Non-porn webm!

Non-porn webm!

I was eating


Hope it wasnt Italian.


One of the few things Sup Forums actually gets grossed out by.

The sad part is that its still very obviously a man. What a world we live in.

Wtf did I just watch??

A day at the test kitchen for Olive Garden.

Oke that made me laugh but that some junky with a rotten vagina?



Pretty sure its post tranny surgery.


jesus fuck wtf was that????????

I thought it was an abortion.
I fucked up

Story? Is that some kind of reconstructive surgery she had and he's just removing stuff, like catheter and something else inside?

2nd trimester abortion right?

>eating while browsing Sup Forums

You deserve every retch that got out of you

you sure that isn't porn?

is this how sexy swedes are born? long flowing golden hair first? then the body grows from it like a plant?

It's post sex change "unveiling" if you read lips "she" says I'm a woman at the end.

an abortion

Nope, it was your father. Now it's your mother.

You fool I kept eating it was delicious but the fact that I viewed something so vile and kept eating is what disgusts me the most.

ITT: gross shit

true strength, carry on consuming food while watching a minor surgical procedure, med student? or just accustomed to Sup Forums?

I atr too no probs even watched 2girls1cup while eating was hard to keep it in tho

I thought it was a woman happy about an abortion or something. Turns out it's a man happy about the mutilation he just suffered.

ITT no more non-porn webms

whats worse genital mutilation or 10 minute queues?

depends what i am queuing for, if its mayo, not so bad, if its medical attention, maybe the mutilation is worse for me


That is by far one of the most fucked up things I've ever seen on Sup Forums