Anorexic thread

Anorexic thread

Have you overcome your anorexia?
I think I have it. Lost 15 kg in two month and have no appetite.
Looks similar to pic

Need help. It hurts my gf to see me deteriorate and fade away

Where the fuck is your compassion tonight, b?

Isn't my chocolate icecream appealing to you?

Smoke weed
Get munchies
Drive to a 24/7 gas station and load up on snacks.
Now go to the gym and use that newfound fat tissue to grow muscles.

That is your out OP. Your girlfriend will love your stronger physique, and you have your life back.

Never smoked cannabis and don't know where to get it. Talked a lot about cannabis with my gf though and she doesn't disagree anymore

get a good day routine
ensure good sleep
eat small but frequent meals
listen to your body
see a therapist
you have a loving gf, that is good, too
re -spect your life
eat good fats and good protein
do not drink with the meals
chew properly
take your time
increase calories slowly

Colleges is one place

cannabis and "munchies" are bullshit, no solution
figure out the underlying conflict
observe when you loose weight
get all of your organs checked out (this will take a lot of time)
if your stomach is acting up consider the opposite of what doctors tell you: not too much stomach acid, but too LITTLE (can also cause burping etc).
for compensation and short time use HCL acid tabs, but not for longer or your body will naturally decrease production even more.

CARE to change.

do not believe "genetics".

detox with chlorella and bentonit, zeolith
take good probiotics
get into constructive stress relief (not porn, no substance abuse, no distraction whatsoever)

Very unorganized, sorry, but this might help.

Lots of compassion.

Try not to loose more weight because it will be muscles, and muscles that are gone are not easily regained.

Gainign weight takes long and it should, if done properly.
About 2 to 3 kg a month if it is a good fundamental change.
get into an exercise routine which does not exceed in burning of cals to what you take in.

I don't believe in genetics mental shit.

Was born with a heart disease. Had surgery at age 5 now I'm adult and they did a routine check testing pressure in the heart chambers which damaged some nerves.
Always felt healthy. Done hardcore sports. Now I've got this pacemaker and is skinny as hell.

Doc fucked me up and I only got like 3000 $ as compensation

>weedfag from above here

What the guy above me said, much better advice than what I threw in. Weed works for me, but it might not work for you. Definitely get checked out.

I still stand by my gym statement though. Once you start getting weight back, invest in workout. Muscle tissue goes away last when your body is about to eat itself for energy, so get that back in check as soon as you (or your docter recommends) can.

Good luck OP.

300 $, sorry

I eat quite a lot of fruits oats and berries

>weedfag again

crap, I posted too soon. Ah you do sports. Hardcore enough for weigh-in issues with competitions? I might be way off, but there is the possibility that you might have trained your metabolism to the point of fitting in featherweight class then.

I am
>the guy above
and you are also right.
I wouldn't say working out solves everything and you need the fundament of sleep and nutrition to begin with, maybe gain a couple pounds before starting, then increase activity and nutrition.
So I basically agree.

Ok, so there are some complications going on I can't talk about, because I am not in knowledge.
What I ment with genetics was not to marginalize any problems you have but to empower you to change because too often it is that genetics only loads the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger. will changes the direction of aim.

>weedfag here
I'ma leave this up to you, as you have way more experience with things like this. Thanks for contributing dude/dudette

At least you aint a fat smelly fuck

not too much fruit though right, it can make the intestine more permeable and prevent optimal digestion in the lower intestine.
also stack up on calories, good fats, fish. oat sounds good.
additionally: be careful with mixers. it sounds good because you can take in more calories, and it's faster and easier, but your body will still have to digest it, and you bypass chewing. just saying because it's often recomended. I do it too, in the morning, but only once a day.
last tip from me:
don't make it too complicated with what you eat, your stomach will thank you.
there is so much shit and finetuning regarding nutrition floating around... just make sure it fits to you and you are concsious about it.

You thought about other substrates your illness? HCV? Lyme disease and many others starts by a lack of appetite and loss of weight, anorexia begins rather disgust for eating and mental health problems than from a sudden loss of appetite, check yourself,

Have you tried eating more than two pieces of toast, a can of red bull and smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day?

I'm not smoking. Tried to live healthy for past 10 years. Sometimes I have a can of vanilla coke

My gf started cook fish. I like that. A bit salty sometimes but is salt bad when you're way underweight?