Why are the Chinese so shit?

>Invade the West
>Don't learn any English
>Have their own communities and don't interact with anyone outside of them
>Scam and rip you off anywhere they go
>Use dodgy ingredients in their food
>Don't have the concept of manners
>Smell like shit
>Hang in groups
>Take up thousands of University places
>Take photographs everywhere they go, literally the most narcissistic people you will ever meet
>Effeminate men
>Women are dumb as fuck
>Most autistic people you will ever meet

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your description sounds like that of british tourists

don't be mad that China is gonna be #1 soon, white boy

>smell like shit

Unfair stereotype. I knew a Chinese girl in college and she smelled like marmite on toast.

say that to my face and see what comes about

You're judging diaspora?

>british tourists
>don't learn any english


I'm not white, I'm Japanese.

We will take you over once again. Say goodbye to Hong Kong.

have you heard them talk?

China is pretty cool in my book

The Chinese are the end result of ~2,000 years of Malthusian pressure, turning them into soulless machines entirely oblivious to anyone not immediately related, or otherwise useful, to them

>invade the West



lol you didn't take over anything
the war was lost and unfair treaty was signed
it was pure bullying
but unlike americans you will never get your day
china will outlast everyone and everything


>When only trash talking and biased stereotype could restore your confidence in your nation
All hail the empire on which the sun never sets, kek


Are you me?

No. Stop pretending to be me.

I don't feel that way about Asians.

Why do you care whether their men are effeminate? Are you gay? And are you surprised they are effeminate when you gang up on them and call them effeminate and stereotype them as having small dicks?

Stop talking to yourself

fkin proxy retard

They say Chinese eyes are slanted up cause they're good. Japanese are slanted down cause they are evil.

No, you

What are you doing in China?

Fucking your wife and daughter

Are you dissing Jackie? I'll fucking stab you, you muslim shit