What kind of sock is this?

What kind of sock is this?

A dickheads sock

what do you mean? like a fancy guys sock?

More like a poor guys sock

is it comfy?

hurts my heels

fleshlight footwarmer


this isnt a flashlight, its a sock.


what it made of?

Maybe it's not designed to be a sock.. Maybe it's a glove..

silicone-like-fleshey-substance. its kinda sticky.

then why does it fit my foot, also it cant be, it doesnt have finger holes, from what i see that is.

thats not even your foot op

mine is black, i hate niggers


oh shit... put your dick in it, see what happens

how about a boxing glove?

How the fuck has no one here seen this picture before?

what the fuck? no. its a sock, why would i do that why would i punch it, it seems pretty flimsy

just play the fucking game faggot

XD a dicksockfoot

It's obviously a penis massage sleeve

yeah, cuck

some times it's okay to put your dick on things that go on your feetsies

I know what it is

Kawaii neko socks

what the fuck, its just a sock

what is wrong with you? why no put dick in things?

If it fits, we can fuck it.

isnt that what my hand is for? like.....why would i stick my dick in a sock? thats just weird.


You should totally try putting your dick into things, like women too. I hear women like to have dick shoved into them.

It looks water proof

Newfag alert

why does your foot badly smell of semen?


err? socks arent women, nor does my foot produce cum

not that, you silly cow fucker, your phallic device

faggot cant have a lil fun eh, guys?

phallic? like foot?

leave and never return

Have u never Jizzed in a sock before its magical when the other person puts their foot in it XD

if your foot was connected to your nether region, yeah

i will fucking kill you josh

I love u drake XD

ya got me, I must kill myself now

let's not pussy foot around this

with a sock

Do pantyhose count?

with the toe fittings on them, yes


what brand is it, and why is there only one set?