

muslim style

Here it is, what a pity more people didn't die. Fucking Eurofags and fucking liberals

Nice Attack

We need new Hitler to eliminate these monsters


Where he is when we need him


pray ? go fuck yourself OP and all bullshit religions


typical france - ignoring

I'm really upset about this muslim that died in this attack. He was a good man


And he is laughing









Hohohohho I like that two polish betas died


need more satire and pictures like this put out in the mainstream.







EggyJoe doesnt like this thread













what happened?





>> ______________¶___
>>| I beat brevik oo__ ||l “”|””\_,





dude in a semi truck ran over a crowd of people in France. over 70 dead atm
















fresh meme







Adolf actually had a great amount of respect and admiration for the arabs, he also basically copied the Armenian genocide by the turks for the holocaust.





















