ITT we post YouTubers that we hate

ITT we post YouTubers that we hate.

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Both are sellout jews

How is the GT guy a cunt?

he got sucked into the youtube red bs

plus fnaf episodes

but.... I love Matpat D:

Yea he literally sucks Scott Cawthon's dick and balls

Jews don't sell out. They buy in. Also, fuck you.

I don't mind him.

He seems like the kind of guy you think would be douchey at first, but he's pretty cool.

That's okay, I don't. It's just my opinion.

All of them


He gave Undertale to the goddamned pope.

Arumba. I'm so fucking tired of the whole "I'm gonna ignore this mechanic of the game because I'm too lazy to look up what it does and OH NO WHY AM I DOING BADLY FUCK THIS GAME

Youre right. No jew has ever sold out ever. Fuck off jafarifag

Timothy Brentwood is that you?

did you even watch the episode to understand his reasoning on giving it?

When I watch any of his stuff, I can't help but cringe.
>so don't watch it.
I don't, people I room with do though.

uh oh do i hear religion starting to be involved?

Everyone involved in the excessive unnecessary drama that has recently overtaken youtube.

This cunt. Liked his content and his early exposing of prank channels. Seeing him turn on Keemstar and him go ban-happy on his reddit just because of criticism made me realize hes just another cunt.
Encyclopedia Dramatica will make you think that most people that you enjoy are cunts though

do i even need to post this

I will say Keem star, cause he doesn't know how to reinstall chromosomes.

>Everyone in Chat Say Alex Is a Stupid Nigger

this fat fuck who thinks anyone gives a shit about what he has to say when he's not just being a fat nerd joke for people to laugh at.

meh even if he sucks cawthons dick his theories are at least well made. Guilty pleasure of mine keeping up with all of the FNAF shennanigans.

No excuse for that community of autists tho

skallagrim is a bit of a cockhead
leafy thinks he's hard but he's soft.

what does he even do?


I also enjoy hearing his theories, i love hearing the science behind most of his theories

What the fucking hell

Never liked him from the start. Saw the recent video he did calling out click-baity internet media for using his name for clicks while being inaccurate and it had some pretty solid bitchslaps.
Also lol'd @ the vid where he called his fans dumb fucks for falling for scam youtube comments

Most of them ever since vlogging became a thing

Filthy frank.
But not filthy frank, his fuckign fanbase. Frank is fucking stupid, but is doing his thing and whatver. His fanbase is the most autistic, fucked, desperate attention whores I've ever seen. He did a "submit your videos" thing, and it's prolly the cringiest thing I've ever seen.
Worst fanbase on the internet by far, edglord squared.

whats wrong with keemstar?
he gives the beta-pussies what they deserve. people in the "youtube community" are just afraid because they dont want a normal job.
keemstar ruins it for people who earn easy money by exploiting youtube. and i like that.


Kyle hill from nerdist is way better than Matpat and nowhere near as cringey

I liked his older cleverbot videos, but after a while, it got annoying, but that's just in my opinion.

>i saw some youtube drama and thought i'd offer my opinion
>i'm sorry, i spoke without knowing the full details. i won't do it again
every fucking time

I would, but it would take all night to find pictures of every single one of those insufferable twats

Picked a good picture tho

tbh he is such a bitch baby turned his ratings off for like a week


shit tier gamer ruined the best friends

Just part of the Youtube dramasphere now mate!

You do realize he doesn't give a fuck about you, Keem Star even said Fuck the Fans, And Wishes all of his supporters and fans die of cancer. He only does " the news" for money and fuck the fans..... kekkle.

Boogie dont do nuffin wrong. He just tryna be happy.

his pewdiepie bot sucks shit
at least he is upfront about just wanting to get rick



Holy shit Jerma985, haven't seen any of his videos in a long tim,e then again I haven't touched TF2 for over a year, lol

The filthiest fucking nigger i know

After he fucked Greg over I stopped watching

Well, that's just your theory... a hate theory... and cut.

Your spelling is worse than 9/11 and syrian refugees comming into france.

This faggot
I hate his voice and I hate how he looks
He also "reports" on the shittiest topics

I hate pbg but enjoy the vidz

his streams and pretty top notch lately. go check out this guy for some highlights >

yes. im not a fan.
like any youtueb cares about the fans. they care about themselves and want the fans to like them. they all do it for the money.

what did happen to greg?

lol clearly has no idea about how much of a trolling fuckboy keemstar was when he started on youtube
imagine the most annoying shit talking 8 year olds on XBL mixed with those black dudes who freestyle because reasons now put that in the body of a 30 year old sensitive man baby. oh and add a robot and stupid other 8 year olds.

Liam Ruined it man, Liam ruined it.
Matt and pat were fun, woolie was on the lame side, but as an occasional third for like scrublords or what not he was fine. Then liam showed up, and fuck is that kid boring and whiny. Just the embodiment of middle of the road no opinion terrified to be offensive beta male faggot.
I now only even bother trying to watch a TBF vid if it's just matt and pat.

was there ever any info leaked about that?
or are we doomed to a jontron/egoraptor deal?

Nice to see such a civil chat.

Just the shit Greg spoke about on Twitter but he never came out fully and explained so we might never know

>they care about themselves and want the fans to like them. they all do it for the money.
>my lawyer does it because he loves hte law
>My doctor just loves medicine
>I only like bus drivers that just like driving
>I only let garbage men who just love garbage to collect my garbage

Faulting people for doing a job for the money is fucking retarded and pathetic.
Better vids = more money, doing it for the money = better videos. Capitalism pushed society, not people.

It's actually not okay
You're a faggot and so it Matpat. Get fucked retard

Ethan: *coughs loudly on purpose*
14yo fanbase: *goes wild*


i hate this lying jew

its all thanks to le reddit

Yup, I just wanted to see what youtubers people dislike. Everybody has different tastes and whatnot.

who did he lie about?

Vape nashe, yall V/\

Bro his music is such shit lol

That video is fucking hilarious

But.... You're still watching his videos

I genuinly used to find these guys amusing, the first few reaction vids were funny. But then IDK wtf happened, now they've just decided their channel is about arbitrating youtube drama and 1/2 of their vids are basically just "hey did you know we're internet famous". Just not really interesting anymore. the reality is tho, on youtube, once you reacha threshold of subcribers you'll get a burst of 10-15 yr olds that will just subscribe to be memesters hip with the current trends yo. And at that point, you don;t need to make content, just post some shite every couple days and the edgelords will watch just to comment on a popular channel.

its weird how he jumped into that huge drama chanel. i remember when the dude had a wall of banned xbox's because Microsoft was throwing a shitfit

Even dunkey?

you got me

I used to love his channel but he just make the most random theories based on small evidences, it's just ridiculous.


But why?

Every video is pretty much exactly the same fkin layout it gets boring so fast.

I genuinely don't like leafy
>His voice
>How he fakes his laugh (The one where he really forces with all his mighty in the middle of a video)
>He is manipulative and uses his fanboys as a personal army
>once he makes a fucking video about someone all the fanboys goes to their last video and says "Drink me" "Drink bleach" "kys" or "hisssssssss"
I also have his information
>Phone number
And I might post it too

who doesn't have his info by now

He looks like the average cuck

I've always liked his videos.


And his mother's info.
But I'm not going to release that because I'm not a fucking dick.

Hilarious if you're 9 and can't tell when a couple faggots are acting out a really poorly written sketch.
This is fucking cancer.

jenny mcdermot, bewildered ape, anyone from that small little sect of asshat feminists. cause drama to get attention.

Is that even him?


>Implying you're not 9
>Implying you don't find shitty sketches funny
Wowza, you must be new to the indurpnets kiddo

yeah its him

pretty sure it's just a dude that looks him

also check those dubs

