Cacas has been defeated by the Ryo empire and Neko is starting to lose ground...

Cacas has been defeated by the Ryo empire and Neko is starting to lose ground. Poland seems to have reached the limits of their expansion

Ryo to defeat Neko

Ryo to do something to help bump the thread and bring out players back.

I will aloow the Neko takeover. Also Ryo now holds two Continents.


I claim this 60 for the gay disease to start spreading

Gus west

Ryo to keep moving south

Updated Map

Ryo to take Gus and move south

Ryo to try that again apparently

Oh cmon Ryo will you just take Gus and go

Poland attempts again to take Jinridge

Ryo to take Gus

Ryo from the last thread btw. Ryo and Poland have a nonbreakable truce! Mapmaker's ruling. Also taking fucking Gus

Poland, which has not gained any land in the past thpusand years, takes jinridge

The Ryo empire apparently can't take a tribe of Gus. SO let's go again

The Gay Disease cements its relevance by taking all of Dailmaul

Ryo continues to grow. Also TGD was destroyed many moons ago by Poland. Gus is now dead too. Not that anyone cares.

Ryo moves to keep taking Dailmaul

TGD lives in the bottom-right corner of Dailmaul. They demand blood.

Sorry for that!

Ryo moves to take down TGD

Ryo deal with the gay disease

The Ryo Empire does not tolerate enemy expansion. They will deal with this at once.

Okay apparently the Ryo empire has gotten lazy. Go kill TGD.

It's cool. Also you missed
. It's a straight finally
If the roll lands Poland fills in unclaimed Crustazia

Ryo to deal with TGD?

Gay disease penetrates Ryo

Ryo just kill the damn gays

Ry to kill all Gay's

Gay is immortal. Penetrate farther

While The Gay Disease not only expanded, but rose up against the Ryo Empire in a way not seen for thousands of years ultimately they too were destroyed.

So this is GG?

As mapmaker I will fill ina final map predicting how I believe the empires would have expaned and call it a night

Cool. Not like anyone else is left anyway lol

Well here it is.

Nice. Thanks for being you, OP