me that is just a taringa meme...


es Archiguay pelotudo de mierda

sorry bro, the truth hurts.

Chiuruntians sounds more cool.... faggot.

es "cooler", infeliz.

somos Archiguayans te guste o no.

Esto. op de mierda; ni siquiera puedo pronunciar su mierda.

Aprende poh disléxico conchatumare

Cagaste. Archiguayans es superior.

Por qué mierda nos vamos a querer vincular con hambrentina o urupobre? Ratas grasosas no tienen qué hacer ni qué comer. Vayan a joder con sus amigos del mercosur macacos atlánticos.




that map is old asf stupid 30% poverty cocksucker.


un par de cositas.
el HDI es muy distinto al IHDI, el IHDI es el que cuenta.
2014 no fue hace 20 años.
y es del 2014 con proyeccion a 2015.

el 30% esta por debajo de la linea de la pobreza.
el que gana menos de $1000 USD es contabilizado como pobre.
yo seria pobre, asi y todo vivo en una casa normal, tengo todas mis necesidades basicas cubiertas y hasta me sobra para internet telefono y auto.
pero que lindo ser pobre en argentina che.

pff y tu crees que en chile los pobres no tienen acceso al internet, auto y teles plasma? tu has visto las villas miserias? de esas habia en chile hace 15 años, aora solo quedan las de los inmigrantes de mierda.

Chiuruntinia es white.

yo nunca hable de chile.
lo que hice fue postear el mapa con IHDI para mostrar que nuestros pobres tienen una calidad de vida muy buena.
las villas de emergencia no son un problema tan grave.
hay un 3% de argentinos viviendo en villas nada mas, no me parece tanto.
y la mitad de la poblacion de las villas son paraguayos, bolivianos y peruanos.
pero bueno, cuando tenes un pais grande y tan bueno vas a llamar la atención, que se le va a hacer.

no can do sir, we have nothing to gain and much to lose from such a merger
we're better off alone

Look at the last PISA results, you are the lower of us in every test.

not a valid measurement, just look how a lot of nations get disqualified for rigging PISA scores
you probably did the same but didn't get caught, there's no valid genetic explanation for a 50% mestizo country hitting higher than a 80% european one, even if our youth are just dumb fucks skipping school and killing themselves in sport venues

anyway, nothing personal, i'm sure you're white and smart and part of the good 50% of your country
but your country is just too big and diverse

we could split our three countries in half and deport indians/niggers

pic very related, we give the north to the zombies and the south becomes Chiuruntinia or Archiguay, as you prefer

(one thing is still fact, as a percentage of population, Chileans are the ones getting deported the most)

heres the pic

jesus christ the autism

fuck off already

that's called cold truth for you friend


The IQ is also bullshit. Too inconsistent and dependent of too much outside factors to be used as measure of the average intelligence.

Also I'm sorry but I must call you Urgay but I can't find a good reason.

>I must call you Urgay but I can't find a good reason

its ok, you'll find one eventually friend

>mixing with porteños
>mixing with Chile

I'd kill myself first

But first i'd kill you, fucking faggot.
