Hello, Doktors of Sup Forums

Hello, Doktors of Sup Forums
What is this itchy stuff on my foot? It has been there for a year and now it's getting worse.
Is it AIDS?

Another image without flash, a more natural lighting

It's chafing caused by the hair in that area and your sock, dipshit.

I left the liquid drops there on purpose, because they might aid in identification. If I leave it alone for some time, scratching it will result in this liquid appearing.

I don't even wear socks most of the time and this shit has been there for over a year now.

It's a callus buildup, my sister had one like that recently and had it shaved off some and got special ointment.

I went to medschool. Go to a hospital ASAP this is a rare skin condition in which your skin will soon start to deteriorate completely.. godbless and good luck.

probably just from sweaty feet or something. wear socks

Nah mate listen, I got the same thing, just on my leg and toe. It's itchy because your skin is too dry. So don't scratch it and put some creme on it.

Looks like cancer to me

looks like ringworm to me. A simple cream precription from doctors should sort it out ASAP

Have the virgin mary lactate on it

are there little blisters? Could be dyshidrosis, a type of eczema.

I actually do have that on my soles, which I can easily get rid of by soaking them in water and exfoliating, but that's no callus on the top of my foot there
Wouldn't socks make it worse?
The stuff spreads to nearby patches of skin, especially if I scratch it.

Yes, I think there are


Docs would help, there would be a lot less shoe to skin rubbing. You could always go the shoeless route though.


no one's going to mention the 2nd and 3rd toes?

You are fucking stupid why dont you wear socks

I usually only go out for college, but currently I got summer break, so there is pretty much zero skin rubbing at that area. I'm barefoot at home.
>not curable
Shit, that sounds bad. My mother has something like that all over her body, is it contagious or inheritable?
I thought it would make it worse
What's up with them?

Operator, I think you need to decapitate your toenails, they're fucking ingrown as shit

So do you have any medical conditions? What footwear do you have

Its a fungal infection.


it's irritation caused by some invasive bacteria (which one is irrelevant). you need to keep that spot as clean as possible. the itching comes from your body telling you to scratch off the "bad" skin.

you'll be fine.

They look fine to me, I just cut them as soon as I can cut them
Nothing noteworthy, no. But check next reply
About a year ago I have been to a doctor when this spot was still really small. He gave me something against fungal infection and said that if it works, I should keep using it until it's gone. It did work, but I forgot using it when it was almost gone, and I think now it came back. Either that, or it's something new. The stuff he gave me is empty, so I'd have to make another appointment, which would take weeks again, if it's same as last time.
I thought maybe if I scratch it enough, I could destroy it and keep it from coming back.
Do you think applying some of that anti-bacterial disinfection liquid with a lot of alcohol in it would be a good idea, or would it dry out the skin even more?

Try cutting the whole leg off

they're mildly syndactalous

Can't find any results for that on Google

Holy shit you must be literally retarded to think scratching it more and not wearing socks would help