Nothing but Black Metal December /nbbmd/

North America got snow edition

What black metal is in your playlist to get through the darkest month of the year?

>still calling it nbbmd
Just give it up man

Anyways, listening to pic related. Pretty comfy

is this black metal?


looking for Russian / Ukraine black metal

Kroda is a band I got really into recently.

ill check them out

>tfw started listening to Black metal in October and its already 90% of what I listen to if you include dungeon synth/dark ambient

what do you guys think of Moonsorrow

Im going to give it a listen for the first time


I don't like it. Im turning it off

Oh my, even the album cover is super comfy. I'll have to check that out.

I'm listening to Grom right now, one of my favorite album covers ever. Early Behemoth was so comfy.

Black Metal and Dungeon Synth go hand-in-hand. You can't do one without the other.

im sure this must get said in every thread but can i have a starter guide to dungeon synth please

or a compilation pic of albums or something thanks

Unfriendly reminder that Kristian Vikernes is a pussy who ran away from Norway.

Welcome aboard. My Personal favorite Dungeon Synth albums are:
Hate Forest - Temple Forest
Paysage d'Hiver - Die Festung
Depressive Silence - Mournings
Mortiis - Ånden som gjorde oppror

Do you already know the well-known Ruskie/Ukraine bands?

there is a dungeon synth thread going on right now

It's dying too, so go give it a little bump.

only Drudkh and Hate Forest. I am going through some other ones I found from rym right now

Been listening to this lately, good shit

I liked likfard better, valfar ein vindar!

fimbulvinter is amazing by them, but all their stuff is great

sventavith is my all time favorite by behemoth

old mornings dawn bro

jokes on you, those chicks have dicks

temnozor and m8l8th are good, if you aren't down for ns know that I'm only a quarter white and I still listen

His wife is french.

Then I'll recommend (from Ukraine)
Blood of Kingu (side project of Drudkh)

From Russia:
Sivyj Yar
Pagan Reign
Old Wainds

even better?

Im an african american marxist-leninist but don't really care what they are labeled as long as the music is good

then m8l8th for sure, by the wings of black is my favorite but sturm is great for a larger soudn

I made this shitty Russian black metal chart, so I'll be looking for stuff to add based on your responses.

Nazis/Americans get in here.

nbbmd is RABM. nbbmn was NSBM. Know the difference, it could save your life

Wrong Sivyj Yar, From the Dead Villages Darkness is miles better

Still a great album imo senpai

No Nothing but harsh noise december this year?
Fak u all

Thanks for letting us know it's gonna be shit

pacкaтиcтыми бacaми. Кaк пpaвилo, пoвepх этих мyзыкaльных зapиcoвoк, тaк нaзывaeмых pиддимoв, идёт cкopocтнoe pитмичнoe зaчитывaниe или пeниe в cтилe coвpeмeннoгo ap-н-би; aтмocфepa тpeкoв чacтo oчeнь мpaчнaя и aгpeccивнaя. B пepиoд cтaнoвлeния этy мyзыкy тaкжe нaзывaли caблoy , эйтбap и эcкибит. Hepeдкo гpaйм-pиддимы пyтaют c дaбcтeпoм, дpyгим пpeимyщecтвeннo инcтpyмeнтaльным

Besides Burzum, I am not fond of many NSBM groups. But I really enjoyed this album. What are some of Sup Forums's favorite NSBM albums?

inb4 politically charged shitposting

Why not make a thread instead of complaining on an almost completely different one? I would participate. There are a couple of albums I would definitely like to talk about.

Burzum isn't even NSBM since its not political


I'm not white and I love NS, don't be ashamed if you like how something sounds.

Probably one of my all time favorite writers and musicians wearing one of my favorite bm bands shirts, hell yeah

My bad. I kind of associated Varg's work with his personal views. That was retarded.
He is beautiful for a bald man :^)

Kristallnacht was a great band.

how could an asian immigrant be a national socialist is what I am wondering

Behold me
Fuck off nigger
