ITT: Sup Forums in 700BC

ITT: Sup Forums in 700BC

Going to migrate to the Middle East or China lads, fuck this backwards shithole

Feels good being an independent Gaelic kingdom.
Sure hope nothing ever changes that.


Iriquois Tribe invade our land. Must fight to keep our land

Still fishing and eating bananas as usual


this thread is stupid because everyone knows computers didnt even exist 700 BC.

>eating bananas
>South America
>700 BC
I'm the kind of Jared Diamond reading fedora that gets extremely triggered by anachronistic banana usage

>Look at how smart I am because I read the book of a meme historian :DDD


I guess we're eating cassavas then.

I didn't know bananers only got here in 16th century

Tungiahteieta terretiperret
Iam nie Ilir duie vi na Yllliria

So... do I act like a native American or my distant ancestors in Jutland?

Οι Τρώες έχουν απαγάγει ένα λιτό βασίλισσα. Αυτό είναι τι συμβαίνει όταν αναμιγνύετε πολιτισμούς. Είναι λάθος.

>Wish I was born a Hindu Brahmin in India

(((kλέβουν))) τις γυναίkες μας

Hello just looking for my way to the italian peninsula, don't ask why, we're just urrrr... visiting

न त्वेवाहं जातु नासं न त्वं नेमे जनाधिपाः।

न चैव न भविष्यामः सर्वे वयमतः परम्।

ooga booga where dem chink womminz at

देहिनोऽस्मिन्यथा देहे कौमारं यौवनं जरा।

तथा देहान्तरप्राप्तिर्धीरस्तत्र न मुह्यति।

>ITT people misunderstand 700 BC

>no one quoting the Upanishads

how much more plebian can one get!


>British monks keep teaching us to read when we kidnap them
for FUCK'S sake

DELET. nothing happened in Egypt before Islam.

>British monks

That village up the road that got started a few years ago, "Rome" I think they call it -- do you think it will ever amount to anything?

m8 neither britain, nor christianity existed in 700 BC

>implying the ancient egyptians weren't muslim
that's a bit islamophobic lad

we wuz scythians n shiet
>inb4 we wuz sarmats poles

same here

also brb colonizing the coastal regions of Alba and Eire

the druids read from the scream and entrails of my enemy that the weather will be just right for crossing the channel

I'm trying to invent the first slavic club!