
What's the greatest Ambient song of all time? And why is it Rhubarb?

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coz i't the only one you've ever heard


Please. This is a safe board.

Blue Calx is better

>picking an individual song
Ambient is an album dominated genre. One song, unless long like something from tangerine dream or Giles Corey, is not worth talking about

>Ambient is an album dominated genre
[Citation Needed]

t. 14 year old

I don't know about the genre as a whole, but my favorite on this album has always been Stone in Focus. Rhubarb is great too though

"Ambient is an album dominated genre. One song, unless long like something from tangerine dream or Giles Corey, is not worth talking about." - user

But it's Stone in Focus

[Citation Needed]

Its Lichen

dlp 1.1

no u

Discreet Music

actually I think Rhubarb might be greater, insanely, but still.

d|p 1.1
d|p 5
Indoor Swimming at the Space Station
Discreet Music
Always Returning
Swastika Girls
Untitled 1 from Pop
Untitled 2 from I Paint for Love of Color

All contenders for me.

I would have said Always Returning as well but wasn't really sure if it classes as ambient. That track is unreal. Love Indoor Swimming too.

Structures From Silence

music for airports 1/1

>not 2/2



Looking For Safety

2/1 is better than 2/2 but 1/1 is that record's thesis statement for sure. Shocked no one's said An Ending (Ascent) yet.