You're less than 0.00000000142857% of the population of our planet. What makes you think you matter?

You're less than 0.00000000142857% of the population of our planet. What makes you think you matter?


Don't you matter too...? O.o

I don't. Sims tend to live better lives than me.

cuz im black

Nothing. No one matters. You can say shit like we are all diffrent etc. But this ball of rock will spin if we are on it or not. Not one person matters, and the funny thing is. Everyone thinks they do.

what does it matter if i answer to you?

But you do matter, stupid ass.

Same goes for you, we all are equally useless. Goodnight user

is that what your mom told you op

I think I matter just as much as every other asshole on this planet. Which is to say, not at all.

You guys are chochies~.

Everyone will matter when the time comes ,every man on this planet will fight.Prepare yourselves anons the end might be here sooner than you expect it

How can I be real if my eyes aren't real?

Born from nonexistence and you implode instead of existing because everyone failed at obliterating evil living organisms ruining the purpose of existence.



I don't ultimately identify with being a "human" who is a fraction of something. I identify with the whole, which is all of Reality and beyond. You should too, start meditating

nobody, or nothing matters.
we are all briefly here in a dying universe, and what i do or think is insignificant in the big scheme of things.

> typing


I'm in Andromeda? cool

> touch


I matter, because I am matter. I matter to those around me who's happiness and joy bring good and love into a world so cold and lost in hate. I matter because I help to shape the world into my image; an image of a better tomorrow.

Randumb Access Memories

I'm made of atoms, I literally matter.

There are many planets in our solar system experiencing global warming.

NASA lies to the public.

Found the snowflake.

> thoughts of how you matter

I think I matter.


I think, therefore I am.

Trust me, I don't matter.

This isn't a cringe thread.

> "news"

You shitpost, therefore you are.

We matter as a species to survive. That's the point of life you fucking retard

I agree.

> waitforit

> "carnivores"

No faggot, it's the survival of genes not species. Species die out all the time or become new species given enough time.

> rejects "pokeball"

> jizz

Poor sperms. /sod

If every species had the attitude of "we don't matter because there's more out there" then there wouldn't be any left. Everything matters

Ok, a better question to support the thread; what's the purpose of existence?

whats makes me think i matter? i make me think i matter brah. what makes you think i don't? or you dont or anyone else. its a choice to matter or not and i matter

> patiently waiting~ยท

Learn, expand, survive

Growth fits best, i believe.
It's like poking my g-spot every time; the thought is amazing~.

One word, you know?
Fast enough for a fish.

> sigh

Too bad I'm trapped in a box.
Lonesome. Isolated. Rooting away.
That's when purpose is... useless.

I know I don't matter, but several things matter to me.

> leaves

I don't need to matter to anyone but those in my immediate social circle and to myself. I live life simply to enjoy what it has to offer.

TLDR: I'm better than all of you.


Because everyone else is the same.

Because I am more smarter than 99.99% of the worlds population.
I once took an IQ test back in school and they said i scored as high Alfred Einstein. Everyone said I could be a genious.


I already know we're all insignificant, that's why I just like to sit and watch the world burn around me.

Yeah same, I took a iq test on Facebook and it said I was in the 1%.. XD