/chess/ - who is the realest GOAT?

Also, at the diagram, after 1...Nf6, white missed an easy combination.

Can you find it user?

Posting some cute chess players as usual.


more intersted in yellow, knight takes bishop, pawn takes knight, bishop takes pawn -> check, king moves to corner, queen takes pawn, checkmate

nice one Canuckanon, but if queen takes pawn, then king (or knight) simply takes queen and white is roasted.

Tip: the solution is not a mate.

The other black knight would take the queen though.

I'd take the black bishop, lose the white bishop to a pawn, take the pawn with the knight and then the knight can take either the queen or rook, both of which would be a good exchange for White.


Wait, no! Move the other white bishop so it can take the rook. The rook has nowhere to go.

I'm sorry, I'll have to be an asshole and use chess notation to make sure it's all clear.

1. Bxe6 (White bishop takes the black bishop)
1...fxe6 (black pawn takes the white bishop)
2.Nxe6 (White knight takes the pawn at e6)

Black is forced to move his queen to save her.

The white knight then takes the black rook.

Sick puzzle

You should really have letters and numbers at the sides of the board in the picture so casuals like me know which square is e6 and which one is f5.

White mates in 4 (with letters, numbers and all)

you are right, the thing is the program I am using online does not have this, and I prefer not to take puzzles from well known databases.

Anyway, the next one is today's puzzle from gameknot and it has notation on the sides. All moves are checks.

Nc7, Ke4
Re1, Kf4
Nd5, Kg3

I don't even know if the letter I use are correct.

Nice one. But there are two problems.


1.Nc7, Ke4
2. Re1, Kf4 is not the best answer of black.
White can mate immediately with 3. Bh2.

Also Nc7, Ke4
Re1, Kf4
Nd5, Kg3
Re3 is not a mate because the black bishop at a7 takes the Rook.

>cute chess players
You have a really warped sense of cute, friendo

1.Nc7+ Ke4 2.Re1+ Be3 (..Kf4 Bh2#) 3.Rxe3+ Kf4 4. Ne6#

yep, that's it.

9 out of ten mate

I'd mate here

she's probably my fave

endgame time anons

Black has the advantage, as he has two pawns more. But white has a simple plan: play Rb6, followed by Rb8 and then promote the a column pawn.

What is black's best move?

My fav




he takes the pawn at e3 and also gets access to b3 stopping the white rook

>I rate Bobby Fischer

poker is more fun to play than chess desu

iirc Sup Forums's consensus is Tal


Is this nigga fucking serious?

Protip: White's rooks start at a1 and h1. Black's rooks start at a8 and h8. a1 and h8 are dark squares. This is standard algebraic notation that FIDE uses.

I'm sorry m8 but were you born fluent in algebraic notation?

When I first chanced upon algebraic notation I instantly understood by instinct how to read it, so possibly, yeah.

With that said, all you needs to know is in the first result of googling "algebraic notation".



more like pic related

a single i7 is a joke for massive calculations

I don't know much on this IndoAnon

but if I'm not mistaken even with a humble i7, a computer program can perform near GM level. By all means correct me if I'm wrong.


easy one here anons

white to move, find the mate

1. Bd4+ Rf2+ 2. Bxf2+ Kf1 3. Rh1#

Bishop to D4, check, forcing the black king into F1. Rook to H1, checkmate. Is that right? I don't know anything about chess, I'm just scrolling.

Flip the board over and ask for a re

that makes stalemate desu

How do I get good at chess?

Bear in mind I'm now 25 and haven't played at all since I was about 7. And I wasn't that great then.

lel no

She looks like a terrible chess player? Is she even 2K elo?

more or less yes, but if you look at the post above, black can delay mate by one move.
there are lots of applications for android and windows with problems to solve.

for windows, gameknot is p good and free.

she's a bit above 2k.


more like pic related

no need for full blown data centers to do calculations

last one before I go to sleep anons.
It's black's turn. If he played 1...exf6 the resulting game would be equal, as he would have eliminated the threat to his king.

Instead, Black played exf5? allowing white to launch an attack to the king. Find the continuation for white.

/tg/ is literally the worst board to talk about chess.

Windows 7 has a chess game on it along with things like Minesweeper and Solitaire. It's called Chess Titans, and I have played literally thousands of games on it, gradually increasing the difficulty setting. When I started I don't think I had ever won a game against a live human being, but now I crush all my fellow casuals.

I'm the guy from the above post who doesn't understand algebraic notation, though, so it's still not a perfect solution.

You mean Bxf6 right?

Anyway, Nd5 is it?

>Posting some cute chess players

Pic-related has helped me learn algebraic notation.


well, the bishop on e6 is hanging, if white plays Bxe6, if black follows with fxe6, then Nxe6 wins the rook. d5 also seems alright.


She's cute

Nd5 is not bad, but there is better.

Using the black squares basically.

red hair on the left is good indeed
Bxe6 is correct. Not so sure about d5.

Kasparov is the GOAT. Debate me.

Qh6 then? I can't find a continuation after that though.


Black can also play Kf7 after Qg6. Or if Black does play Rf7, Qxg6+ can be replied with Kf8.

Kf8 after Qg7?

Yeah I just noticed that
Trying to find a way through it now

After 1.Qh6 Rxf6 is prolly the best move although it also loses. (2.Kxh7 Kf8 3.exf6)

1...Rf7 2.Qxg6 Kf8 at least allows the black to continue the game, although he is clearly losing.

There is no checkmate in this position. I put the position into lichess engine. It gives advantage for white, but no immediate checkmates.

Black loses but there is no checkmate.

>losing a rook
>best move

Anyway, what about 1. Qh6 Kf7 2. Qxh7+ Ke8?


Yeah, but I just don't see White getting much of an advantage through this line either.


Is an knight a athlete ?

also, if I'm not mistaken Black loses his Queen.

1. Qh6 Kf7
2. Qxh7+ Ke8
3. Qxg6+Kd7
4.Bxe7 Qxe7(Ke7 is a mate in 2)
5. Rh7 and Black loses the Queen.

i posted this in your last thread, but it's the only chess image in my laptop so i'll guess i'll contribute

i was playing black in a simul against Veselin Topalov. It took me 50+ moves to barely squeeze a pawn and i punted it with ... d6.

in this position, white can play and secure a draw.

Only the black one.
White knights can't jump.


Fair enough, that's a pretty decisive advantage.

I had to check with an endgame database. Kc3 holds. You need to be incredible precise to not allow the black king to infiltrate but apparently it's possible.

I assume Topalov knew the theory and drew this?

I know how to move all the pieces is that enough to play chess??

Yes. It's not enough to play half-decently though.

it is enough to start. Maybe check out a few beginner videos on youtube.

Just play online, after like 3 losses you will be paired against people on your skill level.


reminder to watch cricket, the chess of field sports

What was his endgame?

This was my last game. He resigned. Was there really no way back from this? It was a pretty underwhelming end.

2 things:
1. I'm shit and I know it, I'm still learning
2. I was black so he moved first

no, he is completely lost. You're a whole Queen and a minor piece(Bishop/Knight) up.



Find the best move for the whites.

What is some essentiel chesskino on youtube of players sperging out/controversy etc?




Why? You'd sacrifice the bishop, right, because he'd no longer be protected by the King? Is this just to provoke a draw? It's not like white could still win in this position? (sorry I'm new to chess)

top kek

No. You will also need to know the en-passant move, and see it in action. If you know that, you also need to know castling, when you can and can't do it, and the fact that if your opponent can't make a legal move, it's not a win but a stalemate. There, now you know enough to play.

Queen is forced to take bishop and force a draw.