Can Sup Forums do math?

Can Sup Forums do math?

One does not simply divide by zero

what are limits

can't you faggots take a calc class and realize those aren't proper math expressions

1/0 =/= infinity

you cant divide by zero fucko

it's obviously 2 times infinity, duh.

Still infinity

Infinities are like dicks.
Some are bigger than others.

i can do whatever i want

1/0 is undefined, not infinity you dumb fuck

why not? or why cant you just define 1/0 to be infinity?

not entirely wrong
in advanced math you learn there are multiple types and sizes of infinity. For example, 1/x approaches infinity but 1/x^2 also approaches infinity, but the area under it is finite

Who let the retards out, go to your local comunity college and take calc 1 and stop posting this garbage.

nice, i have to remember this one...

You 're pretty dumb you know. Just think in this low quality bait, how are you supposed to divided for example your money between zero people?

because 1/0 isn't a thing, as 1/x approaches 0 it goes to -+ infinity

1 item divided into groups of 0 makes 0 and an infinite amount of groups with a remainder of 1 item
2 items divided into groups of 0 makes 0 and an infinite amount of groups with a remainder of 2 items

lol @ calc 1 "advanced math"

two different but similar minds

It is infinity , cuz 0 goes into one infinite times.

because zero isn't a fucking number it's a place holder/concept

no i mean like number theory and graduate level shit you cunt

Never even implied that i've taken it either, just shit my profs mention durring calc 2

that's calc 2/3 and diff eq shit you don't even get close to convergence in calc i, you fuck

yeah, he's right. There's graduate level advanced calculus where you supposedly learn more about this kind of shit. I never took it but some of my peers did.

I'm only an engineering major so chances are i'll never take it, but it's pretty interesting. If we get fucked because of outsourcing i am most likly switching to something less saturated like App math

1/0 is undefined.
2/0 is also undefined.
Straight up dividing by 0 breaks the system.

Sure there are different sizes of infinity, but that's generally when you're using a limit or describing sets.

That would be cool, Math is incredibly interesting. (well cool, except for the outsourcing part)

Not trying to be racist, but mainly india is where our engineering and compsci jobs are going in the states. Comp Sci has made a rebound since we are much better than the rest of the world at it so far, but engineering not so much,

oh i had no idea.I hope it works out!

This is so dumb. 0 on its own means nothing. 1 divided by nothing is 1. 2 divided by nothing is 2 etc.There is no infinite number being created here, you guys are fucking stupid or trolling.

>what is NULL

thanks user. same to you

If we assume dividing with zero gives infinity we get
This is why we don't divide by zero. The same result is also reached if we assume dividing with zero givs 0.