Itt actors and actresses who divide opinions, either love or hate

Itt actors and actresses who divide opinions, either love or hate

January Jones
Ricky Gervais

Other urls found in this thread:

Anna Kendrick aka Ratface or Mousefu

What anna kendrick reminds me of

People will either say:
A: She's a mumbling kike
B: Puts out some good performances.

I undividedly hate you iFaggot

Your mom when she acts like she loves you. Most people see right through it, but you can't help but believe.

She seemed like a terrible person in her marc moron interview. Throws away a pair of diamond earrings because they werent sent through her official fanmail.

I havent acted in anything, also im a hetero

Why would people be divided on january jones?

Am I missing a new meme here?

Your life is a meme.

don't you get memey with me, young man

Some homosexuals dislike her because she is too pretty

jojo thread?

jojo thread





idfuwaotm ;)

>me on the left


Quit samefagging you fat slouch.

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)
> (You)

>fat slouch.

keep projecting, dyel fatty

Keep projecting

>here reddit, reddit, reddit


keep projecting


I want to smooch jojo on her booboo


I have no strong opinion on january jones so checkmate.

But i do loathe ricky gervais and legitimately don't understand how anyone can think he is funny. He is just a mean faggot.

that means her nose, rite? :3

just curious, how many of these pedos are there? Is it actually just like 3 people?

i'm sorry but if you don't think the gag where he cuts off the guy as he begins to speak and keeps singing isn't funny you seem to have a pretty shit sense of humour mate

her asshole actually

you mean in the whole world?

probably more than that

don't be lewd

dont tell me what to be you fucking cunny reddit faggot or i will fucking find you in middle of nowhere backwoods australia and put your shrimp on the barby motherfucking fuck



can't we all just get along?

sweet fucking jesus



praise the lord

that's a big quote
