A grill is sleeping on my couch. Shitty pic intentional (at least for now). Wat do? dubs decides

A grill is sleeping on my couch. Shitty pic intentional (at least for now). Wat do? dubs decides

Tickle her

Leave her alone


Sharpie in pooper

Very carefully tie her up




Steal panties and sniff her vagina

make her a sandwich post results

damn. she'll freak.


Seriously OP, quit molesting Sarah.

Post puss

Don't have rope. Will use belts and shit.

Show us her tiddies



Bumping for the pics


Rolling for tits

Pull the blanket off and more pics


Find her phone and comb that shit for nudes

Plan A didn't work. She woke. Wen't with plan B. She was pleased and is eating.

Tits or gtfo

Show us her tits or abandon thread

GooD now when she isn't looking you put her in a full Nelson until she agrees to let you have her way with you

Have your way with her* fuck

Propane or that got damn charcoal?

pic of her to keep thread alive


OP Who is she to you?

A friend.

She took two bites and fell asleep again.

So you get to decide?

Hell yea. I'll go with


Also do you wanna do her or something?

Too late. she just sort of moaned and didn't give a fuck.

so fake.

This thread is bad and you should feel bad

Nah. I'm seeing somebody else.

Will repeat and film. Give me a minute

Where to upload?



I put it on we transfer but it won't let me post the link cause spam.

Cum on her while she sleeps then post like a champ

ok so the last part is MjTG34ECBr

Faggot confirmed.


we.tl is the beginning

OP assumes Sup Forums understands him

OP desperately trying to deliver but apparently isn't able to. put a / between the first and second part and put it in the URL

should jerk off and cum in her hair. also turn some lights on

OP might have delivered....
Stand by....


What's wrong with her face?

rare form of autism

OP delivered....
OP assumes we have night vision

well at least the audio is there


dont even care about result

just watching this develop

wow some of us dont have eyes and cant see how about you CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE CIS MALE SCUM

the fuck did you take that picture on?
a 3ds?

Show us her tits and ass and vagina

Start your cam
fuck her in her sleep

(non live video is also acceptable but not preferred, better have sound)

OP doesnt deliver


op better deliver
