I have a gf

i have a gf

i get to fuck other girls as well

i can do with my life what i want

i still want to kill myself so much

what do

kill yourself in style duh


Kill yourself

also post gf nudes

>have a gf
>fuck other girls
If u think this is cool fucking kys already

i might just do that

life is just too bleak. i am stuck in a perpetual existential crisis.

give me your job bro

my gf actually allows me to. we have a semi-open relationship. it's quite perfect really.

Suicide is stupid. Death is so permanent, life is full of possibilities.

Hukt awn fonix wurkt fur mee

i know.

i am 31 now and live under the impression i have seen most of it. i have literally done everything i ever wanted and then some.

everyday everything is shrouded by a dark mist. i just want it to end.

hold on, let me check if i have any ready.

I swear I heard that stupid phrase somewhere else....

last week i went hanging out with a girl 7 years younger than me. amazing body. really smart. good fun, we fucked on the first date and she wants to fuck more. i should be ecstatic. in a way i am flattered, but even more so i feel so empty and drained of life.

it's overshadowing everything.

here go.


didn't see that one coming, zz

not every pussy is perfectly pink, okay. you'll learn that some day.

31.. you aint seen most of it. just be glad you are on the ride as it does end for us all.

>not every pussy is perfectly pink
yeah they definitely aren't an ass tho

kill yourself posthaste

her asshole is fucking weird dude, did she catch something from you?

it's quite normal really. not every asshole is a perfect rose bud either.


Don't kill yourself, just look for something other than women. You said it yourself you can do anything. Good Luck

do some shrooms