LCPL Asuh Dude - KIA (8K 5M Final OP - Crimson Priest. Died to a Thin Man with a plasma carbine...

LCPL Asuh Dude - KIA (8K 5M Final OP - Crimson Priest. Died to a Thin Man with a plasma carbine. You almost made it out as well.)
LCPL Tits McGee - KIA (8K 4M Final OP - Crimson Priest. Plasma Carbine, Thin man. You were surrounded yet you killed two. RIP)
PFC Lars Nipteltone - Has been KIA for a while now (0K 2M Final OP - Red Moon. Plasma pistol, Sectoid. You were amazingly shit at aiming.)
PFC Daddy Dolittle - KIA (0K 2M Final OP - Crimson Priest. Plasma Carbine, Thin man. You hit things, but never killed anyone. I'm still proud of you RIP)
SPEC Danny Gurgleton - Infantry (Gravely wounded after a terror mission)
CPL Jerry "Otter" Jingledong - Medic (Wounded after Terror mission)
CPL Fridge "Fezzik" Largemeat - Rocketeer (Wounded after Terror mission)
Cpl Shekelberg "Yeti" Goldstein - Gunner (Wounded, again, after the terror mission)
SPEC Dan Kush - Medic (Fatigued)
CPL Pool's 'Saturn' Closed - Engineer (Fatigued)
LCPL Michael Gackson - Scout (Fatigued)
CPL Pomchii "Pomchii" Pomchii - Sniper (Fatigued)

Hello again Sup Forums, that retarded xcom commander here. These are my current Sup Forums troops (besides the ones who died) however, due to lack of proper fucking body armour , four have died already. This is very concerning to say the least, however I have come to ask for more recruits to aid me in my struggles of long war.

The first 24 posters shall be chosen as my recruits. Please give your first name, last name, and nickname. Worry not though, better armour has been researched, and hopefully you won't die as fast as the other four.

Silky "Big Penis" Johnson

Well, out of the twenty four, I'll make sure you're always given the best gear. Of course no one can have better gear than Fridge though.

James "Wyrd" Monroe
give him a psionic testing once you can.

You got it.

Jason "Apex" Fontaine

King "Memer" Pepe

Oh and if he isn't compatible, then just give him Neural Feedback gene mod if you can.

Dat ''Boii'' Frog



1st - Unless you want fucktard as your last name and nickname, please add them
2nd - It's long war, so be a little more specific, Gunner, or Rocketeer

Vance "General" Stubbs

Pan "McHam" Vinceman

Jon "Not-Gay" Estes

Totally not gay.

Randy Savage

Flex Plexico

Rockland Steele

Blizz Blizz Blizz

Erwin Rommel

The fact none of these have nicknames just makes me sad...

Tyrone "Nigger" Blackman

Jesus "Sandals" Christ

I'm glad that you've kept Dan Kush alive OP, and it's even better that he's a medic.

I'm trying to keep everyone alive, but of course it doesn't work sometimes. Like when Lars missed a fucking 90%. Hopefully Kush continues to live on, as well as the rest.

All shots are 50% or less, even 100%'s.

Titus "Bucket" McJongle

Halfway there already.

Ronald "Bitch" McDonald

Anton "Bizkit" Softcore

Erhard "Rykus" Sidonus

Severus "Slayer" Dantus

Mira "Dutchess" Lemartes

Deathlord "Haji" Gandhi

Due to name alone, I will make you the fucking greatest Gunner

Osama "Harambe" BinBombin

Zoey "autism" Kiirro

Bonesaw "Killer" McGraw

Hershel "Jewsy" Finklesteinbergowitz

Carl "Fatass" Brutananadilewski

Ivan "Gopnik" Ivanovsky

Have you done gangplank yet? That pre-activated cyberdisk is even more murder on long war than it is normally.

Sven "Skald" Nilsson
Make him a smoke focused medic.

No, I have not, and that sounds fucking brutal.

Timothy "The Cuckold" Periwinkle