Did you ever fail Penis Inspection at School?

Did you ever fail Penis Inspection at School?

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isnt that the new video from brazzers with the spanish boy

No, it's me failing Penis Inspection at School.

yeah i failed in 2nd grade when they couldnt find my penis because it was hiding inside my body

Nope, always aced the spoon test.

Those exist? Genuine question

Eurofag with disgusting cock detected.

wait wait wait what? So these actually exist in America, are your schools run by pedophiles?

fucking eruo fags. go get raped by a muzzie cock

What the fuck? Penis inspection?
Is this an America-only thing?

Where do you live that you didn't get penis inspections?

England. Were the founding fathers on acid when they founded your country?

Huh I always thought it was normal

How do you fail?
How does a fail look like?

I failed. They found smegma on my cock.

I always thought it was normal

Eurofag here, got my junk inspected in 4th and 8th grade.

Just another reason america deserves a jihad.

Yes. Jew pedos that make sure you got a cut dick because amercunts cant into washing dick with foreskin.

It has nothing to do with pedophilia. In America we just make sure boys have cleaned working penises with no disease. Eurofags don't give a fuck apparently.

Yeah, one time I forgot about it and shaved, but I was in a hurry so it was only half done

No, but I had a friend who did.
The teachers made him change schools somehow - didn't hear much from him after that.

His sister is my gf and she doesn't like talking about it.


nice quads dude
Britbong here, never heard of it before now and it sounds really weird.

It's not like it's in the Constitution lol. But it's a very state by state basis. How regular they are changes, how thorough, etc etc

you fucking fag

I never failed, always was embarassed tho

So if somebody has a disease in an intimate area, you get somebody to maul their genitals looking for symptoms? Why don't they just check themselves?

its right after the eye exam, they give a tug or three on your balls.

Fuckin eurofag, muzzie cock lover

the teacher said my penis was "big ang tasty" and i only got a B-
what a farce

My senior year all the guys colored each other's dicks with green sharpies and we all failed. Lol

I'm a fag because men don't grope my penis

i was in a private school and we had both males and females g.i.

Oh k

No such thing eurofags...gullable as all fuck I see

Canada. Never had a dick check.



some guy did one last year and was on the news i remember

Get in

I never went to school.

I think this was a joke some kids pulled for a graduation prank if I remember

Eurofag here, in the second and fourth grade we had mandatory doctor chekups and i actualy had to show if my foreskin goes all the way down to the doctor.

What in the fuck, is this real? they give you grades on how good your penis is? you don't graduate if you don't pass the penis test, that's evil. this has to be fake, also who even get's circumcised

no such thing where I live in the US.

uncivilized cucks don't get circumsized

It's required for California residents.

>implying we choose whether or not shekelstein the greedy doctor gets paid to cut our dick when we're born

I'm a britfag and my school had penis inspections

it doesnt exist faggot
its a joke, like fingerboxes, to root out fucknuggets like you and i

its not explicitly said but i think its some sort of natural selection. our whites wants bigger dicks to finally beat blacks in each and every categories

Pennsylvania dipshit

i meant artificial

I guess this is another reason why schools in America suck. Fags in fraternities throwing up on eachothers cocks, white niggers shooting people in the face

>penis inspection
haha what faggot country

well hold on there fella we talkin penis inspection day at school or at hospital

Why would you even have part of your penis flesh removed for literally no reason.

some people have are bound to have phimosis, and they never will be annoyed by it ever

Muhammad plz go

Its legit

I grew up in America and have never heard of such a thing. We do start fucking ay a relatively young age. First time for me was 13 years old. But no there is no penis inspection day in America

leddit rage comic gril xdd!!!

forgot your european schools were better
>not throwing up on cocks cause you actually enjoy sucking them
>brown shooters
>where did half of my school building go
>o rite all of the amheds just went boom

It was because of all that disgusting skin around the head of your dick wasn't it?
>don't feel too bad Sup Forumsro


It's spanish boy "cuerpoescombro".
So much lold when he appeared cause is disgusting.

Wtf I never got a penis inspection

The closest thing to a penis inspection we had was a sports physical. From South Dakota btw.

In Iowa they are pretty lenient on the balls thing.

our pastor gave us penis inspections, and I always passed

haha Penis Inspections

Maurifags so stupid, not sure if dick is OK
need Doctor!


I happen to live in africa, a school consists of two to three niggas living in under a bridge reading sums off a shitty blackboard i'll-have-you-know

>check themselves
If you need yor appendix removed, do it yourself, right? Fucking europoors

What the fuck, we have them in Ontario.

well ill know not to judge so fast my nigger friend

i didn't exactly fail, but a doctor once wrote a comment for the genitalia part of the form for a sports physical
>redundant foreskin
it was embarrassing to turn in that form to my school...

No because an appendix is slightly different to genitals warts or having a third bollock

not OP btw

>All these people that got molested
If you had a penis inspection you were literally sexual assaulted, im so sorry anons.


ontario never touched dicks?

the cuck-province
ofc you would

Do you fags really think Americucks get their penis inspected?

I never failed Penis Inspection, but I forgot my 9mm on "Show and Shoot" at my middle school.

Okay but still, is the healthcare in refuugeeville that terrible? We have nurses train in penis inspection for a reason.

we got them in saskatchewan but they started after i graduated

Live in Toronto, can confirm. But I heard America has it once, my high-school did it every other season. So like, Fall, Spring, Fall, Spring.



Under rated post

I remember when show and shoot day was in high school, but since not many black kids got to highschool there wasn't enough for the diversity event so they had to change it around so it only happens in middle school.

If your penis is over 7 inches, usually the inspecting nurse will jerk you off.

how redundant is it? lol

Just like the porno i watched the other day.

They had it at my high school, but people kept bitching about school shootings so they made it for honor students only.

Why would you even hand that in you fool

I've lived in California my entire life and we've never had this.

Ofc not, I was homeschooled so mom practiced often with me

Lol, all these people saying it's fake are probably from the uncivilized states where they don't do it i.e. Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky.... fucking redneck fucks

In the good states like California, Oregon, etc. our penis was inspected every semester.

I often failed because I had no hair on my balls or pubes ever and my cock was only 3 inches hard... but that's another story...