So, it's almost the end of 2016, and the whole world can agree that Muslims are always a bad idea

So, it's almost the end of 2016, and the whole world can agree that Muslims are always a bad idea.

What else can we universally agree upon? Besides OP being a fag.

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Niggers gonna nig.

Jews are the cause of all evil and wrong doing in the world

Hitler did nothing wrong.

He did a lot of things wrong, otherwise he'd win.

That basically every racial meme Sup Forums has been sperging out ever since 2004 is slowly becoming true

Tits are great

its funny how the christians get a pass
>it's almost the end of 2016, and the whole world can agree that organized religions, especially judeo/christian religions, are always a bad idea.

Kek is real and affecting the world.

That fat mongoloid needs to be incinerated though.

We sort of calmed down a little

Religions are a bad idea, but the ones that aren't blowing up or explicitly aiming to killing people ( i said explicitly user) are getting a pass atm.

Sometimes I think the United States is responsible for some of these incidents ISIS is taking credit for. Sometimes.
That being said, I do generally dislike Islam (I would love to see someone blow up their stone at the Kaaba and level Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem to the ground). The only kind of Islam I am sort of okay with is the Iranian brand (Shia); I think that the Shi'ites (some, not all) are our strongest allies in the Middle East. And Iran may be more of an ally to us than we're admitting. And I don't have a problem with Sharia law like everyone else pretends to, per say, unless it has to do with converting by the sword, but that's not Sharia, that's jihad. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if the whole world woke up and had to realize that Iran has nukes. Sometimes.

H-h-hee meant morally wrong silly! :^)

Well the US (and NATO in general) did fund, and train, the Muhaheddin (spelling) during the Cold War agaisnt the Soviets.

The wrong doing was not expecting them to be unhonarable bastards and turning agaisnt us.

their are 500 christian domestic terror attacks in the USA each year
>they are burning and bombing and murdering abortion doctors/clinics

Plus its not like Christians have a peaceful history, look at the crusades when the christians were the barbarian terrorists. or look into how the vatacan worked with the nazi's and didnt even think of resisting them.

Culturally they are USA version of those asshole islamists you hate, why allow that kind of filth in our great culture

>being so insecure you had to type "besides OP being a fag"

OP is a fag

I don't understand. I mean the last time we had relative stability in the middle east is when the sunnis were under an ottoman caliph. He used his influence to enforce slightly pro-western preaching as the ottomans were desperately westernizing. Besides the obvious political stability imposed bythe ottomans, why don't we covertly support the rise of a pro-western caliph in the region?

No, I mean like, an American walks into a crowded shopping center in Baghdad and leaves a bomb behind that kills 250 starving women and children during their holy month.

This. Islam is an immediate threat because the majority of Muslims worldwide are completely out of their mind.

Christians aren't really dangerous, their religion has been watered down and reformed to a point where scripture is virtually irrelevant and secular values took over long ago. Only danger I see with it is the promotion of willful ignorance, but it's already on a decline, so waiting it out is just fair.

>universal truth

lmao like nigga read a book like hahaha

Boobs are awesome

God aint real!

tell that to the baptists or mormons.
>its not like christians in the USA are not insane, its just that like 80% of those who are religous in the USA are "im christian kuz i say i am, i dont chruch or read the bible and dont know shit about this religion im in"
Thats not calming down that basically rejecting the religion in every way except keeping the label

>if you as a religous person if an extremely religous person (crazy person) is laudable and they all say "yup they are doing great i wish i could be less sane and believe stupid shit and hate fags and stuff"

> almost the end of 2016
> july


that we cant stump the trump

>mudslim detected
Ok Ahmed, you are totally right christians are evil and islam is just following in the footsteps.
>the ol they did it, we get to argument

This. Also that caliph idea tho

Isis has a caliph, tho?

> Crusades

Alright, let's prosecute people now for shit they did centuries ago.

Muslims and Mongols, you are up.

Yes I'm looking at you too Ottoman Empire.

Pretty sure the Crusades have been over for a while user. Jihads however.

>almost the end of 2016
>middle of July

Shut the fuck up faggot

Well, isn't the middle of something technically almost the end? Just like the beginning is almost the middle?

The end being the final months?


That the US gets a mentally retarded president at the end of this year. we only have to choose which gender it will be!

u think George Bush wasn't a templar?!
>He says god told him to invade iraq

The crusades didn't exactly exist in a vacuum. It's not like it were peaceful back then and the only thing they wanted is kill and convert. They wanted to take back their lands and stop their people from being enslaved . 500 years of constant threats from the Islamic world simply boiled over and resulted in a war that wasn't pretty, but also not unjustified.

im an atheist
> I just think people in the USA should redirect the h8 towards muslims at all organized religions in the USA, we really dont need them...

Trump sounds like the lesser evil than Hillary, and I started out like a Hillary supporter.

Religion is cancer

Crusaders should have finished there job... but nooo
now we have to deal with sandmonkeys and kebab

Two foot fence would be enough to keep out spaghetti armed manlets and fatminists. Let alone the fact that they will get triggered into heart attacks when the great overlord is elected.

Whether it fits your political agenda or not, even most Hillary and Bernie supporters agree that Trump would actually take care of the problem

>my view on life is the only correct one

▼        ▼ Jews
▲        ▲

The crusades were basically the Pope pressured into it BY Islam. The caliphate had just expanded into northern tips of Africa and were still strong and expanding. It's not like the Pope woke up one day and said "I think I'm gonna pick on sandniggers today". And later crusades were influenced by things like the battle of Tours and other middle Eastern aggression. Cucks didn't always just bend over and take it in Europe like today

>dedicating my life to an obviously false fairy tale isn't objectively retarded

Trump is the lesser of the evils, i agree

>Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."

Christian terrorism would be B i and ii at worst. Muslim terrorism is almost exclusively B iii. That's like lumping catcalls and rape into the same category.

>. 500 years of constant threats from the Islamic world
the islamists were hardly threatening the west
>they invaded spain (for 500 years) after the crusades
There is even a historical argument to make that the entire reason for the crusades was fudal europe had too many knights and useless men who could only fight, so they sent them all away to fight a common enemy instead of more fudal wars

If the fence was painted white, the fatminists wouldn't even go near it. Just bitch about its color from afar

religion is shit

Found the kebab

>Hi I really like to judge other life choices because I'm always right. Mommy said
Kill yourself, I can smell you underage from here

>to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;
Arson is mass destruction, christians assassinate abortion doctors every couple years AND christians kidnap people all the god damn time.
>your just mad because im comparing granny smith apples (christian terror) with honey crisp apples(islamic terror)
Yes one is larger and tastier but they are both apples

You must be from Sweden
>Islam did nothing wrong
Except kill all those people. But that's only like 80% of them

Nah muslims are ok. Stop watching Fox news.

>the islamists were hardly threatening the west
Except they were. Not only threatening, but conquering for some 500 years, what are you on about?
>they invaded spain (for 500 years) after the crusades
What are you quoting here? I never said that.
>There is even a historical argument to make that the entire reason for the crusades was fudal europe had too many knights and useless men who could only fight, so they sent them all away to fight a common enemy instead of more fudal wars
Thanks for making up historical fiction, I like reading that.

at the time of the crusades the islamists were #1 in science, astronomy, math, and medicine
>europe was a fudal shithole

its not like its some brown propoganda, its just history

also im very white and irish and from denver

A almost zero minority of a population endorsed by almost no one commits a few crimes VS. suicide bombings and mass shootings all around the globe by thousands of people condoned by the majority of the Muslim world.

Please try harder, you collossal faggot.

>religion is shit


>>Hi I really like to judge other life choices because I'm always right. Mommy said

He said religion is shit, meaning specific concepts are shit.

He didn't say "people who practice religions are shit."

Two different things, fucker.

Why do they all live in mudhuts now?

Chechclear is muslim easy mood.

keep defending a 2700 year old middle eastern culture book.
I mean have you read the bible, it reads like the news, STONE UR SISTER TO DEATH!!!! GODS PISSED BETTER REPENT

So much insight in that bible there, can totally tell why people like it so much

You do realize that I'm an atheist for almost two decades now, do you? I just won't stand for your at best flawed comparisons, at worst outright lies, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt there.

The "military coup" in turkey was a false flag initiated by Erdogan as his very own Reichstagsbrand. Brown Hitler is on his rise.

Yup this year has pretty much solidified it next year we start the campaign into the Middle East seize Pakistan Iraq Afghanistan Syria turkey etc. and plant some Jews and install a democracy USA

He stopped responding because to Muslims, atheists aren't even human.

Don't give them the benefit of doubt. When they start up with this shit, they aren't appealing to you, but to more ignorant people who are observing the conversation, dhimmis who will chip in on their behalf.
Ideally, Muslims will get Westerners to do their argument for them, because their ideology can't stand up to ours on its own.

I have been part of a christian community for my whole life. Its fucking poison. religion claims to do so much good for society instill values, do charity community. but its all a lie.
>you dont need the bible to be a good person and the social values of the bible are at times horrible beyond belief
>more churches exploit their congrogation and steal than do charity.
>and any sense of commity you get can be duplicated at a damn YMCA but without all the priestly rape and much less kicking teens out of the house for being gay

When you add to this the large number of extreme religious persons who actively preach violence and hatred towards non-believers or fags or whoever then religion takes on a much blacker role.

If you also consider that religion is a massive hoax designed to control power sex and money in much the say way as a government entity it loses all legitimacy, then factor in the evil i mentioned earlier and its just a black pit of evil spewing ignorance and hate

>the harm caused by religion is massive

Church encourages you to give and guilts you if you don't, in Islam they have a policy called zakat, in all effects the same as Mormon tithing, whereby they extract money from you and give it to various 'charities', mosques, etc., who then supposedly give it to the poor.
In reality it lines the local imam and his friends' pockets.

Protestant churches have no right to demand money from the congregation. Not even Christian but even I know that's papist bullshit that would have gotten you lynched in 1525.

Everyone needs one of these

Yeah, nothing hurts like a BB to the eye

No, falsified documents did. Government corruption at its finest. Nothing to do with religion.

the church has this thing called "tithing" it like their version of taxation, because remember the church thinks it has the right to govern you like the government.
They expect every member of the congregation to pay 10% of their income in tithing to the church.
While you say they have no right to demand money from the congregation literally 99% of them do demand money every sunday.

Its so obviously corrupt... i just dont understand how anyone is religous anymore...
>IMO since we all have brain we all have a responsibility to disregard this silly shit

I cant agree with this. I'm not jewish but I respect jews' contributions to comedy writing and i fkin love Howard Stern

It's not terrorism... it's guerilla warfare.
U.S. has the largest mechanized military, against dudes with AKs.
Constantly bombing, trying to topple governments, invading and occupying.
>accidentally blew up a school today
>oh look.. you just bred 100 more kamikazes

>. Nothing to do with religion.
he claimed god told him to invade iraq... telling a predominantly christian country god told u to do something so that you get popular support

>nothing to do with religion.... try again idiot

>this is what arabs belive
>everything that goes wrong in their lifes can never be their own fault, it´s always someone else to blame

terrorist is just a word for bad guy
>war on bad guys
>fighting islomic bad guys
>we dont negotiate with bad guys

I agree. Not much left to say.

jew detected

Found the mudslime

that's how they get you... fag

Didn't read whole thread

Only a minority of muslims are terrorists just like a minority of muslims are terrorists

fuck off

i meant to write minority of whites second time

found the slowpoke

Yep, no one (globally) have problems with the Hindus or the Shintoists

enjoy your country's slow take over
you are part of the problem

mass immigration from other cultures on top of an established culture is just a bad idea

economics nothing but a poor excuse
Hey there my shintoist! merry fucking christmas! god is going to kick your ass you infadellic pig and skum! in case you havent noticed theirs festive things to do


I thought this was a shitty Mormon thing exclusively.

>While you say they have no right to demand money from the congregation literally 99% of them do demand money every sunday

Fucking crazy. Supposedly, in Germany, if you register as a religion on the census, then 10% of your income is taxed and given to the church/mosque/synagogue/temple.
Not sure if registering as atheist means you don't get taxed, or if the govt. just takes it and hands it to the rapemen so they can buy lacoste shirts and cheap cologne.

>Its so obviously corrupt... i just dont understand how anyone is religous anymore...

I couldn't grasp how degenerated Christianity had become until I started studying the reformation in uni.
Before then I didn't care, now I want to clear the merchants out of the temple, and I'm not even a believer.

Its sad that thousands of years of arguments and conflicts over these exact questions have died away to nothing, and the worst practices continue because nobody gives a shit like they did back in the day.
Now that I think about it, its a good thing I'm an atheist. If I had religion I'd end up like Jim Jones.

white boiz are ultimate cuckholds and they eny black dicks

A minority of 25% supports terror, which works out at around 250+ million people.
You stupid faggot. You stupid, illiterate, smug, pretentious faggot, who thinks he knows shit because he sucks up the abstract stats that the news pukes down his throat.

Remember - a minority of a billion people is more people than you could imagine, even at 1%, even at 0.5% you are dealing with half a million people.
You fucking farm animal.

Not just muslims coming in, and immigration doesn't make them the problem, it makes those in charge of their immigration the problem.

no religion is bad as long as it is treated as a clearly philosophical matter, even fucking satanism.
It's people that hide behind it and use it to their advantages that are evil and fucked.

It's like if someone started killing people and saying
>because I'm a mage
>filth mudbloods must die
>Lord Voldemort is the prophet
>praise the Death Eaters

like wtf, you follow shit that a book told you.

I wrote a book, it says that you're an fucking idiot and should kill yourself. Go ahead.

>thousands of years of arguments and conflicts over these exact questions have died away to nothing,
it used to be that the bible was in latin and only a few people could ever get the chance to read it, so u assumed ur priest knew all of the bibly-stuff u never got a chance to know... but now that its in english and we can all see how fukcing terrible and retarded and objectively wrong the bible is how does it stick around?!
>its like u say no one bothers to learn a damn thing about it.

It doesn't matter how many fucking people it is you ignorant shithead, it matters what the percentage it. Target your hate at Saudi Arabia instead of all muslims you redneck pig

Its funny that blacks will get offended when you call them boy.
So maybe calling them boi is the right thing to do.

'Hey boi, get your black ass over here!' 'Hey boi, don't you go spitting on the ground like some aniimal!' 'Boi, if you don't want to get sick, clean your fucking house!'

>I thought this was a shitty Mormon thing exclusively.
no, basically every chrurch does this shit, its just too easy... Um yea tithe... kuz the bible tells u too (it never does, in fact it tells u the opposite)