You have 10 seconds to explain why you`re not voting trump

You have 10 seconds to explain why you`re not voting trump

Other urls found in this thread:

cause Niggers don`t exist

I don't live in America.
This should be the only reason any one has.

even americans?

Ohh you like the faggot Trudeau then

yea this. we have our own fuckwits in Australia

that doesn't even make sense dumb fuck

Not the US.

If I were i might go Green Tea party or Libertarian.

I'm black

Don't live in 'Murrica

Cause I'm Canadian.

because my IQ is above room temperature

I haven't taken a severe blow to the head.

Cuz he's a cunt

My brain isn't made of mashed potatoes. Plus I'm not American.

because i'm waiting for the last day to turn the votes in

Gary Johnson

Hey Sup Forums can someone create a video of some meth addict crack whore Asian sluts getting plowed like a snowbank and abused to the music of Disney's Mulan's "you'll bring honor to us all" I would like to shoot a 10 foot harpoon of jizz that will cost me my security deposit tonight, thanks Sup Forumsros

I'm sure you've given a severe blow to some dudes tho fagit

Because Mexicans build tunnels, regularly. So building a wall is the stupidest fucking idea anybody has ever had. Especially when most immigrants come by plane or boat.


I guess your too dumb to be aware that there are other parts of the world other than north america

I don't want to have a hand in starting world war 3.

Because I'm not an ignorant slack-jawed pond-dweller.

Also I'm not American.

Because I am not an old white racist xenophobic sexist piece of shit stuck in 1950

And because banning Muslims is also literally retarded. Muslims are allowed by their religion to lie to non-Muslims. So all an immigrant has to do is say "no I'm Christian" and in he comes.

All this law would accomplish is pissing off the Muslims that ARE on our side.


I dont live in the US



i'm not voting at all, the system is rigged and if you think your vote actually counts for something you are sadly mistaken just like the rest of the sheeple thinking their opinion matters...

Enjoy your Muslim invaders.

Everything in his past points to him being two-faced mind-controlling wizard.

I don't vote for memes

I hope you die slowly you feminist cunt


Muslim invaders?

Do you realize how easy it would be for a muslin to get into the country based on a religious test? Watch me now.

Q: Are you Muslim?
A: No.

That was easy, and you're a fucking dumbass.




I'm in the middle east

Bc Jill Stein is better

lol and the 13 embassy attacks that killed 60 people under Bush are just...fine then? Republicans are the worst, and if you're not rich then you have no real reason to vote for them.

Because y'all are idiots. When a man makes campaign promises to violate the Constitution, commit war crimes and break whatever laws he feels like, you're a moron to say "Yeah, but I'm sure he'll never use that against ME so it's fine."

You're in a fucking gulag as soon as it benefits him.

Bucuz I hate white people and I want to make usa brown

It sure sounds liek u are describing Obama breh

Here is an article from 2009 with the same picture.

Americans have no reason not to.


Because I hate America

Because Out of every contender of every political party, Hillary Clinton is the only one who sounds like she has any idea what she's doing

tbh fam I also want Bill Clinton back in the White House chasing pussy

I don't live in the US

but I would if I could

He doesn't represent my values

And every girl in your country over the age of 10 will be raped by invaders. Because that's the way you like it apparently

Because the world doesnt turn how Trump wants it. Does he even think 1 step further?

Throw all Muslims out of the US? And then? All Americans outside the US will be the target then. You even have americans which originated from the middle east or just sympathize with them.
The same problem like the Nice terrorist. He was a french, not religious, not even a real muslim.

Underrated post

Gary Johnson

Celsius I take it. Not very impressive either way.

I vote for everyone in the WWE hall of fame.

If trump is good enough for gamecatt then he's good enough for me.

Cause not a Murrican
But i would vote for him to see the world burn


Because he's an idiot.

No, I'm just saying that's not a good strategy. You round up 11 million people and just... what do you do with them?

And THEY LIE. Again all they have to do is claim to not be Muslim.

Does something need tof be done? Probably. But not every solution makes sense.

If mosquitoes are invading, I'm not going to build a bunch of crossbows to defend ourselves, because it wouldn't make any sense. That doesn't mean I like malaria, idiot.


Fucking cuck. Your what's wrong with modern civilization. Fucking moron

He's going to lead our economy right into recession. Many jobs will be lost.

Interesting. Well I guess we could just send all sand-niggers home. Would solve the problem albeit many butthurt sjws go on a cry spree before tuckering themselves out for a nap. Icing on the cake for me.

Won't ever happen though. We are destined to fail.

Because austerity and a trade war will destroy our economy.

Because Berniefag.
DNC screws over candidate in election farce theatre.
So, voting yes on Trump.
Time to burn this motherfucker down.
But I am.

40 minute old unchecked TRIPS?


Because I live in the UK.

His tax plan is shit

because left > right no matter who the individuals are.

>a 12 year old on a Mongolian basket weaving web board told me I'm a cuck because I dared to say a woman was the most competent candidate for POTUS

welp better go an hero now

It's been an honor shitposting with y'all

Mike pence is why

left has done such an outstanding job in the past forty the democrats lost the house, senate and presidency in 2008 i'll never understand.

maybe the little people just didn't understand what was good for them.

The only reason to ever vote Trump was his rejection of the TPP, but thats now part of the dem platform as well.

I am.

it always swings back and forth, there are always problems no matter how well the country is doing, and they are blamed on whoever is in power. the back and forth swing will always exist.

Because I am voting for Hilary. Not terribly excited about it, but she's got my vote (and that of everyone I know).

I actually have never met someone who is a trump supporter. I mean I'm sure I have just by statistics or whatever, but I have literally never heard someone say that they support or are going to vote for trump.

Because i'm not a class cuck.

>The only reason to ever vote Trump was his rejection of the TPP, but thats now part of the dem platform as well.
>part of the dem platform
Oh my sides.

Because I love my country I would never vote for a toad.

He is a failed buiness owner, he has runined Atlantic city, he never made a dime on his own, he bribed city officials to develop property's that went bankrupt, he is a casino owner were the cards are always stacked against the public he has no experience. Must i go on? He swindled millions out of poor people with a get rich quick skeem, the fucking guy is a shyster and most of you are buying into his shit.

Because he doesn't believe in global warming and thinks science is a Chinese conspiracy

living in germany

Because I live in Australia

because he's not Hillary

because I'm a liberal cuck who is thankful that Jamaal pleases his wife every night.

fucking racist,

why wouldnt jamaal please his wife?

cuz I'm not a murican fat fuck , enjoy ur diabetes and getting ass fucked by trump soon .

you got a point there.

Trump is a closet homosexual.

It is part of the Dem platform. You have Bernie sanders to thank for that.


top kek !!
plus I want this tooo , this user knows what he wants !! better deliver

Because he will embarrass me for my country. Scumbag

I don't agree with his solutions.
And now I agree even less given his VP pick.

Don't live in America.