Ask a lifting nig weeb anything (I'll be here for about 20 mins)

Ask a lifting nig weeb anything (I'll be here for about 20 mins)

Given any seventeen integers, how can you show that there is at least one subset of nine integers
whose sum is divisible by 9?

Why did daddy kill mommy?

If you had asked me this in 2010 (which is when I had my last college level math course), I may have actually been able to answer this.

Off the top of my head though, I've got nothing in 2016, sorry.

They're both alive; though I haven't talked to my mom in about 5 years

Would you hang out with me?


Is the guy on the right natty?

Sure, why not?
Oh, idk maybe your mom fucked a lot of niggas

I wouldn't say it's impossible, but I'd definitely say it's much less likely than than not natty

Can you sell me some weed?

What did you do so far to stay out of prison?

>in b4 dindu nuttin

I have none to sell you lol

I stay in my house aside from anime conventions


Take any PED's?

do you count taking anti HIV drugs as being natural ?

I've already drank about half gallon of water before I took this pic lol; so I'm bloated AF.

Though anyone from /fit/ should recognize me. I've been posting there for 3 years.

and this is from a the roast me section of reddit I posted a few months ago

dudes ripped


Though I have nothing against those who do. If I were to try to pursue bodybuilding, power lifting, or any athletic sport, I would hands down.

That said, I only workout as a hobby and for general health. I have a 60 year old uncle who's in better shape than I am, so if I can look like him by the time I'm his age, I'll be happy w/ the result.

If I had the money for PEDs, I'd have a new gaming rig every year and a lot more anime figures instead lmao

Idk what's in them, so w/o doing some research, I wouldn't be able to give you an answer; but w/ that said, I don't really care if someone is natural or not unless they're lying to be natural for marketing purposes (tricking people into buying shit knowing those people can't results off of their product w/o also taking drugs)

Job/ how much $$$ you make a year

Don't make enough to bother counting. I work at a restaurant; but I fix computers and things on the side.

I have my bachelor's as of recent, so I'll be looking into getting into a career soon or continuing my school for a master's or PHD

good luck with that

is that pic photoshopped?

Nope; was too lazy to get my actual camera out for it as well.

Used my webcam and it's about 2hrs old

A much older pic from the same webcam

damn bro, you are jacked. I'm jelly

Thanks, been at it for 6 years now.

Me in high school; and me 4 years after high school (when I finally said fuck it; I don't want to look like this anymore and got serious bout getting into the gym)

Btw, all my lifts were higher in the picture on the left.

I was just a lump of shit in the pic on the right. 40+ lbs heavier and weaker in every lift.

Favorite weeb thing to do?

Anime conventions, hands down; though that's honestly due to the night life.

Hotel parties for 3 days straight, while doing weeb shit in the day (I'm usually in the game room or hanging out w/ other people who are fans of the same shows as I)

why are you only here for 20 mins?

I feel like it's too late for me. I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm a fat piece of shit

Shows like?

do you make cosplay?

Why is new anime shit?

Underrated post

could you give me some tips as what to do to start working out at home? i want to get ripped like athletic style not bodybuilder style

Liking that loli on the shirt behind you fam

Was just a rough estimation. I'm multi tasking with answer to this, watching anime, and working out (home gym) I run upstairs between sets and watch a few mins and reply and then go back down.

Never too late. I thought the same at 22, and look at me now. Just stay consistent and it'll come w/ time.

I watch a lot of diff genre from shonen like dbz/hunter x hunter, to slice of life like K-On or Umaru chan.

Negative. Premade or I have friends help me out. I'm terrible w/ arts/crafts. I can't even color in the lines

There are like 30 shows that come out every season. Don't just peep mainstream. There are a lot of hidden gems every season.

You can't get huge accidentally. You have to train specifically for it and diet specifically for it. So I'm still going to recommend a combination of eating right, lifting, and cardio.

Also most body builders are on PEDS (performance enhancing drugs). You can't get that freakish look w/o spending thousands of dollars in drugs.

I love that shirt and the looks I get when I wear it

You have a close up picture of the shirt? See you like cons too, whuch ones do you normally go to?

What do you think of the new berserk anime?
Personally I've read the books twice so I don't mind it veering off

I'm in Florida, so my to go to cons are Metrocon, Mega (though it was ass this year we may not go back), Shadocon, Holiday Matsuri, and for the last 2 years, I've flown out to Sakuracon in Seattle (A friend I graduated w/ lives there and she's the one who got me into cons. So I go and stay for a week and we hit up the convention)

I haven't peeped it yet. Berserk is one of those classics I need to go back and watch. It was before I really got into anime and my only experience was w/e they showed on toonami/adult swim.

By the time I branched out and started watching current airing shows I was just trying to catch up w/ all the new shit.

I'll usually take 2-3 older (100+ ep) series a year and burn through then; and if it's an older show that's like 13-26 eps then I'll just randomly pick them out and burn through them in a couple days.


thanks fam, I going to give it a try at the gym

Yeah I'd definitely suggest watching the golden arc anime (the 90's version)

what anime are you watching?
and which would you recommend?

Umaru or Ebina?

Do you feel like you intimidate alot of the other people at the cons because of how you look?

Nice, love the shirt, almost bought a doujin by that artist at ACen this year, opted for more kobato (haganai) porn tho

My biggest pieces of advice are

A. Don't get discouraged. Despite popular magazines and marketing, results aren't instant. Do your research, hang out in /fit/ and fitness on reddit for general tips. Look up youtube gurus. All the information is out there for free. You don't have to pay someone to train you if you research properly.

B. Take pictures. You see yourself every day in the mirror. Results are so gradual, that you will never notice the change by looking in the mirror. But if you take pics when you start and pics at 1 month, they may look super similar, but take pics at month 2 and compare them to your starting pics, and you'll notice a change.

Keep an album to see how far you've really come.

Yui from K-On for anime.
Hibari from Senran Kagura for gaming

Alright I'll add it to my list

Well the new season JUST started, so I'm watching almost everything and then weeding out the bad choices. The ones that I'm definitely on board for though are
-91 days
-Souma Season 2
-Jojo part 4

As for recommendations? Parasyte. It is godlike imo

Sylphynford = Kirie > U.M.R Umaru > School Umaru > Ebina > Chibi Umaru; desu wa

Initially, but I'm a very friendly person and I make friends quickly at cons. Though after they get to know me they do tell me that their first impression is that I was scary AF until I opened my mouth and started talking.

It's pretty awesome. Doubles as a shirt to wear and decoration for the room (as you can see, I hang my shirts as room decor)

Op seems pretty cool actually. I don't have the overwhelming sense of dread that I am about to get robbed.


I find Kirie the cutest, but isn't she lesbian?

how does your parents feel about your loli thing?

I agree, I'd get a beer with him

What kinda gear are you on?

Probably, but I love her personality; she's awesome.

I'm def team Sylphynford though.

Right now I'm following Candito's power lifting program; been on that for a year or so now trying to get my numbers up.

As far as hypertrophy goes, I would just focus on compound movements in the 8-10 rep range.

The main exercises I'd do at that time were Bench (and dumbbell), weighted dips, weighted pull ups, squats, and dead lifts.

I don't talk to my mom, so she doesn't really know shit about me. My dad doesn't really give a shit (though we don't talk often either)

I'll redirect you to

>-91 days
Im really looking forward to this.
So far in the new line up, im counting on Berserk, 91 days, Taboo Tatto(unsure on this), and tales of Zetiria the X,

Parasyte was great.

If you haven't already watch erased, and future diary

If you guys are ever in the Tampa FL area, I'm down for a meet up

Redirected you to the wrong post, I meant this one

Chances are slim but if it happens alright

do you have a gf? if so, how does she feel about your weeb and loli thing?

Nope; my last date was in 2009, which was about a year before I started lifting.

Only thing lifting has changed is that I get hit on A LOT by gay dudes.

Interactions w/ women have been unchanged (including before I got super into anime, though I have always been into gaming from a young age)

I'm asking because I'm a weeb but I don't show my power level. I'm afraid no girl will ever like me

you can get a lot of boy pussy bro, go for it

why has no one asked to see his dick

I've taken two college level microbiology courses and three anatomy/physiology courses; and have dissected colons on numerous animals.

I never no desire to ever stick anything into an anus. The mere thought of it grosses me out.

Additionally, I've 0 attraction to men, so it's not even a "This looks great, but I know better"

If the goal is simply to get off, I can jack off easily. I've no desire to do anything with anyone I don't have at least some level of attraction to.

I know ppl who post on Sup Forums, so that's not an image you'll see in a thread like this.

we are not gay

what about cute traps?

Closeted weeb girls will, if you don't overdo it.

How ashamed is your family?

He is right

sharpie in pooper pls

see this

I'd be willing to try a post-op tranny.

Man, woman, trap, or whatever other identifications there are, I don't have any desire to be around the anus.

If you don't have the tools I'm looking for, then even if you have a cute face, they're just not sexually compatible w/ me.

My uncle was weirded out at first, but I've gotten him to watch 3-4 anime series at this point now all the way through.

He's about the only person in my family I even talk to though, so the rest don't know anything about me, yet alone my hobbies or interests.

I already answered that one earlier

just take 17 integers which are divisible by 9
then any sum will automatically be divisible by 9
smart ass

Which one of your grand parents do you live with


I've never met my grandparents on my dad's side. I haven't talked to my grandma on my mom's side in about 3 years.

My brother/uncle/mom always ask her for money and I've never asked her for a thing and have refused times she's offered to send money/gifts because I know how much everyone else leeches off her.

Someone got her credit card numbers and bought a computer. I picked up the phone to "omg how could you do this to me? You were the one I thought would never betray me you ruined my credit. Did you want a computer that bad?"

I merely responded with "You and I are not having this discussion" and hung up. That's the last time she's seen me or heard my voice

You got me caught up in the wording, but I concede. I'm a dumbass, lol.

I'm finishing up the last couple sets of my workout and then I'm going to shower and head out for a few hours.

If you have any final questions, now will be the time to ask them (it's 5:12 here; I should be out of the door by 5:30)

I thought all brothas liked ass and eating ass. Twitter lied to me

where do you work? do you live alone?