Feels bad man

Feels bad man

Did he failed on that one level with the snake and rising green water on DKC Diddy's Kong Quest?

That was fast

Worse, he lost to a puff.

why the poor person tv?

They need to play on crt tvs to avoid input lag. The game is pretty precise and a lot of times you only have one frame of 60 to do shit, so the old school tvs help.

What is this?

im assuming this must have been a smash brothers 64 tournament?

Better for viewing the game. Plus, they're used to it.

melee, the best one (gamecube version).

Melee. 64 doesn't have much of a competitive scene anymore. At least not big enough for Evo

inb4 l2crop
>the birth of a disney villain

Is this the special olympics? Why hasn't the neologism treadmill forced a name change? Can I compete if I have ass burgers? Should I?

One of the top players actually has aspergers and the others make fun of him for being an aspie a lot

The fuck am I seeing here? Vydia tournament?

Any vids of the match?

Yeah a big one. This is before the place got filled up

It'll probably be up tomorrow. The whole set lasted about 30 minutes because of a bracket reset, but it was kind of boring since puff is boring to watch.

What game?

Agreed. I prefer fox falcon fights

It's Evolution 2016 which is up in Vegas so it's a bunch of different fighting games. Street fighter 5 is probably the most popular rn but Smash Bros Melee is what op was posting about

post the vid of the gameplay?