Unpopular opinions Thread

Unpopular opinions Thread
ASMR is not weird,creepy or a waste of time
First of people think its weird because its basically a person doing random stuff in front of a microphon
Second its not creepy they whisper because the microphone can pick up even the lightest of sounds,so if you were to like even talk in your regular voice to the listener its like listening to screams
Third its not a waste of time because its therapeutic to a lot,but there are others who think otherwise if ASMR doesn't work on you then don't criticize it or the people who listen to it
Tell me if you agree or Disagree

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What are you supposed to feel for it to work?

Yea it's pretty much everything you said it isnt. Also don't forget pathetic and sad, lonely loser.

Its perfectly acceptable to piss and shit in the local pool because of the chemicals.

Like a tingling sensation


an instant thrust of an unknown objecting, tearing your asshole apart and making you bleed all over your undies



Sometimes it's like that, sometimes not.

I think its fine, i generally do not get the feelings other people say they get though recently after stumbling across Gentlywhispering on youtube it has kind of saved my life, I suffer from insomnia and will go 3 or 4 days before i would sleep but ever since i found her channel she will put me to sleep within half an hour. Its an awesome feeling to not be downing a tonne of pills just to get some rest. My doctor is confused though, he doesn't know why listening to her is helping me better than the cocktails of drugs he gives to me.

just use it to get to sleep tbh, the ambient background noise helps

And i thought i had problems

the biggest issue i am actually having with this is that my misses is a bit weird about it, i guess a bit jealous maybe that listening to the videos puts me to sleep. It got to the point where when she stays with me i wont put the videos on so i end up laying awake all night staring at my girl sleeping getting somewhat salty about the fact that im somewhat being denied sleep.

Being gay is a trend. Especially nowadays since everyone is accepted for it.

> gey is trend
> gey is life

Plenty of gay people have and continue to fuck each other in countries were it's illegal. Being a loud mouth faggot is a trend though.

Favourite ASMR artists OP?

JellyBeanASMR and RickyWhispers

were you replying to ?

Man i miss ID's


I keep getting dubs trips and 69s

See what i mean

Aww my luck does seem to end though
Then again

63s close enough to 69

(Whispers): "Guys... I'm lost, guys~."

yo fuck pokemon GO

jesus fuck that casual shite blew up. actively trying to block all mentions of that game from youtube has become a new minigame for me.


Jeez calm down

okey so i never heard of this. but it sounds fucking cooly. must try,

fuck off. you're probably playing it right now

And once OP rolls dubs

also this is UOT i can post what i like here.

It's relaxing to listen to, or to have as background noise while doing other things. Although the whole intimate aspect of it does make it kind of weird - hard to explain to people why you're watching/listening some girl make mouth sounds and whisper. Almost easier to just act like it's porn.

Although some of the asmrtists are hot, wouldn't mind them doing dirty asmr either.

By all means
Try it
Its glorious

oh you bet i will. thank you for bringing this into my life

Glad i could help

user is a wizard

Agree, if ASMR was a waste of time then listening to an audiobook would also be a waste of time..

It's not bad to have sex with someone who is cheating, so long as you arent cheating yourself.

Gentle whispering or nothing

If you dont understand the difference between actively intaking knowledge vs being a beta faggot having to listen to videos of women whisper to you for satisfaction, I dont know how you didnt cut yourself to death when hawthorne heights was around.

This is her
She has a dance channel btw

It's gonna get worse man. A bunch more companies will jump on the augmented reality train after seeing this one's success.

I like ASMR Request myself. She puts so much effort into her vids and they're all about 45 mins long.

Idiot OP forgets to put image

Too True

Even if you view ASMR as a specific type of porn, which i kindof do, then it's not a waste of time. Getting a part of your brain scratched that you need scratching is a perfectly acceptable use of time.

PS. ASMR doesn't work for me

I didnt know what to name it aright

I don't know if I'd want to watch dance videos, but she does have a banging body.

Then there's the ones that are blatantly just slutting it up, like hungrylips.

Same thought

can you link me some this is interesting

Your'e missing out my friend

>people without a high school education should not vote
>nobody should have the right to abortion
>the penalty for defamation should be on the same level as the crime that the person defamed was accused for
>homosexuality is a mental disorder

ok hang on

Heather is fucking amazing (I'm talking about the girl in OPs picture not the other heather that does asmr)

Listen to it without the visual, there are male asmrtists aswell (Tiraradeguello) is a good example his ones dont seem gay to watch and he has a calming voice so maybe if its a dude she wont be so high in sodium.

The user speaks the truth!

Not op but this is probably one of my favourite asmr videos.. It's the same girl in OPs picture

>>nobody should have the right to abortion
So if a 13 year old is raped by her brother and the baby is deformed as fuck we should allow that abomination to be born?


Tried it. Spent like 20 mins watching different videos seeing if i could get any sort of stimulation out of it. I don't. Rather just get a guy to whisper sweet nothings while biting my neck irl. That shit gets me going

Have fun
Also always use headsets or headphones


More from me
>Pokemon Go fucking sucks
I still play it though
>Minecraft is not that bad for a relaxing game
>Women in Power should not have the right to decision making while in their periods.

Adoption still exists

Didn't you know unborn babies have thoughts, emotions and self awareness? You're a murderer

>>Pokemon Go fucking sucks
>I still play it though
Strong life you have there user.

Yeah everyone is clamouring for a deformed incest baby.


>What is an early term abortion


And she should be made to raise it?

you're jewish, aren't you?

There are people in this world

So I cant challenge them or try to find out more of the reasoning?

Nah fam. I'm right wing conservative Puerto Rican Christian

Heres another one of Jelly

I guess... Nvm carry on


What vid pls?

prove it

>your head

and the ugly people losers is ugly as shit when try to be better then everybody
and the reason is
and the ugly people losers are ugly as shit and hurt the popular people the ugly way after high school cause the ugly people losers can tell on people after 21 and the ugly people losers that is ugly as shit and smell like poop like beyonce hurt the popular people by outnumbering the popular people and smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly like the ugly people losers and the ugly hippo loser women that smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly and is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks like the ugly people losers and the ugly hippo loser women that hurts the popular people the ugly way like outnumbering the popular people and is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks
and thats why the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers and the ugly hippo loser women is ugly as shit with there ugly ass face
like the ugly hippo loser women that is ugly as shit and control the socitey but is ugly and fat and doesnt scare the attrative loser people and only control the socitey cause there is way more ugly people losers that look like ugly wart hogs that smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly and control the factoires and its lame cause the ugly people losers like the ugly hippo loser women is too ugly to hurt the popular people with looks so has to hurt attrative loser people and the popular people the ugly way cause is fat and smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly like the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers that think is better then everybody and is ugly as shit and tell people what to do and the ugly guys losers is ugly as shit and think better then everybody and just bother the popular people but is ugly as shit and out number the popular people and the ugly people losers and the ugly guys losers wont let the popular people act and the ugly people losers just copy the popular people cause is lame and is ugly as shit

Not while there are a billion cute Chinese girls that progressive parents can show off.

Here you go


You just outlined like 5% of abortions in the US. The other 95% is simply "I don't want it" or "I gotz no monies"

Kek. Copypasta?


and the ugly guys losers that got rejected by the popular people and is lame and ugly is ugly and smart and smell like poop like beyonce and is ugly and smell like poop like beyonce

I dont agree with women getting abortions because they're lazy or dumb sluts but saying 'nobody' should be allowed to get one is the issue I have.



A link to one of his videos

>Teehee I these super tight pants go see-thru in the sun STOP OBJECTIFYING ME ASMR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX

Jay and Silent Bob aren't funny and Dogma is a shitty movie.

ew. you had me until PR. does it feel good to be second banana to cuba? (non cuban speaking btw)

ASMR definitely does not have anything to do with porn
Nor a fetish

It's defo porno bro

That's why they're 90% attractive females making kissing sounds and role playing.

Nah bruh


whose that copypaste!?!