Axe attack on German train

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More than 20 people in Germany have been injured after a man with an axe went on the rampage on a train, German media report.
A police operation including a helicopter is under way in Heidingsfeld, a part of the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany.
Details are scant and contradictory at this stage but some local media (in German) are reporting 21 casualties.

Some of the victims' injuries are thought to be life-threatening.
The German news agency DPA said police would not comment on reports in the German press that the suspect had been shot.

Bump for interest, also I wonder what his religion will be.....


Oh yeah? Axe wounds are life threatening? Noted.

No doubt it will be the religion of peace

Not if it's just a toe


It's.. uh... not a Muslim guys... like cmon we all know you stop being a Muslim once you kill somebody.

Like c'mon the only logical conclusion is a white guy since they are the evil of the world... guys?

This was also my thought



Bavaria authorities say the attacker has been identified as a 17 year old man from Afghanistan

dubs tell no lies.


>he smoked and drank, he wasnt a real muslim
>he only followed the bad parts of the koran, he wasnt a real muslim
>he took an unorthodox literal translation, he wasnt a real muslim
>he loved pork, he wasnt a real muslim
>he shave his beard, he wasnt a real muslim
>he hurt the trees, he wasnt a real muslim
>he hurt other muslims, he wasnt a real muslim

>refugees welcomed
>multiculturalism is great
>don't play to the logic and truth with facts^tfw

So white people live in Afghanistan

>was a 17 y o Afghan guy

at least 4 people have been injured and a total of 14 people are unharmed but in shock, the motive is unclear

>The motive is unclear

Deep down inside we all know.

reports that the attacker was armed with Cutting and stabbing weapons, massive police response

>didn't read article

How does one faggot on a train hit 20 people with an axe? A train is a confined area and an axe needs a lot of space to swing. They should have closed in and dog piled him while he was attacking the first couple of idiots.

17yr old wanted to be with the virgins

>Germans doing ANYTHING to defend themselves?

Those days are long over. They are pussified cucks now, I wouldn't even be surprised if they died with a smile on their face knowing they were blessed by the axe held by a Muslim and not being called a racist.

religion of peace strikes again

a man before his time

It's high time we banned axe

It was probably a hatchet or hand axe. A full size woodcutters' ace would have likely been stopped and questioned as that's quite a bit more alarming

Only a dead German is a good German.

I am living in Germany and leeching, but luckily enough I am not a stupid German potato.

Proud to be an East Asian.

Good point


This is just another case of Axe violence. There are too may axes in this world and there is no reason an individual would need to have the same axe chopping power as the police or the military. It's time for common sense axe laws and an end to easy availability of axes. We need to act now!


We need an assault axes ban.

Are you saying Axe is not Axe?

Aber auf Staatskosten studieren und von den Sozialkassen abkassieren.
Bravo, du Spast.

I'm saying we need background checks and axe free zones. I'm saying that no one legitimately needs access to wield such chopping power.

Yeah man, with an axe it's actually surprising when it's not life threatening. I guess the dude should've bumped up his axe skills a little before going on a rampage.

I mean the smoking, drinking, and pork eating stuff is kinda true and makes me wonder. Like why would a radical want to get into heaven unclean?! Like wtf does no one on Sup Forums believe in false flag conspiracy anymore this is not the Sup Forums I knew and loved.

My view of axes is simple. I hate axes and I cannot imagine why anyone would want to own one. If I had my way, axes for sport would be registered, and all other axes would be banned.

this lady looks familiar...

Na, blutet schon dein Arsch?

Wenn nicht, dann wird er das bald, Kartoffel.

Euer Untergang ist in Stein gemeißelt.

>he's a muslim so I can be an asshole and there are no other problems because Islam.

You don't need false flags when you have Muslims. Ever notice how many of each other they kill in their native environments?

because, Axe is Axe, you know?

my view is simpler, you are trying to hard

That's stand up comic material.

I wonder what had happened if the guy had a pistol instead of an axe...

I don't care if you want to chop wood, I don't care if you think it's your right. I say 'Sorry.' it's 2016. We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a axe, and if you do own a axe I think you should go to prison.

Fucking jugglos

Kek will be pleased. more fuel for the big happening.

The dude was Afghan, so it's prerry straightforward..

>trying to hard.
Oh no good sir. this is just desert.

Thats Deborah Prothrow-Stith (Dean of Harvard School of Public Health)

Its always happening somewhere faggot

Würd mich ankotzen wenn ich nen Reisfresser aus nem Entwicklungsland wäre.
Kein Wunder dass ihr alle aus eurem Scheißloch flüchtet.

Nothing to see here. Just a crazed gunman using an axe.

This is why we need gun control.

So now we have to
>ban guns
>ban trucks
>ban axes
>Blame whites

He also had a knife

>Blame Trump


Almost there
>blame Fox News

Here's another sauce:

no no nonono! ALWAYS blame 9gag

Blame ISIS and be thankful that this crazy fuck did not have a gun like in Orlando.

>using an axe


This pleases Axe

If others had axes this could have been prevented.

Too bad he didn't have a truck like in Nice. He wouldn't have been able to get it on the train, so no one would have been hurt.


>including a helicopter


Yes. That is what gun control does: the best they had to attack is a truck and fake weapons. If the french police weren't absolutely useless, they could have stopped the truck without many problems (seriously, they fucked pretty bad. The truck should not have passed any security control).



Agagagaga, wie niedlich, eine aufgewühlte Kartoffel.
Geh schlafen, denn Mehmet wartet nicht gerne.

Ihr seid Verlierer erster Güte.


More people died in the Nice "Truck Attack" than people in Orlando's "gun attack".

So your point has been derailed.

>An attack happens in some country
Every fucking time

Germany is such a bunch of pathetic fucking cucks man, holy fucking shit. They even got anti-Nazi skinheads.

And no people have died in the axe attack. And you have not counted the other attacks by guns (terrorists and US crazy people).

That's not a knife. It's a spoon

>implying guns are the problem.

If they don't use guns, they'll use trucks
if they don't use trucks, they'll use airplanes.
if they don't use airplanes, they'll use bombs
if they don't use bombs, they'll use axes

The pattern isn't about guns or any other choice of weapon. The common factor here is Islamic terrorists.

Guns are not the problem, Islamic terrorism is.

what happened?
>Axe happened

Then you're lucky that the kid was a door knob and unable to carry out is mission of destruction effectively.

bombs are banned user

And you cant stop an ideology with weapons either

tell that to Ahmed.


Must have been a Muslim Dwarf. Only those little fuckers know how to fight in an enclosed confined area with an axe, being subterranean cavern dwellers.

This guy gets it

And checked

>If the french police weren't absolutely useless
Hey Pierre, zis guy sayz he haz zee ice cream.
O Francois, let zee man zrough. He iz juzt zee freindly and zee peazful mozelem. What could go wrong?

1. I prefer they use axes to guns.
2. The common pattern is guns by one side (how many shootings have you had in US that were not by terrorists? How many people is police killing because they can't risk it if the guy has a gun?) and in the other side islamic terrorism, of course. But with gun control, the best thing that terrorists can use is a truck (only effective because frenchies are stupid) or an axe (as shown today, not very effective). And you almost remove the shootings by crazy, non-terrorist people (how many shootings have occurred in europe? How many in EU?).

It's easier to kill with a gun than with an axe, but whatever.

>cant stop an ideology with weapons either
like the nazis? pretty sure they are significantly less active these days than they were say during the 40's.

euro fags cant attack a rapefugee

they are white and defending yourself against a shit skin is the worst of all racial crimes.

im livivng in würzburg :D

Love it

>How many people is police killing because they can't risk it if the guy has a gun
if the dead guy had used a little sense and complied, he would not be dead. I've had to appraise the trooper that I'm armed, and because I kept my hands in plain site and moved slowly and complied with the office I am not dead.