So what kind of music do you listen to, user?

So what kind of music do you listen to, user?

did you just called me user

anything with substance. that's why don't like the fab four

All-female Glam Metal bands.

Get on their level.

>tfw you carefully bullshit your answer and then slowly reveal the music you actually like to them as you get to know them but only if you honestly think they'll like it due to their timely disclosure of their own musical tastes to you because you actually care what people think of you a lot even when it comes to something relatively minor like musical taste

if you don't like the fab four try the handful five

yugoslavic nationalist pornogrind

third wave avant-garde post-dreamfunk walljazz

i put nail polish on my left and sit on it so it feels like a girl is jerking me off


plenty of stuff but please leave me alone. you smell of booze

I wear fingerless gloves because it feels like someone is holding my hand

Yeah, that's what your friends on that website you go on call you, isn't it? Can I not call you that too? What is that website any ways?
Why are you being mean?

i lick my own anus

>Why are you being mean?
I'm not. you just seem drunk and it's not the time for us to discuss things.

this conversation ends right here

anything except rap and country

well you can't speak with your tongue inside your anal cavity


I'm not drunk, at worst I'm a little tipsy but I'm more fun like this. I've got some more in my car if you want to be more fun too.

No thanks. I dislike fun.

...oh. Couldn't you try to like it a little?

only if you don't try too hard and we listen to xenakis at your car stereo's full volume. bonus points of you recite the thesaurus to me as we hang out


Natalie Austin

>if talking to religious girl
i really like satanist hymns
>anyone else
I just love country music so much! don't you think it brings back memories of the old days when those niggers were still in chains?

what do you think i'm a fucking pleb or something?