Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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Because I'm replying to your question

why aren't you fucking a woman?

I do play Leage, I want to stop but I spent too much time and money on.

Because it's trash

Just finished up a game with new Ryze, seems pretty good. I spend too much time on it, but I really do think it is arguably the best online game of our time.

because starcraft 2 is the blatantly superior game

Mobas are for casuals that don't know they're casuals.

there are so many different genres of games if someone doesn't like mobas LoL won't be best for him for sure

Is his ult useful? This whole rework seemed weird

Does anyone have an explanation for the large concentration of whiny cunts on this game?

honestly the way you have to manage gear/ lanes distracts me too much from the fighting. sooo im not very good at it? also grinding. also paying for skins/heroes. MOBA just isn't my thing.

questions for those of you that play. why am i allowed to put on ANY piece of gear on ANY character? very confusing for first time. how are you supposed to know whats good for your hero?

also. why is there an obsession with penta kils?

Because I respect myself

one last additional question.

why is it that every lol player i've met in rl is a complete piece of shit in actuality? they're like. worse than GW/RS players combined

Obviously not enough if you're browsing Sup Forums

Different items are good for different champs. I won't say anymore than that because you're not five years old.
A pentakill is when you kill all five members of the enemy team, and none of them have respawned. It's no different than getting a bunch of kills in something like Halo, Overwatch, ect.

The items are confusing and overwhelming at first, that's just the nature of MOBA's. You can look up guides for builds for the hero you're playing, and league had recommended items.

Pentakills is when you kill the entire enemy team yourself. It feels awesome, can't say much else.

Lol players can be spergy I guess? I'd argue that most "le gamerz" IRL are annoying.

I'm playing Overwatch

because you don't meet a lot of people sitting inside every day

Plat 2 reporting (Not much, but i dont play anymore)
1. Patch after patch they keep ruining the game more and more.
2. Im tired of having 120+ champs and keep facing the same 15-20 meta champs.
3. The kids community pushed the game deep underground. (Tho, its still kinda safe to play in the morning)
4. The game just got boring after 6 years. Season 2 ftw

I like games that are more demanding in the skill department. (I play Fighting games, the reactions/rhythm/timing in LoL is child's play for us.) Once your bar of stimulus is that high less demanding games don't cut it.

I got burned out on the entire "moba" genre. The communities are always disgusting and the meta-game always becomes stale, only changing when the devs decide it should through arbitrary updates. Games between equally skilled players will come down to hero selection. There are too many variables for them to ever be balanced. A single game has a good potential to take too long.

I am honestly not even sure how "mobas" in general got so popular. From a game-design standpoint every single one of them is awful.

Waste of time, no reward for progressing to high tier and 9/10 games feels like you are doing chores by trying to keep your team togheter. Game is pretty good but most players are such shitty people that i wouldn't consider playing again unless some of my friends started so we could have a full team.

DOTA 2 exists.

because sucks

This x10

Because I choose not to.

listen i get the concept of hand holding in games. hell i h8 teaching for this very reason. but not even a hint as to what stats are good for specific heroes ect ect. that makes it very confusing for new players. young/old

i KNOW what it is. i wanted to understand why every literally cums buckets specifically for 5 kills. its strange compared to other games.

Played it for 2 and a half years and spent 300+ € on skins. I regrett everything

Because you can't last hit creeps and everything is slow compared to dota or HON. Also i prefer dota.

right. but that's a lot of studying to do before you even get to play. not a good way to get me specifically into a game. why can't i have the items explained so i can build skill and be good at the game?

i sell weed, i meet new people every week.

Because they nerf the fun out of all champs I like.
>Main Twitch
lel full remake
>Start main Talon
lel goodbye silence
>Start main Vlad
Eventually becomes popular and nerfed to hell

They just release new OP champs all the time to make money, then when they release a new one they nerf the older one. Massive money making cycle. Fuck Riot.

There are hints. It's when you READ THE STATS ON THE ITEMS.
>Playing ADC
>"I need damage and attack speed!"
>Buys an item with damage
>Buys an item with attack speed

>Obvious stick/fid dealer

You're never gonna make it brah.

fighting games are my jam. although im only as good as my friends and not actually good enough to compete;

i feel like if it was that obvious i would have got it.

but it wasn't so i stopped playing.


what is stick/fid

a. The recommended items have improved a lot, you can just follow those starting the game and have a -more or less- good build. Everything is just pure logic... Example. "Sejuani - Tank" Build her tank items such as life, armor and mres. Read the data about the champs before starting the game.

Aaaand... dont worry, the first time i started playing 6 years ago i didnt upgrade a single skill until level 12... ... ... ... And i was playing Nunu...

$20 and $50 bags respectively.

Also, move up to real shifting. Leave pot to the niggers.

Its hard to describe why it feels good, it just does. It makes you feel incredibly good at the game, and hypes you up. It may sound like a cop out, but you won't know why it feels good until you get one.

The studying is part of the game. Learning everything takes a long time, its just the nature of the game. That being said, its not for everyone because of that.

oh thats what you call it. yeah i guess that's what i do, only sell to white folks tho. and some hispanics, most of them want coke though

i just don't want to get into selling harder stuff. the customers are fucking crazy and will rob/rape anything for a .5

literally all hard drug dealers die/do heavy time.

weed is nice and safe. and i have a job so it's not like i need extra extra money

Cause my team is mostly composed of faggot feeding niggers. Im in que tho

yeah like i said in my first post, it's just not for me. it probably didn't help that i was mocked HARD by my peers for playing terrible. but at least i can sleep at night knowing im better than them at most other games.

And there's nothing wrong with not liking it. Your friends just happened to be faggots, it happens.

because its boring

Learning what items to buy depend on your match-up. For example, take a look at the Yasuo build I use.
Of course in game they won't always tell you what you should buy, but there are recommended builds.


>literally all hard drug dealers die/do heavy time.

It's about quality of life, my friend, not quantity. You might be dead by 50, but it'll be a better 50 years than someone else's 80.

because i am

"I want to stop smoking cigarettes but I spent too much time and money on." Just fucking go outside.

because 12 year old yasuo/zed mains plague my games

Because it's shit

okey let me explain my thought on this a little more.

a good friend of mine and his brother that have been dealing coke/crack/spank/pills/shrooms for basically their entire lives. right?

all the stories i've heard from them involve, getting raided by cops/ homeless/ rival gangs. constantly being on the move, living in cars. getting shot at.

every now and then they settle somewhere for a hot minute and build up wealth. car/rent/jewelery/guns. even kids stuff. (they both had kids at a young age.)

what im saying is that when you make a living off those drugs. you eventually lose it all to the same drugs.

never had this problem with weed. probably never will. most lax money making ever. not afraid of dying young.

>still playing LoL
Jesus Christ.

Because I don't want to play it

Jesus plays it too. He's a Diamond 2 Renekton main.

Because Counter-Strike is better.

because RTS is boring

500 patches of perfection


cause i'm playing dota 2

No matter what game you play, there will always be one better than it.

>nerf vlad
get the fuck out of here idiot vlad is broken

Well, the amount of games is not an infinite. I'm just using hyperbole, I don't really think Counter-Strike is objectively better than League. You really can't even compare the two, because they're entirely different genres.

I quit that game a few months ago from one day to the other. Just don't feel like it anymore. Been playign since 2011.

Because I suck at video games and there are literally zero cool, fun, chill, casual people that play League.

Because I'm not a huge faggot.

You can have fun while playing competitively.

I was talking about being better in a "rock, paper, scissors" sense.

Shit, that 99 get.

That's pretty bad ass.