Get to rolling you fucking goyim

get to rolling you fucking goyim

Kim Jong Un is assasinated by his bastard son. DPRK crumbles. Is now an extension of South Korea making it The Democratic Empire of Korea.

all niggers are eradicated

Sup Forums gets deleted

Trump starts a nuclear war with China, again.

Donald Trump dies in a gay orgy

OP admits being a faggot


Kek, roll.

Anime becomes real

Leaked nudes of Vladimir Putin and his tiny cock

Roll for 2023

every weeaboo on the planet gets killed and anime gets banned

Just rolling for a year





The South rises again

Roll for this

france is blown up by farage with the help of refugees

America finally puts boots on the ground and invades the middle east, plowing over any resistant muslim that wont conform

We embrace virtual reality and leave the real world



Everybody who follows Islam dies


We all dead U_U


´Murica disolves in 23 diferents independents states

Mexico builds a tunnel under Trump's Wall



memes are outlawed

tfw your dubs are one off


The LEGO Group buys Denmark and replaces people with minifigures.

Every guy's ballsacks get sewed together


anime is declared an official disease

Donald Trump becomes supreme leader of the galaxy

2050 confirmed.

Humanity achieves FTL travel

Roll. This happens.

2041 confirmed

WW3 happens with God-Emperor Trump leading the US and her allies to a glorious victory

The nation of Israel is realized to be the antichrist....

The white race dies out

memes are eradicated

Terrorism attack in Madrid

Sony stops using linux for the PS4.

C'mon baby

/r/Sup Forums gets closed down.

Synths are a reality

The South takes over the North

Baby I love you so much, rolling.

The Elder Scrolls VI: Elsweyr is released


Race War in the US



Half Life 3 episode 4 is released

PCMR dies out after Gabe released Vapor, an alternative to steam.

my dick wins a nobel price

Please win.




Half life 3 confirmed

Trump gasses anything on the wrong side of the wall

Trump be praised

"Kek" is introduced to dictionaries


OP gets laid for first time

Aliens land on Earth but dies (aids).



TempleOS is the new windows

MT rushmore explodes

OP comes out of the closet, only to find out no one else cares.

Plox plox plox.

goodbye america

The earth is cleansed of the jew.

Fucking hell. Roll.

Apple releases the iTumblr, a worldwide super computer which kills people for using problematic words.


Africa takes over as the world super power


This guy declares as faggot

Hillary clinton becomes president


Race war begins, as the Gooks side with the crackers and kikes, and the latinos side with the blacks

Clint Eastwood win his seventh Oscar

Post-race war utopia, niggers extinct, no crime.
Except Tyrone McKFC is the only nigger left, gives everyone AIDS.

Caitlin Jenner leads a military coupe against trump and is successful, later assassinated by the the LGBT in the following months


Social justice is declared a hate movement.

We kill all the niggers

America oficialy becomes a part of Mexico.

Sup Forums has become sentient and now seeks out the most evil being on earth and shows him cat videos