Fucking Bernie supporters, I swear to fuck

Fucking Bernie supporters, I swear to fuck.
>Loses primary.
"He still has a chance of winning!"
>Openly supports the criminal he was running against.
"He can still be the next president!"
I swear, if he fucking died his supporters would still come up with a bullshit explanation on how he could get elected.

Shillary is losing badly now. Bernie, and that Jill cunt have a better chance than her now

Bernie supporters are like cultists, so devoted and irrational. Rather frightening, but what do you expect from people following a defunct ideology?


Hope turns bad sometimes.

His fans still rail against Trump like their opinion matters anymore. Lol!

I heard a nice sum of Bernie supporters actually shifted to Trump (I myself am included in that).

>that pic
>saved from facebook


you're going to trigger all the fucking retards.






Bern victims are brain dead kids who failed economics 101.

I'm glad Hillary cucked that old, irrelevant commie.

He can have my guns bullets first.




I'd like to know what percentage of his business have been successful, as opposed to, say, shillarys one failed attempt.

shitty b8 Trumptard


People who dislike Bernie aren't Trump supporters or conservatives.

They are people who aren't dumb enough to dump their lifesaving on a pussifed moron who spent insane amounts of money to lose by millions of votes against one of the most disliked politicians in history.

Fucking summer Sup Forums is almost as bad as regular Sup Forums.


#BernieOrBust GFY!

>People who dislike Bernie aren't Trump supporters or conservatives.

yeah they are faggot

nice argument. about what I expected.


I read something stupid on Sup Forums

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

Never been on Sup Forums tbh, why so salty user?

wow that meme went stale quick

It still makes him a terrible politician. He was literally on a fucking TV show, are you for real?

He's a walking diplomatic shitstorm waiting to happen. Look at the people he already alienated.


shes at the top in pretty much every poll what are you on about?

close but no cigar faggot-cuck

>supports a retard like Trump
>wonders why anons are dogpiling him

inb4 Jew media/do your research

Inb4 every poll she runs.

lol no I just realized what the fuck was happening with the whole idea of working for a living instead of being a nigger

>only one person throwing a hissy fit and throwing around mean words

Please don't tell me you're samefagging hard in this thread as well.

lol "polling well in new York"

spoken like a true jew