Ethnic slurs from your countries

For example, in Brazil we call italians "carcamanos" because they are very dishonest "people".
What about your country? Do you have ethnic slurs?

Here in Ulster we have "taig" for the Irish and Catholics in general.

In Estonia we sometimes call russians "sibul" which translates to onion

In America we say "fucking leaf" which refers to Canadians

wow what did the russians do to deserve such hatred?

Do Estonians still use tibla to refer to Russians?

Italiens are "ritals"
Spaniards are "espagouins"
Germans are "Boches"
Arabs are "bougnoules", "ratons","boukak"

Also where my family lives in Reunion Island they called muslims indians "Z'arabe", metropolitans "Zoreille" and black people "cafres"

we just habe nigger

funny thing cuz we call argies "cebollitas" wich means little onions

Can confirm argies don't smell good.


Nigger-black people

Spic- Central/Southern Americans in general

Wet back- Mexicans

Wogs- Italians

Chink- Chinese people

Gook- Koreans

Jap/Nip- Japanese people

Arabs, muslims -> Moro, moromierda (more offensive)
Latin Americans -> Sudaca, panchito
Frenchmen -> Gabacho

Also from within Spain
Catalans -> Catalufos, polacos
Charnego -> Used in Catalonia for people of other Spanish regions living there
Godo -> How people on the Canary Islands refer to people from the peninsula

French are 'franskiljons' or 'fransozen'
Dutch are 'bootjoden'
Germans are 'moffen'
MENA are 'maroefen' 'makakken' 'tjoefen'
Asians are 'spleetogen'

"to pretend to be a Greek" in Polish = "to play dumb"

what do you call the flemish

Paddy - Irish
Wop - Italian
spic/wetback - Mexican/Hispanic
gook/chink - asian
coon/nigger/darkie - black
kike - Jew
towel-head/camel jockey/sand nigger - MENA

Italians: treulose Tomaten (disloyal tomatoes)

Because "worst ally" and shit.

mangal-for any non-white you don't like

I am flemish
but the walloons call us 'flamerdes'

To expand:

Spic comes from how we thought Dominicans said the word 'speak' as in 'no spic English'

Wetback because Mexicans crossing rivers would get "wet backs" coming here illegally. Also one time a deportation force was created called Operation Wetback to take out aprox 10 million illegals back to Mexico.

Also we call them Beaners because of their diet.

Italians is actually WOPS. For whatever reason they had no identification papers more often? Time gets hazy. Wop stands for "Without Papers"

Also another Italian slur = Dago

Gook comes from the Korean family name 'Guk' some GI probably heard that and ran with it.

Vietnamese = Charlie
Arabs = Sandnigger, Cameljockey

Also religions get slurs too

Christian = Bible Thumper, Holy Roller, Christfag
Muslim = Towelhead, Mudslime, Saracen,
Jewish = Kike, Heimy, Hooknose, Jew as a curse (i.e. you greedy JEW)

Turks are Kümmelschweine (caraway pigs)

>Moroccan, said with despise and/or disgust. As if you just step on a shit
To address to anyone that is Muslim. It is a pejorative.

>Frog, said with faggy R and slight disgust, as if you smell shit
French speakers worldwide.

>American/OC. Both are to be said with mistrust, as if you just said No? To a Jew asking for a loan
Any English speaker.

>gypsy and various declinations. Often followed with insults
Refers to yugoslavians

>the Chinese. Never forget the.
Any Asian.

Anyone that babbles anything that vaguely resembles Spanish. This includes, but is not limited to: Portuguese, Catalans, so on so forth

Usually, a person from Albanian. It is an insult per se.