Jesus, this movie was way more adult than I remembered. Also way better. To be honest...

Jesus, this movie was way more adult than I remembered. Also way better. To be honest, I liked it more than A Bug's Life.

Surprised this isn't mentioned more on here and Sup Forums.

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Too bad it's art style creeps me the fuck out.


The same here. Or rather, the ant design does, the rest of it was aesthetically pleasing to me.

The battle scene with the termites fucking horrified me as a kid

>ants come marching two by two hurrah hurrah

yep it was pretty horrifying at 5 years old

That shit was fucking brutal.

Idiot film makers who failed biology 101. Ant workers and soldiers are all dyke females. Only drones bred to mate are males and they can fly.

not as horrifying as James and the Giant Peach

How about that scene where they raped the girl worker ant infront of stalone to get him to talk?

You can feel the anxiety in Z rising as they march under the moon

>A Bug's Life.
More like a Faggot's Life.

why did I laugh so hard

>that part where it's implied they start raping the j-lo ant to get the slyvester stalone ant to tell them where the other guy went


underrated and under appreciated cgi movie from the late 90's. loved it as a kid then bought the dvd a couple years back and it holds up pretty well. i completely forgot about that line where the bartender says "what are you bitching about?" it's also crammed with big stars including Christopher Walken and Gene fucking Hackman. i wish Hackman had done more voice work. he was good at it.

I'm probably going to watch it tonight for the first time. I dig Woody Allen.

>Dan Aykroyd is a wasp
what more do you want in a movie?

The Termites represented the ever expanding Germanic hordes pushing into Roman(Ants) land and destroying the peaceful and honest way of life of the Ants/Romans.

A bugs life is shit. Antz is actually good.

>That Starship troopers-esque scene where the ants go to war with the termites

holy FUCK

I didn't believe you shits and trusted my memory, but holy fuck, I even rewatched it as a late teen and never caught on

this fucking movie