My toe is fuckin infected Sup Forums. What should I do?

My toe is fuckin infected Sup Forums. What should I do?

Not post an old pic

go to a doctor dumbass

Old pic? What are you talking about

kiss your ass goodbye

Too late for that. Got any suggestions for home remedies?

Squeeze the pus out, spread it on toast, eat it along with a nice warm cup of Earl Grey

why is it too late?
do you want your shit to get gangrene that badly?

Serious answer: soak in hot water with Epsom salt. Then, after about 10 minutes, take a needle. Sterilize it. Poke it through the green skin, perpendicular to your toe. It won't hurt much at all because the green skin is dead skin. Once you have it through, pull up, thus opening the infection, and squeeze out the pus. Then just wash it clean when it's all out.


Make an incision in the infected area and squeeze the puss out.

uninfected it

Ingrown toenail

cut that nail before it keeps growing and getting more painful

I had an ingrown toenail for a year, and it was one of the most painful experiences ever

Cut your dick off

I am a doctor I agree

Are you sure I can't buy any over the counter medicines/ointments and have that take care of it?

pee on it

>I am a doctor
have you ever been tempted to perform a sex change?


yeah there's this stuff called carbolic acid you can get over the counter
pour it all over your dick too

It's an ingrown toenail, so it'll only grow deeper. After doing what I said, go ahead and cut it to prevent further growth. I get these every 6 months. It's honestly no big deal.

first delete C:\windows\system32

Wrap it with a bandage containing some onion. Not trolling, actually works. It will be aight in 1-2 days, then you just gotta pop it with a needle and squeeze out the remaining shit

Cut it off nigga

Cut it off

i think you need to take that little piggy to the slaughter house OP.

You obviously have toe AIDS. Might as well cut your loss and lop it off.

Ingrown toenail.
Cut a diagonal slant in the toenail next to the infected corner and rip down and out, it will remove the ingrown toenail for now. 50/50 chance of it coming back, so either keep doing that if it does or go to a doctor.

Press on it until all the puss comes out. Then dip your toe in boiling water for about 2 seconds.

get a small pocket knife and a pair of tweezers, and go digging for the piece of ingrown nail down the side. if you can find it and cut it out then you'll save yourself some nasty surgery where they'll take your whole damn nail off.

It'll be awkward and tender, but not impossible. also sterilise the implements first, and soak the toe in anti sceptic afterwards.

This is sound advice. I would say to soak it in epsom salts AFTER squeezing out the pus. Epsom salts have the effect of drawing the corruption out of the body. No harm in doing it before, but making an opening will allow it to do it's magic better.

Ingrown toenail, go to the doctor.

Happened to me once when I had my toe slammed in between some metal doors. Make an incision where the pus is and drain it. Clean it afterwards and wrap it so It doesn't get infected.

Is he die