Anyone here with restless legs syndrome?

Anyone here with restless legs syndrome?
Got it after 2 months on antidepressants and it's really affecting my sleep.
How can I relieve it?


That's not how legs work silly negro.

Tits with a time stamp or GTFO

I have it since 2 years now. It won't go away. Never. You can medicate yourself with weed a lot. Or go to a neurological doctor and get some dopaminagonists. Good luck dude

I have restless leg syndrome, I just flip around a lot in bed. I end up on my stomach to fall asleep, then somewhere in the middle of the night I end up on my back. I just deal with it.

2 years?
How do you sleep at night?
ye I do that until I'm so tired I almost faint. I also shake my legs and hands a lot

summerfag detected

With weed or the official medicin. Just go to a neurological doctor. They'll help you a lot

Opiates help as well. Targin is an official drug against restless legs syndrome. But it's addicting af

You learn to live with it. I have had ADHD from the very beginning and my tic was restless leg...after 20 years, it hasn't gone away, it has just gotten normal for me

Not anyone is able to just live with it. There are different levels of the disease. My legs start to jump everyday around 17o clock. Only medicin stop this shit.

Who's that girl Op? Is that you?

Codeine. Seriously.


Yep. Any kind of drugs that reacting to opiat receptors in your brain. Codeine, tillidin, oxycodon, Kratom. But like I said before these shit is extremely addicting.

an hero

Look up leg stretches online for rls. This may be your biggest problem. Also put a bar of ivory or dove soap between the mattress and mattress cover of your bed by your legs. This works for a lot of people. Don't know why but it does.

heavy bondage and drugs

suicide should help

Drink a can of tonic water before you go to sleep. The quinine is supposed to help. Also cut sugars our for an hour before sleep.