Feels thread

Feels thread

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I've always heard 9gag copying Sup Forums but I'm seeing a lot of 9gag post on Sup Forums,is Sup Forums copying 9gag?

It's the summerfags, that's all.

No, the picture has just looped around for so long and then someone reused the 9 year old picture in this thread right now.

9fag is a place where people upload "funny images", 99.9% of which are copied from other places on the internet, and 9fag watermarks it and gives the uploader/thief credit for it.

Sup Forums is a place for discussion threads; images are secondary to its nature, so reposts from other places are natural. The difference is we're not claiming anything is original.

The hardest part is waking up.
I always dream about her, about us, abouter her leaving me again and again and again or coming back.
But it's not real and I have to wake up and these dreams, good or...AND bad, are glued to me for the day.




Hits home too close.

It always hits too close



Good job. Sticking dick in crazy and marrying it


I don't think she was crazy. Like, crazy people don't stop when you say "I'm sorry."

Like, seriously. I've known a lot of crazy fucks.

Why arent she answering me?


She's jsut playing with you, you have to knock harder to win.

i'll contribute

Long but gold



aw come on i'm unlucky as fuck mang



(at least he had a wife and children...)


This gave me a smile holt shit

fuckin hell how can you ignore your parents like that!



speaking of music


dude, with the advent of mobile internet posting, you cant blame it on that anymore.









Meeting and getting to know the girl of your fucking dreams, then finding out that she's a lesbian.


the only thing I feel is sadness and rage
like pendulum

If she's feeling good around you, that won't be a problem.


shit man, the whole 3:1 suicide rate always reminds me of my ex cause she used to be so worried i would do something stupid
then she fell out of love with me and found someone else sooooo

Meeting and getting to know the girl of your fucking dreams, dating her and then finding out that you're her beard.


Fuck. Every time.


OK what

One grandchild showed up after the tweet moments later, but four others did not. They say it wasn't ignoring but I think it was to cover up how little the other four didn't care or didn't have time.

They all came to Daily Mail get together though, fucking asshats. Grandpa says he wasn't sad or gloomy, but body emotions don't lie.


i'm there bro
though i tend to feel more empty than both nowadays, not sure if that's even good

beard in this context is slang from someone a homosexual dates to give the illusion that he or she is straight.

>be me
>raised by alcoholic and abusive foster parents
>grow up abused and witnessing violence in family
>get diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder
>attempt suicide 2 times
>gets hospitalize and I have to take 5 different medication, nothing for anxiety
>i can't leave the house without having a full blown panic attack
>cry every night to sleep
>i caught first bf cheating on me
>second one beat me up then left me, it's been 2 years and I still cry thinking of him and I'm not recovered yet
>drop out of college
>get a little fat, no more qt twink
>come out as fag to mom
>she threatens to kick me out of the house
>nobody to love and take care of me

I consider suicide daily :(

i see
that would also suck immesurably


+1 internet to that man

Ok I'll try. My english sucks tough.
Even if she says she's lesbian that doesn't mean anything. Maybe she never met a man she could love, but only women that made her happy, and that's why she thinks she's lesbian.
If you don't try you'll never know...

I wanna hug you, user....I wanna hug you and tell you you're gonna find ''that one''.

I'm in the same situation....he beat me up, he used to hit me, swear me but I loved him like a fool I am...it's been 3 months, he didn't contact me at all, dumped me and never looked back when I needed him the most....I find myself crying thinking about him, I often dream about him and in the last dream he wanted us to get back together...I woke up crying...

shit man, i'm sorry
how old are you? if you wanna talk go on ahead dog

Who here has attempeted suicide before, only to pull out at the last minute?

well it happens a lot
especially with gay guys doing it,
like some guy is married to a woman come out of the closet and leaves her and everyone acts like he's a fucking hero for basically deceiving this woman using and discarding her.

holy shit...
please- talk to us. talk to me.

I got caught performing autoerotic asphyxiation by my parents who thought I was trying to kill myself.

last year around the end of november i decided i didnt wanna do this anymore
i remembered my parents used to have a gun hidden so i went to look for one and, well, it was gone
the entire day i was doing fine, felt relaxed and all but the moment i couldnt find the gun i went fucking insane; crying all over the place, almost screaming
my mindset about committing suicide changed a lot over the course of the last few months

Meeting someone you love absolutely, on the other side of the world. Connecting so vividly it feels like a dream and gives you an understanding of what it means to be a whole person with them. Healing old wounds with that person, spending days waiting for the next moment of free time that you can be with them again, in the smallest least personal way possible because it's the only way you can be yourself. Falling in love with someone that you can never be with, because you're broken.

I'm so sorry, Tom. I'm so sorry I can't be the girl you want me to be, the kind of girl I want to be. I wormed my way into your life and now we're both stuck, parasite and host together.

Part of it is that men are more often successful in their attempts, since we tend to favour guns and such, while women use pills and blades.

Post better feels plox...

"Wake up Chief, I need you..."

How does the esteemed user recognize 9fag posts?

Thank you, kind anons, I'm here for you as well.

I didn't post that for no reason. It happened to me a few weeks back. I want to forget, I want to stop, I want to pull the plug but I can't. Have you got any advice?

I'm all alone at home, alone all the week-end
She's having fun with her friends, with another man.. laready... perhaps... She will travel in August and I will be here crying.

been there, dude
i'm sorry
everyone tells you're gonna find someone and be happy with them but when you're broken, almost nobody wants anything to do with you, it's pretty sad


im a 30 year old virgin, you think I know anything about relationships?




Goddamn. I am sincerely sorry for what the world has done to you.

OK- so you're the original poster of , right? To make this clearer,I'm the poster of . Have you done counselling?

I even went as far as to pull the trigger, the bullet never went off :(

I actually died for about 20 minutes before they brought me back
Those fuckers


I've held the gun under my chin five times but I've never been able to pull the trigger and feel the sweet release of death. Not sure if it counts as attempting or not.

After my mom died this was relevant as fuck


I considered suicide, spoke to a professional about it. They didn't convince me that life was worth living, but the conversation afforded me the time to realize that I'll die automatically if I just wait: no reason to rush it.

I'm a lot happier now, because every day I know I'm one day closer to death. It's like looking forward to your birthday.



Okay, sorry.

(Femanon) That's why I'm always there for my male friends, men don't need to hide, they are worthy of attention as well

This gets me more than anything else. Dogs can't say "I love you", but they can definitely show it.


my gf was afraid of leaving me cause I had let's say.. moderate depression and she thought I might do something stupid. So she cheated on me instead. After 5 years of relationship. Way to go!