Islam is the scourge of humanity

Islam is the scourge of humanity.

>60 dead now

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Place isnt so Nice now is it?

NONSENSE! It's the religion of peace.

Ban trucks

Nice IOS device btw.

Trucks are the automobile of peace.

Not really, its a piece of shit. Only charges half the time


I'm deciding if I was being sarcastic now.

How much longer until a permanent solution is used for this problem of Islam?

1 billian people to kill? As if. Get a life loseer.

Dialog helps! #dialogs

Like they all need to be taken care of. Most will fall in line once 35% are gone.

Move, france get out the way, get out the way, move get out the way

When the globalist elite are hanged and the commoners take back control of Europe and America

Japan very meticulously watches and records all muslims. Every muslim in Japan (very few) is under strict surveillance at all times.

Why can't we be like Japan for fucks sake?

73 dead

Im sure russia and usa could coordinate a joint task force to nuke the middle east.
We start with over taking the saudis and rape the ground of oil over the course of a year.
Then we pull each nations people.
We now launch 100 megaton nukes on mecca surrounding areas.
Russia/USA: K lol not like you are even a force with us not in your special club.

I think nukes are merited now.

Itll be over 100 dead and 200 to 300 injured. Civil war in france tomorrow

It sounds bad to say it, but they thoroughly deserved. They've been warned to complete exhaustion, I don't know what else they want.

If France wants to roll over and die there's not much that can be done about it.

Kick out the muslims for good Europe

Kill them or kick them the fuck out

Anyone who doesn't write with crayons have a solution?

I got a mate there. People all around saying there's hostages taken in a hotel.

wait so what actually happened

Tell them we came up with a halal implant that will cure all diseases and then implant bombs in their heads and blow them up at the right time.

So you want to spend millions of resources managing them for the rest of eternity?

Look at the japs
USA:Stop doing those things
USA:Last warning stop
USA:drop little boy
Japan:no lol
USA: fat man

I understand you're upset and need someone to blame, but you can't point at a single group of people and hope the problem will go away.

Terrorism is an idea, not just a group. Terrorism has always been around and always will be. Don't be an autist.

That's how I download more RAM?



And if you kill 90% of a sect of terrorist, in one blow, do you not think it would deter you from doing so in the future?
Also with mecca gone, islam has no sacred ground to worship, causing a mental mind fuck when they try to prayer, but then realise its a radiation fuel zone, their "body" is not longer there


Someone needs to be punished. There is a blood debt that must be paid.



in my country they say 70 on the news :S

"It wasnt a rainbows after I left the cabbage patch"

No, because terrorism can come from anyone. Unless you plan on blowing up 90% of Earth in order to destroy the 90% of potential terrorists, it won't help.

While I agree something needs to be done in order to prevent future attacks like these, I don't believe anyone has the right to choose punishment over anyone else.

Terrorist. The only thing I hate as much as niggers

Bump, post pics / links/ webm

How long until they make rule 34 of this?

You must break them. Break them like dogs. To make sure they stay in line forever.

And what religon fuels 90% of terrorist attacks the past 60 years?

Are you even old enough to have lived through 9/11?


Is France totally unprepared for any terrorist attacks.

This is why you shouldn't play Pokemon Go while driving.

I wonder what big nosed saudi kike brainwashed this pack of eastern european hyperaggressive mongols?

>I don't believe
Well as long as we're speaking in anime-terms, your belief is surely bulletproof. /s

It will only lead to rebellion and your demise. Unless they're cucks, like most Whites on this Earth, they won't let you treat them like that. I know damn well I wouldn't.

Sauce on your statistics. Terrorism can be domestic as well. A white man responsible for a mass shooting is a terrorist.

At first I read "Up to 30 dead is nice"
It would have been weird for CNN

Question of the moment right now:

Since USA pulled back 75% of our foreign military assets and tropps, all you faggots dont know how to handle these situations.
But we did what you wanted!!!!!!

What right do you have to choose punishment over me?

Truck driver was distracted by Pokemon Go, killed 72



>they won't let you treat them like that
Sure they wont.

Once we have them they will do what we say.

By telling everyone Hitler helped the muslims.

Any proof to the ethnicity of the man?

If anyone has the video we can make a rekt thread.

>Also religion of peace

Hmm, no.

You're starting to sound like a fedora wearing weeb.

Because it was France that first let the Muslims into Europe en masse. They deserve what they get, its their own fault.

>Drove truck into people
>Occupants of the truck opened fire on cops
My bet is Syrian.

I find it fascinating when countries who lack the social, political, racial and religious diversity of the US attempt to apply their homogeneous outlook to American life, as though the solution that works for their one-race, one-religion, one-culture country with 1/100th the population and 1/50th the land mass could possibly apply here. Let alone allow the tumescent development and unprecedented survival of the world's last remaining world-dominating superpower and greatest nation the world has ever seen.

tl;dr Freedom. You literally don't even know.


This from the guy who said you wouldnt let the USA break you like a dog. You would piss your pants if they talked to you roughly.

Anyone who insults people who have solutions to the problem by saying they drew them in crayons have a solution of their own to the problem?


I didn't fucking think so. What a goddamn shocker that was.

Right in the feels, so can we start fighting Islam now? Renounce your religion or die.

That's assuming this was the work of yet another Islamist faggot.

>inb4 hurrrrr racial profiling durrrrr

I'm a horrific racist and I don't give a fuck.

The problem is obviously cars. Background checks should be required for car ownership. And it's good for the environment. Hilary 2016

>make way for the
>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
>toot tooot
>choose your future


CNN is reporting they had a shitload of weapons and explosives in the back of that truck.

lol, France has legalized trucks
>muh freedoms
Where did it get you now? 70 dead, hope you all are happy.

PLEASE send that to CNN. That will kill that stupid game forever and you'll be a true hero.

Typical liberal knee-jerk response! !

If everyone in that crowd had trucks this never would have happened! !

"Bomb Mecca"... Fucking hell, obvious Trumpites. You pond-dwellers are probably unaware of this but not even half of the Muslim population of the world is from the middle-East.

>We this, we that
This is how I know you're a weeb. You're too much of a pussy to take things into your own hands. You won't act until others keep you safe. This is why Whites are huge cucks.

While I hate niggers, most will not let you talk shit and get away with it.

Meow, that's right.

got angry at faggots trying to catch an ultra-rare Zapdos under his truck and went on a rampage


>6,000,000 hours in ascii

We need to get rid of women's rights.

It wouldn't have happened... if everyone had trucks it would be a traffic jam where trucks move at 1mph, and everyone would be sheltered in their trucks


How do you determine getting away with it?
>I talk shit.
>He hits me.
>He gets arrested and thrown in jail.
>I visit and talk shit again to a caged animal.
>I turn 360 and walk away to bang his black chick.
>I didnt get away with it.

It's true, it did. But the weird thing is they think it was a lone wolf. That doesn't make sense.

France is getting pounded.

Where did you copy and paste that from?



I'm pretty desensibilized against these kind of images and videos but that's way too fucking brutal.

>Islam is the scourge of humanity.

>Get hit
>Let someone else handle it
That's enough to prove you're a pussy. No honor in it. Your ancestors would be ashamed.

>black man killed by cops
>facebook trending within hours

>islamic terrorist attack (anywhere)
>facebook trending within a few days

was it sandniggers or not? can't find a news report that will fucking tell it like it is.

Truck was only going 25-30 mph. I'm no Usain Bolt but there was time to stop standing around like a bunch of pussies and dive the fuck out of the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING STREET.

Nice impression of a conservicuck.


>apply their homogeneous outlook to American life, as though the solution that works for their one-race, one-religion, one-culture country

...which the US once was before white women were allowed to vote. The US is a warning to all other white countries.

I didn't