After the attack in France, there are two important lessons to be learned

After the attack in France, there are two important lessons to be learned.

The first one is that Islam is a beautiful religion of peace, and that the actions of a few lone wolves who are not True Muslims do not reflect what the faith stands for. The real victims of this attack are the millions of peaceful Muslims who are going to be demonized by the anti-immigration far right.

The second one is that we need tighter controls on who can buy trucks. He probably went to his local dealership, picked out a truck, signed a contract with 0% APR, and waltzed out of the store immediately with a killing machine. This is unacceptable in 2016.

Other urls found in this thread:


Well said, all you white people should listen up.

>The second one is that we need tighter controls on who can buy trucks. He probably went to his local dealership, picked out a truck, signed a contract with 0% APR, and waltzed out of the store immediately with a killing machine. This is unacceptable in 2016.



Sarcasm, the second paragraph confirmed it

OP is right, I don't get it why law allows people to buy trucks, why do we need trucks for? Vans are more than enough, let's hope trucks will be banned before more lives will be taken

pls photo of deads

Your wise words show you are a judicious man.

You can see a vid here

Thats fucking terrible man.
Lol at hashtag nice

thats the name of the city it happened in but yeah lol

Hash tag lost

Name of the city is quite confusing. Nice attack!! was shocking the first time I read it.
found somewhere else


yeah they sud name it suck

are u really retarded


Still we need gun control.
Still, hating all muslims is not the answer.

I know right? everyday we hear of a toddler accidentally mowing down a parent with a truck, or a pupil driving a truck around a school killing people, or a bunch of 'gangsters' doing a drive-by with....errr...a truck.

Doesn't matter how it happens, the point is alot of people die in car-related accidents. Human life is valuable in all cases and that's why we need to reduce the loss of it by banning cars.

Actually, enforcing the ban on cars would be a lot easier than a ban on guns would be. It's not like you can hide one in your pants or a closet somewhere.




|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|reply or your mother dies in sleep__|__|__|]

dem poor muslims
>reCAPTCHA select all images with commercial trucks

too autist to understand sarcasm

I made this one just for you OP, you just made my day. And you're goddamn right!



I'm just going to put this out here : if all the other people had trucks this wouldn't have happened.

why vans when we could just walk and use donkeys to do carrying or our woman?


Actually true.


They could have blocked his way with their trucks

We are sending Jim Rourke from Fort Wayne to revenge those French cucks. Islam will know now what a real truck is.

It's going to be even more terrifying in a couple years when ISIS doesn't even need to be in the trucks. With auto-driving they can hack the trucks from Syria/Iraq and reprogram them to drive into wherever they want


Are there any photos of the dead muslim fuck floating around? (i wanna cum on them)

Why is there no video of people getting run over? Like this

That's why we need to take the initiative NOW, and ban cars while we still have time. This is turning out to be a far bigger problem than guns.

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Come on down
Stop on by
Hop in a truck and then drive
To another Arabian niiight

>1.2 Billion Muslims (roughly)
>All of them want none Muslims dead (apparently)

Pakistan has nukes and is a Muslim nation, why haven't they nuked someone yet? Something isn't right....

New video (raw)

top kek

Holy fuck i laughed like a madman

check it before it gets removed

That is probably a fact. If all those pedestrians were in trucks he wouldn't have been able to run anyone over. Their safety features would have protected them from the crash. I get the point you were trying to make but doesn't work here. What you libertards need to understand is, almost anything can be used as a weapon to cause mass carriage, not specific to guns. Hell you could run around stabbing people in the neck with forks. If someone idiot wants to make a statement, they will find a way.


>He probably went to his local dealership, picked out a truck, signed a contract with 0% APR, and waltzed out of the store immediately with a killing machine. This is unacceptable in 2016.

nice, really graphic man

>What is sarcasm

You have a point. BAN ALL FORKS!!!

there are. you're just not looking for them you stupid faggot.

hovered and busted you before clicking

It was a Truck-Free Zone. I don't understand how this could've happened.

false equivalency.

i am "mostly" on your side (im a lefty), but you have to stop making up excuses for mudslims you regressive fucking cunt.

No, the real victims are the near hundred people run over by a fucking sand nigger. Fuck off.

I laughed at this. We should all do better as a society to help these lone wolves so they have no reason to strike

No, they were ran over by a truck, not a sand nigger.



We just need more trucks. If everyone in that crowd had a truck it never would have happened.



It's like jim jefferies said dont be the asshole
Let them keep invading and killing eventually when we are all dead the world will see them as the assholes

Hillary was right too that we need to let 65000 syrians in America
It'll be k guise it won't happen here


The only real lesson that can be learned, is however your views are that the Muslim community is to be wary of at all times; I'm not saying you should be racist towards them or uncouth, but they must be kept an eye on, as a whole their people are very obviously not worthy of trust and seek to destroy our culture

Good thing we have sharks in the sky.

Quran 9:5:
"Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

Quran 9:29:
"Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low."

Quran 4:34:
"Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

Quran 22:19-22:
"fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem" "for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods"

Quran 8.12:
"Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

"It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise."

Again, good thing we have sharks in the sky.

It's true.
Since I got my own truck, I truly feel save and can defend myself.

talk about ride or die amiright

I see no Muslim Church saying "oh that's bad. Bad bad terrorist. Na.uh!"
Watch the vid of the victims, imagine they were all politicians, and tell me the vid is the same.
Terrorist are politicians who pay for hitmen to kill stupid random people. No one really cares about victim but you pretend nonetheless due to the fake world made by politicians. Go into politics and become one like I did.

You dont need large trucks to kill deer, can kill them just fine in a honda civic... Ban large trucks.

This should have been a gay parade, then everybody would be thanking the terrorist



Remember when the Christian God told old the old testament jews to kill nationsand. Every man,woman,child,livestock....and they didn't

It's because God knew this shit would happen.

Anyone up for a crusade?


how do you know your boyfriend wasn't in the list of the victim? Was he sucking you off?

Anyone got some decent footage of the attack for this lazy Lurker?



fuck off with your propaganda bullshit

Can't wait for boat terrorism to become a thing.

Highly doubt that is ever gonna happen though. That technology is too advanced for sand niggers

they've been doing it for years, but nobody cares when shitskins die

>all systems within a truck are interconnected
>all (or even core) systems are vulnerable to things like SQL Injection
>all you have to do is hijack one Mad Max style, plug in your laptop and break the codes within a few hours
Literally no idea how this works, have you?

We need to enforce strick truck laws. Anyone can be a mass murder with these god awful weapons of mass destruction

>why don't all militant muslims just walk down the street beheading people?
Because it would be too easy to shoot them dead from my window and I need a legitimate reason to horde guns and ammo
>Country-level equivalent would be nuking their neighbors or really any country within logistical range
Because it would be too easy for us to wipe them from the face of the planet, and we need a reason to keep bombing them 'legally'

Underrated post

are you even trying?

>why don't all militant muslims just walk down the street beheading people?
Nobody said militant, they just said Muslims.

>Country-level equivalent would be nuking their neighbors or really any country within logistical range
They don't care, apparently they all want martrydom and to kill all non-Muslims.

Under rated post

I don't even care anymore. There is no point in defending Islam. It's too hard to these days, let alone be one. LET ALONE, having the looks of a sand/curry nigger.


You can draw everything except the eyes.

man this made my day

>The first one is that Islam is a beautiful religion of peace, and that the actions of a few lone wolves who are not True Muslims do not reflect what the faith stands for. The real victims of this attack are the millions of peaceful Muslims who are going to be demonized by the anti-immigration far right.

OP, I know that you're only trolling but what you say is actually true.

So you're paying attention, but really don't believe this for some reason right?

Stop and think about it for a second, and stop letting the fact that most people who practice Islam are brown-skinned get in your way of rational thought.

Hilarious thing is that people keep sincerely saying "Not all Muslims." "Religion of peace, only certain specific individuals." But there's only so many times you can say it, and this is not gonna stop.
Also, double standard since the world ridicules "Not all men."

Not OP but that doesn't change the fact most of the attacks are by muslims, remove musims from Europe = no more attacks = everyone is happy better safe than sorry.